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Holy Order of MANS -HOOM - HOM) Holy Order of Mans, HOOM,20 Steiner Street ,new age groups,astrology,nut cases, randy dandurand, Earl Blighton,Mother Ruth Blighton,Matthew Lippe, Martha Morabito,John Clark,divine illumination,self-realization,Master Timothy,Master J, Masterbaters, Frank Mills,john grunhard,Dave Cohoe,Christ the Savior Brotherhood,Blessed John the Wonder worker Orthodox Church, Rev. Jacob Myer,Greek Orthodox bishop of Vasiloupolis,Curtis Byington, Pete Woodhead,Nicole Lambert,Timothy Cowan, Brother Arthur Adsit, David Allen Chez,Masters into Best Path,Christian Cults,Esoteric Orders,Secret Societies,Syracuse New York, 20 Steiner Street, Terrell Neuage, Father Paul, Paul Blighton,Daniel Busnell,Randy Dandurand,Golden Dawn,Christ the Savior Brotherhood,Raphael House of Portland,Holy Order of MANS (HOM),HOM,Christ the Saviour Brotherhood </head>

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contact Myanmar 2014

Blog updated February 15, 2014  K - 12 technology (updated February 04, 2014). Travel Site (2014) updated February 15, 2014. Videos/Blogs on Youtube, Twitter, Wordpress, Photo albums. Updated 15 Second Street, Round Lake, New York and photos from parent's 1943 wedding as well as Leigh's page. Farmville page updated Thursday, March 17, 2011 5:58 PM. updated February 11, 2014 10:31 PM updated February 05, 2014 7:21 PM.    Resume updated February 05, 2014  

Technology Coordinator and Computer Teacher at Dalian American International School, 2 Dianchi Road, Golden Pebble Beach, Dealian Development Area 116650 P.R. China        

Blog updatedIntegrating Technology Blog February 10, 2014.  also: and/or

Today working on picture poem links starting around "better" (February 14, 2014). Picture poems are the digital format of work I did as a street artist in New Orleans in the 1970s, as well as New York City, Honolulu, San Francisco and Adelaide South Australia.

Terrell_Neuage's items Go to Terrell_Neuage's photostream
Follow @neuage

Our current life with Covid as of 09 March 2021

#Daily Thoughts 09 March 2021

BLOG Darwin 04 March 2021
how we see the world today 01 March 2021 (Goodbye Darwin)

youtube videos 25 February 2021 (Darwin Street Art)

video - (ties in isolation)

previous youtube channel (stories prior to 2013)

#Thoughts in Quarantine Images: updated 15 October/2020 Twitter ~ Tumblr ~ Pinterest ~ linkedin ~ Flickr (2020) / Flickr (pre-2019)
Behance Project - Thoughts in Semi-Isolation June 2020
Thoughts in Isolation May, April [Adelaide, South Australia], March [The Netherlands], February [Holland], January