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Jonathan David Linneman

email -

From: Lk. Oswego Oregon

Time: 1998-09-07 02:30:04

Comments: Hi everyone, It is good to hear from you. Even those I did not know. I was one of the first order Priest no. 10 from 1968 to 1978. Since then I have been married to a sister Jennifer Coffield with a son John U Linneman. I have divorced and now live in Lk Oswego Or. One thing that has help me immensely through all this is A Course In Miracles. It help put into perspective all of my experiences of a spiritual nature for Me. It gave me a language that I could use to explaing in this world. I have used it for 15 years along with meditation and channeling. I do believe there is a shift taking place for all of us and on a world scale. Everything is true as far as all the spiritual experiences we had the illumination the Self Realizatioin etc.None of that can be taken away form us that was our spiritual birthright to experience and at some point to manefest fully on earth. I never joined the Orthodoxy, but I did join AA, NA for awhile. It was a turning point in my life. I had to become sober clean & sober. (I am now 15 years sober) I do not take a drink. I am vegetarian too. I still have an ego to deal with but I am okay. I do attend services at the Science of Man in Portland for the communion, but I have not joined their organization. There are many of you I would love to hear from. Email me. if you like. I have been through many experiences in my life time as I am sure you have too . One thing I do believe is that we can't do it alone, but I am still here to Wake Up.

God bless all of you In the Christ.
