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From: Eugene, OR.

Time: 1998-07-07 21:26:26

Comments: I joined the Order in May, 1969 in S.F. In Nov. I was sent to Hawaii with Master(?) Raoul,(Eric Fuchs), where he was to start a new center. Terrell and I were good friends 2 years before this, but had lost touch. I ran into Terrell in HI. and he joined the Order. I left a year later,but reentered in S.F. after about 2 months.I was head cook at 20 Steiner for some time and also did time at the Filmore House. Iwas sent on mission to Nashville, TN., where Terrell, (who had left the Order for some time), hooked up with me. We traipsed off to New Orleans, (April 1974) and I never went back in the Order,although I was married at the Christian Community in S.F. A lot has happened since then, mostly wild , reckless living and a lot of confusion. I divorced my 2nd wife 2 years ago, she moved to Hawaii, and I am currently raising our daughter,Sephera 17, and our son, Cheyne 13. There's much more to tell, and at least as much that is better left unsaid. P.S. I'd like to contact Caroline Clark.