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Sr. Joanna (Pam Wayland) Washington

From: Originally Baltimore

Time: 1999-02-25 14:50:39

Comments: Joined the Order in 72 in St. Pete, FL, took care of the Beale kids - worked on the "outside" too, met

M.Isjesian, Shipped off to the Mary House after final vows. worked as a nurses aide, while Mother Marian was there.

Master Elonia replaced M.M. and planned a Savannah, GA mission for me and Sr. Anne?. I prayed real hard that night to be

sent WEST, not south! To my surprise Master Raeson called from headquarters saying he had chosen me from a bunch of

files, and he needed me to go to Cheyenne, thus I was saved. By the grace of God I was sent to the Discipleship program in

WY to be Father Bartholomew Esposito's secretary, still as an Immaculate Heart Sister of Mary. Rev. B. Teitelbaum was just

replacing the Duffords there. I enjoyed the west, but I needed some private time, never really adjusted well to communal

life...turned into an introvert, so I split in 1976, after 4 years. Like many of you, it was quite an adjustment here on the

"outside" - some guilt and fear, but then basically came around to finding myself again and enjoying this gift of life thanks to the

love of Christ. I'd enjoy hearing from brothers and sisters. For those who remember me as the quiet one, I've come out of my

shell and would like to talk (smile). Light, life and love.