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Hanson in Pittsburgh - August 27, 1998

Finally after wishing and hoping for months to see Hanson perform live my day had come!  I will say this up front...this was the most fun I have ever had at a concert and it was everything I had hoped for and then some!

The guys looked fantastic.  Isaac had on brown leather pants, a light brown metallic shirt over a black tee shirt.  Zac was wearing orange  pants and a navy blue or black long sleeve tee shirt.  Taylor had on black pants and that great looking red velvet shirt from the 10 Spot over a white tee shirt.  All three had there hair down, but Isaac pulled his back later.

Hanson did a great job on every song. They have a way of not only singing and playing with every ounce of their talent but with heart and passion as well.  There were a few mix ups and technical difficulties, but the most noticeable was on "Weird".  Taylor started playing, then
stopped.  He leaned down and glanced under the keyboard and even ran his hand under it.  My guess is to look for anything that might have come unplugged.  He tried again with the same results, there were keys that just didn't seem to be working on the piano part of the keyboard.
Taylor looked over at Isaac who announced they would then play "Sometimes".  I love the way they are playing this song in concert!

After the stage had been transformed into the 3 Car Garage set, the guys came running out.  Isaac and Taylor had removed their outer shirts backstage.  Taylor and Zac shook hands with the fans up front and poured their water on them while Isaac got his guitar ready.  The acoustic set
was one of my favorite parts of the concert because I could easily hear their beautiful voices.  I love the way their voices blend in such perfect harmony.  When the guys were playing at the other set (the towers) Isaac's mike was easy to hear but Taylor and Zac were a little bit muffled.  I thought that Hanson did an outstanding job on "Money".  "Stories" was even more wonderful with Taylor's lower voice, "Madeline" as usual sounded great.  "With You In Your Dreams" was sung with such soul and passion that it sent chills through me, especially at the end when Taylor sang acapella.  It brought tears to my eyes.  And "More Than Anything" is such a romantic song which was beautifully performed by Isaac.

The stage was put back to it's original towers and lights set, which I really liked.  Hanson performed more covers and originals, they were really rocking the Civic Arena!  In between they talked about the Live album and MOE, Zac was extremely playful and was running out to the
front of the stage several times kicking beach balls, super-soaking the fans, handing out drumsticks, and gathering gifts this caused all the fans to scream so loud that his brothers could not finish talking.

All three showed superior musical ability.  Isaac is quite a master on the guitar.  Zac is a fantastic drummer and I loved those colorful drumsticks.  And Taylor is always awesome on the keyboard but I was amazed at how well he can play the drums!

Unfortunately, I had to leave before the encore because my daughter was not feeling well so that was all that I got to see.  I would never have thought it was possible  but I actually have more love, respect, and admiration for Hanson now then I did before.  I am in awe of those three
very talented and gifted young men!  All I can say is - Thank you, Hanson!

(Harmony, PA)