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The Pine Knob Music Theater June 29th 1998

This is my review of the concert at the Pine Knob Music Theater on June 29th 1998

June 29th was one of the best days of my life. I was going to see Hanson at Pine Knob Music Theater. My day got up to a rough start. I woke up with a fever and a very bad headache. My mom made me stay in bed until it was time to go tho the concert. I felt much better when my dad said it was time to leave. At 4:30 pm me , my friends Sarah, and Heather, my brother and my dad packed up the car and hit the rode. We had to make a few stops on the way. We had to drop off my brother Alex at his soccer game and go and pick up my mom at work. After we picked up my mom we all stop at McDonalds to get a quick bit to eat. My friends and I all got Happy Meals because we were to excited to eat. When we got to the border we had to make one more stop to exchange our money. We finally got on the road for our 30 min drive to Pine Knob. On the way there we had Middle of Nowhere blasting. We were making a lot of friends on the highway. Each time a car would pass us or we would pass them we would all wave. It was really cool. When we got there around 6:15 pm my dad parked the car and my mom my friends and I stood in line to get into the theater. My dad was just going to hang around until the concert was over. The line was moving pretty fast. While we were waiting I started to panick because I did not no what to do if they caught me with a camera so I just hid it inside of my sweatshirt which was inside my backpack. I did all that worrying for nothing because they did not even check my bag. We got settled into our seats my friends and I went exploring but as soon as we heard screaming we would run back to our spots. Before any of the show started there was these cameras going around and we got on. We were not hard to see because I was wearing a yellow tilly hat and my friend Heather was wearing a lime green one. When the opening band came on everyone was dancing. After the first few song there were only a few people left dancing. When the Admiral Twin left the stage workers came on and started to set everything up. That is when the really screaming began. They took about 20 min to set up everything. At about 8:30 pm a big curtun droped and there was HANSON. With Zac looking as cute as ever. They opened ith the song Gimmie Some Lovin", then they sang Thinking of you, Where's the Love, River, Weird, and Sometimes. When they were done that song they went backstage and they changed the background to look like a living room. They play the next set with Isaac sitting on a stool thingy with an acoustic guitar, Zac sitting behind his drums with his plum shakers, and Tay on a stool behind his keyboards. They sang ( sorry they are not in order) Stories, and Madeline acoustic, and With You in Your Dreams and Soldier with Zac on his drums. After Soldier Zac and Tay left and Isaac went over to Tays keyboards to sing a solo called More Then Anything. I never realized how good Isaac's voice was. I knew that he was a good singer but I never knew he was this good. After Ike's solo Zac and Tay came back on stage to sing Speechless was was much faster then on Middle of Nowhere. They also sang I Will Come to You, A Minute Without You ( they dedicated it to all the fans that had lawn seats), Good Lovin' ( a very cool oldie. Me and my friend Sarah knew all the word!!) MMMBop( everyone knew that MMMBop was next because they brought out Taylor's conga drums) Man From Milwaukee, Look At You, Summertime Blues( another cool oldie) During this song Taylor walked up and down the stage pointing the microphone to different sections having them sing Well There Ain't No Cure For The Summer Time Blues. While they were introducing the back up band Taylor took over the drums and Zac squired the crowd with Super Soakers. Hanson left the stage after this set. Everyone was yelling and screaming We Want Hanson so Zac goes "You Want Us To Come Back" and everyone was like yes so they came back on and sang Weird acappella. Right before they sang acapella my camera's batteries ran out so I did not get any pictures of that song. I took two roles of film and should have the picture up soon. When we left we met my dad and he said he had a fun time waiting. He got a picture of Hanson's tour bus, he met up with one of his friends who is a photographer of the news paper and he said he could give us the negatives of the pic's he took backstage, and my dad also taked to one of the bodygards about Hanson's parents. The badygard told my dad that they were very nice people but very firm with the boys. After the show stared they were selling tickets for only $10.00 but you would be at the very very back and would not beable to see anything. I got a few things at the souviner shop. I got a Albertain tour shirt that is white and Zac has on a brown cord tilly hat tay is in a blue jacket thing and Ike in a brown jacket and a blue shirt with a stirp under the jacket. I also go a bigger then life poster with the same picture as the shirt, a tour book a keychain and a pack of 4 stickers. Oh ya during the show I got this green glow in the dark thing that you swing around. As we were driving home you could see all of those glow in the dark things being swung around in the car. We got home around 12:00-12:30 am. It was the best and I hope I can see them again somtime

By Kaitlyn Denonville(owner of this page)

