About Dating


This is some funny stuff about dating.  I have been collecting these from the Internet and from friends. If you have more of these, please send them to me at TRANSYS@HOTMAIL.COM ...Hope you like it!!!
It contains lots of "VULGAR" stuff. If you do not like VULGAR stuff please DO NOT browse the page, and If you read please DO NOT judge me in any way.. These are not "my jokes" .











Dear Tech Support,

Last year I upgraded from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0 and noticed that the new program began unexpected child processing that took up a lot of space and valuable resources. No mention of this phenomenon was included in the product brochure. In addition, Wife 1.0 installs itself into all other programs and launches during system initialization, where it monitors all other system activity. Applications such as Poker night 10.3, Drunken Boys Night 2.5 and Saturday Football 5.0 no longer run, crashing the system whenever selected. I cannot seem to keep Wife 1.0 in the background while attempting to run some of my other favorite applications. I am thinking about going back to Girlfriend 7.0, but uninstall does not work on this program. Can you help me, please? Otherwise, I'm in a spot,

Thanks Joe

Dear Spotted Joe

This is very common problem men complain about but is mostly due to a primary misconception. Many people upgrade from Girlfriend7.0 to Wife 1.0 with the idea that Wife 1.0 is merely a "UTILITIES & ENTERTAINMENT" program. Wife 1.0 is an OPERATING SYSTEM and designed by its creator to run everything. It is unlikely you would be able to purge Wife 1.0 and still convert back to Girlfriend 7.0. Hidden operating files within your system would cause Girlfriend 7.0 to emulate Wife 1.0 so nothing is gained. It is impossible to uninstall, delete, or purge the program files from the system once installed. You cannot go back to Girlfriend 7.0 because Wife 1.0 is not designed to do this. Some have tried to install Girlfriend 8.0 or Wife 2.0 but end up with more problems than the original system. I recommend you keep wife 1.0 and just deal with the situation. Having Wife 1.0 installed myself, I might also suggest you read the entire section regarding General Partnership Faults (GPFs). You must assume all responsibility for faults and problems that might occur, regardless of their cause. The best course of action will be to enter the command C:\APOLOGIZE. In any case avoid excessive use of the "Esc" key because ultimately you will have to give the APOLOGIZE command before the operating system will return to normal. The system will run smooth as long as you take the blame for all the GPFs. Wife 1.0 is a great program, but very high maintenance.

Consider buying addition software to improve the performance of Wife 1.0. I recommend Flowers 2.1, Flowers 2.2, Big Flowers 2.3 and Chocolates 5.0. Do not, under any circumstances, install Secretary With Short Skirt 3.3. This is not a supported application for Wife 1.0 and is likely to cause irreversible damage to the operating system.

Best of luck. Tech Support

TEN DATING RESOLUTIONS (An article from MSN)    Top

1. Go out with a loser
You know, the guy your optometrist/Aunt Mabel/a colleague at work is always trying to foist off on you? At best, the date may surprise you by not being half bad. At worst, an evening with an obnoxious, smelly pessimist puts a whole new perspective on dinner with a pleasant, if not perfect, companion.

2. Connect with a new dating prospect
It could be someone from the office, someone you've seen at your coffee place, or the person sitting in the next chair when you get a haircut. Start a conversation. Don't stop until you've got a phone number.

3. Throw a singles party
Invite all the married people you know for hors d'oeuvres, but tell them that they can't enter unless accompanied by an eligible friend. You'll meet lots of unattached dating prospects, and so will they.

4. Go fantasy house hunting
Sign up with a broker to see the most expensive manse in the area. You may not be able to afford it now, but it's sure to trigger a "Where will we be in 30 years?" conversation. If your honey is reluctant to commit, it's the perfect opportunity to role-play a continuing relationship.

5. Take more pictures
You may not remember the good times with your dates, or even their names, unless you document the events. Think back to all the gaps in the family album and the snapshots of strangers whose identities are unknown. Take a disposable camera on each date, like the ones on tables at weddings.

6. Smile
Nothing says I'm interested like flashing the pearly whites. You don't want to appear perpetually high on the latest happy drug, but you don't want to walk around with a frown on your face. A furrowed brow announces that you've got problems, and no one wants to take on yours before they've even met you.

7. Say good-bye
If you are stuck in a relationship going nowhere, you're expending all your energy on treading water. You're not going to find the real romantic McCoy unless you're truly available. So dump the dud who's kept you off the market. Without a fallback, you can re-enter the mating game with renewed vigor.

8. Take advantage of the new technology
You wouldn't do your taxes without a calculator, or keep in touch with distant friends without email. So why aren't you using an online dating service? You can customize your profile to reflect your interests and pick and choose from the prospective matches who see your ad.

9. Go for the gold
Don't settle for second best. If he doesn't make your heart flutter, if she doesn't leave you breathless every time you see her, then keep looking.

10. Deliver an ultimatum
Sometimes you find the perfect person at the wrong time. If marriage is what you want, and he or she isn't ready, set a date. Either they agree to make it legal, or you have to let go and look for another.



How To Date An ARIES FEMALE March 21-April 20

If you are dating an Aries female, take her out to the shooting range. Bring an extra gun for her to shoot with you. (She is capable of shooting at you, if you rile her anger.) Wear tight jeans, a red shirt and look manly. Pick her up on your Harley Davidson , but remind her you have a private race car collection. Be Macho! Do not talk about old girlfriends! Aries females must be the only one. Cooking isn't her goal in life, but adventure will get her attention! Don't be a pushover, she'll lose interest, and look for another challenge. Tell her she is really cool, and the most fun and exciting woman you were ever with. (This will probably not be a lie.) She values honesty, don't fabricate! Be careful though, if this Aries female really likes you, she'll chase you until she can propose to you. Aries females means business and are not recommended for timid men!

How To Date An ARIES MALE March 21-April 20

If you are dating an Aries male, allow him to decide where to go and what to do. Let him know that you have never dated a man with such confidence and brains. You can be the dumb blonde with this guy, he'll save you. If you are out with him and you flirt with someone else, be prepared to call a cab to get home. Aries males do like skin and cleavage, Therefore, you could win him back. It will not work a second time. He can argue with you, and when you think you have won, he will still do it his way. He wants to chase you, so let him do the calling and guesswork. Don't tell him you love him, until he proposes. To catch this hot-blooded Aries man, give the Ram his head and follow his lead. Everyday is an adventure to an Aries male, marriage is also. Rest up!

How to Date A TAURUS FEMALE April 21-May 21

If you are dating a Taurus female, take her to an expensive steak house, rub on your soft musk, wear your corporate suit, and arrive in your four-door sedan. If it is paid for, you may drop that subtlety in your conversation during dinner. Taurus females prefer tender hugs and quiet candle- light dinners at home, prepared by you. She'll return the love by cooking for you at her home. When mentioning the house you would like to build, make sure you tell her about the large wooded lot with room for kids and dogs. If you are serious about her, let her know that it wouldn't be complete without a woman's touch. She will interpret your comment and hint about a cute little 20 carat diamond she spotted at the mall. Taurus females are warm and loving! (Unless you make her mad or jealous. Don't tell her you spent your rent money to buy drugs.) Taurus Females are security minded, and will stick by you!

How to Date A TAURUS MALE April 21-May 21
If you are dating a Taurus male, be prepared to watch lots of movies at his home. His dog will eventually accept the two of you being together. A real treat will be when he takes you out to dinner to a four star restaurant. Taurus males will think you look great in forest green, however, they like nudity above all. Taurus males have the cuddly teddy bear approach to love. He will certainly have his arm around you, during the movies. If you want to win his heart, get him a cold beer without him asking you. He will of course, apologize for his messy home. He would know he had your love, if you surprised him by cleaning it up, and making the chili when he entertains his friends for Monday night football. He likes to take his own sweet time, so don't push him. He is the marrying kind. Visualize Mr. Taurus, watching television from his recliner, dog at his feet, a child under each arm, complete with TV guide and beer can pyramid.

How To Date A GEMINI FEMALE May 22-June 21 If you are dating a Gemini female, arrive on your mountain bike built for two. Ask her if she would like to ride over to the bar, and shoot a game of pool, because a lot of your buddies hang out there and they are fun! If that doesn't work, then suggest skating, a coffee house, or hanging out at the bookstore. Wear casual clothes and be prepared to talk a lot. Talk about the fascinating people you know, the intellectual types preferably. Tell her about the book you are going to write. Have some original thoughts and be inventive. Creativity ranks high on your Gemini females list. You'll never know what she is thinking. She is full of surprises. You can take her to the neighborhood dive bar, or to the governor's Ball. She won't embarrass you. You can find out what she really thinks of you by locating her journal, where all her secrets are kept. Gemini females are not tidy, so it should be lying around in plain sight. There's lots of time before an engagement ring is necessary. Gemini females have to fall in love with your brain first!

How To Date A GEMINI MALE May 22-June 21 If you are dating a Gemini male, you can expect him to stand you up on your first date, but if you are lucky, he will call, say he is running late, and that the plans for the date have changed. Bring an overnight bag, he can get carried away and forget that you need to go home. He will have the cutest twinkling eyes, and you will forgive him. He will slightly ignore you in public, as he always knows everyone, wherever he takes you, and speaks to each one. Somehow, you can't picture him in a tuxedo, going down the aisle. Gemini males won't call you everyday. Gemini men are witty, fun, and can play, play, and play! These men thrive in occupations where they can meet the public, and talk. Gemini males are great as disc jockeys. If you want to catch this guy, don't lean on him, don't get pregnant, or talk marriage. Be a challenge, do your own thing and let your Gemini male chase you. It's ok to date others.

How To Date A CANCER FEMALE June 22-July 22 If you are dating a Cancer female, dine out for pizza, and afterwards take her to Baskin Robbins. Be sure to call her mother and check on the kids. She'll think you are really a nice guy. Dress casual, and drive a suburban, or mini-van. It's ok, if you got the kids from your last divorce, that won't stop her from dating you. Offer to barbecue at her house and compliment her cooking. (That way you get to come back for more.) Bring the family with you, Cancer females can take it. Cancer females are very sensitive about everything near and dear to them. Never say bad things about her family members-ever! They do possess humor. Pay attention to all her handmade quilts and home crafts. Cancer women are great homemakers. Let her know you like women with a little meat on their bones. (They taste everything they cook...yummy!) If you are not marriage minded, don't play games with Cancer women.

How To Date A CANCER MALE June 22-July 22 If you are dating a Cancer male, be prepared to go to swap meets, and garage sales. Of course, he will take you out to eat, at least on your first date. He is pretty thrifty, so be sure you have a little stash of tip money in your purse. Of course, if you want to pay for your own, that would be fine. Just be yourself around him. Looks aren't that important to Cancer males, but do know some fabulous recipes! Talk about your love of children. Display an interest in his hobbies. Don't go into his garage, it will take the rest of the century to go through all of his bargains and collectables. Your Cancer man will be dating just you, and possibly his ex-wife. He is extremely stable, and loves to eat. If you think you need to diet, he won't. He loves chesty women! You will receive flowers from him, out of his garden, naturally. He will remember all the holidays and treat you well. Tell him all your funny stories, he likes to laugh. It's ok, to say you are pro marriage and to openly discuss it. He's there for you. He knows how to treat women, after all, his best friend is his mother. When you marry a Cancer man, you get them both!

How to Date a LEO FEMALE July 23-August 22 If you are dating a Leo female, take her to the movies, a concert, a Broadway show, a plush restaurant. Getting the picture? She wants to be seen out with you. If men notice her, she will love that. If you don't act a little jealous, she will try harder to make you so. She thinks jealousy is a compliment. Bring her flowers, wear your gold chains, and wear something that shows off those muscles you worked so hard to get. That will excite her. Don't forget to splash on your Giorgio cologne. Tell her how much you love redheads, and ask her if all that gorgeous hair is hers? (If she isn't a redhead, then switch to blondes, or dark hair, but don't forget this.) Compliment her constantly, and drive something sporty to show her off. A convertible would be nice. Leo gals will get you noticed! When she disappears on your dates, she is merely primping in the ladies room. Be willing to fight for your Leo female, but don't take any crap from her. She can start fights over nothing. Be prepared. You had better love her cats too! She doesn't care if you are well read or educated, but do be suave, polished and act like you know what you are doing. She will marry you, but be prepared to take care of her sexually, financially, and emotionally. Leo females are a handful, and remember, she can always get another man, so treat her right.

How to Date a LEO MALE July 23-August 22 If you are dating a Leo male, he will take you to the best places for dinner, shows, etc. He will lavish money on you, even if he does not have it to spend. You can expect him to put the studley moves on you ASAP, not to worry. Usually it is a game, to see if you are really interested. He will impress you with his peacock strut, and the way he puffs out his chest. If he can convince you that he is a great guy, then he will be, otherwise, you will be pounced on by his cat like nature. His favorite past-time is being waited on, breakfast in bed, candlelight, movies, concerts, roses and your basic everyday adoration. He is capable of a variety of occupations, but he likes to be the boss the most. This includes home. Leo men can have temper tantrums, if things don't go their way. It's ok, if you want to toss a few things back his way, when he starts to roar. Stand up to him. Be able to turn his roar into a purr. Always look good around him. Don't admit you color your hair. Do sleep with your makeup on, and dress sexy and feminine. He won't marry you otherwise. Leo males love the chase, so let him! (Leo males will already have told you about all of his other women.)

How To Date A VIRGO FEMALE August 23-September 23 If you are dating a Virgo female, be on time when you arrive in your Mercedes to take her out for health food. Borrow the car if you have to. Do not pick her up in your unwashed car, with the baby car carrier. She isn't interested in ready made families. Wear the latest in fashion, and above all, have a manicure. Virgo females notice everything! Have a degree, be a professional, know everyone who is anyone. Exude confidence. Stay away from the bar where you were 86'd! Do not have other girlfriends. Virgo females are shy and sometimes aloof. That does not mean they don't like you. It takes several dates for them to decide if they want you. They are neat freaks, and don't want to pick up after you. Be toilet trained! If you tell her you are going to do something at 6 pm, then do it. Virgo females can drop you for little things like that. Don't quit trying, if you care about her. They only love a handful of men, and you won't have any competition. Just be real! Quality is important to female Virgos. Virgo females are usually career minded, but they will marry.

How To Date A VIRGO MALE August 23-September 23 If you are dating a Virgo male, go slowly. They hate to make mistakes. He will take you out to nice clean respectable establishments, and go to the movies with you. He does not go out dancing or rabble rousing with the guys. He is a solitary person, whose social group is small. Virgo male are inclined to computers, and the geeky stuff. However, he could balance your checkbook for you. Do not dress like a slut Be chic! Have no children from previous marriages. Don't be too talkative. He shies away from party animals. He wants to date someone with a purpose in life. Be interesting, and invite him to your workplace. He can visualize his name hyphenated after yours on the nameplate on your desk. Virgo men can be workaholics, that way they can avoid none's. Virgo males are not usually sexually promiscuous. Sex won't happen until you push for it, but be sure to have your STD test results handy. He will marry you in time, lots of time, be patient. Your Virgo male won't divorce you, once in love, it's for keeps!

How to Date A LIBRA FEMALE September 24-October 23 If you are dating a Libra female, take her to a wine tasting, the theatre, your Cousin's wedding, anyplace sociable. She likes elegance and beauty. Dress in your Sunday best. Bring her flowers, cards and special little feminine gifts. She'll be thoughtful too. Although Libra women are the ultimate in fashion and femininity, they are big flirts. However, underneath it all, they really want to be married to one darling man, who will romance them eternally. Flirt back with her, she loves little games. You can fall in love anytime you want to with her. Your car isn't as important, as how you treat her. Gently please, no conflict! Your Libra female probably won't have children, but she will have her fluffy lap dog, everywhere you go. She isn't the type to cheat on you, unless you forget about romance. Your occupation isn't that important. Be sure to earn enough money to support her frequent shopping trips to the mall. She loves to decorate, so step back at home. You can do the outside domestic duties. You get to wash the car and mow the lawn. When you propose to her, present her with your poetic love vows, and promise to hire a maid for her. Libra females love to be married!

How To Date A LIBRA MALE September 24-October 23 If you are dating a Libra male, your first date will be in aromatic restaurant, highlighted with a wonderful wine list. During dinner just smile and be sweet. Libra men don't like vulgarity in any form. Dress tastefully, and do use your flower scented perfume. He loves women who dress up, wear jewelry, use makeup, and are happy being feminine. He is fascinated with fantasy, including sexual fantasy. Don't discuss your recent love life, or ex-husbands. He could care less about your children, or desire to have them. Don't be argumentative. Libra males hate conflict. You can discuss your latest painting, the last book you read, or what your plans are for interior decorating. Libra males love cozy fires, and sensuous females near it. Fore play is a big high for Libra males. He is not a wimp, by any means, although, he loves to please! Yes, he would be your sex slave, provided you tease him a lot. At work, he is a fair boss, but at home he loves to be used! Libra males will stay in a bad marriage. Flirting gets them into trouble. Marriage is part of his ultimate plan, just make certain he is single, when you decide to date your Libra male.

How To Date A SCORPIO FEMALE October 24-November 22 If you are dating a Scorpio female, be careful! Show up wearing black clothes that fit you well. Arrive in your black car with the dark tinted windows. She likes the dark places, so take her to the bars, a casino would be fab! Don't tell her about the drugs you are on, she won't tell you about hers either. There needs to be caution exercised here, because Scorpios are one of two extremes. One the saint, the other the sinner. The first type of Scorpio is very religious, and does not smoke, drink, or do drugs. If you are on a blind date, you will know which version you are dating. Neither type is hung up on what you wear, but more how you wear it. Have sex appeal. Be interested in occult matters, be deep. She won't offer you much information about herself, you will have to guess. Scorpio females will pry your whole life story out of you. To keep her interested, be hard to get. You won't know if you are pleasing her, or where you stand. A fatal mistake is to anger a Scorpio female. Scorpio women will get you! She has a passionate nature and can have more than one love interest. They are not usually domestic, nor want to be involved with parenthood. She will put all of her intense energy into either partying or getting to the top. Female Scorpios are all or nothing, even when it comes to marriage.

How To Date A SCORPIO MALE October 24-November 22 If you are dating a Scorpio male, make sure you love secrets! He loves for you to be sexy, and downright sleazy works for him too. He can make love to you, and not be in love with you. His passion can fool women, don't mistake it for love. Oftentimes, they are most in love when they can't possess or own you. Jealousy is a big issue with him. He stays jealous. He does not care what you do for an occupation, nor your financial status. Scorpio males want to control you to conform to their ideas of living. So, if you aren't strong in your own identity, then you will lose him. Scorpio males like the challenge of ownership. They love you most when they can't have complete control over you. Only the fearless need apply here. One type of Scorpio will marry you and stay put and dominate the household. Whereas, the other type will just disappear on you without warning or reason. Be true to yourself with Scorpio males, and let your personality stay on top!

How To Date A SAGITTARIUS FEMALE November 23-December21 If you are dating a Sagittarius Female, be ready willing and able to go anywhere. She loves sports and to travel. A perfect date would be an overnight excursion to Mount Olympus, and skiing down the slopes for breakfast. Pick her up in your jeep, or pickup truck, she won't mind your dog either. Dress casual, and be able to tell her about an Indian Shaman you know, who invited you to a tribal ceremony. She'll want to go with you. Don't do the same things twice in a row. She won't care who you are dating, because she has plenty of men friends. Sagittarius women can be ready for a date on a moments notice. She'll be great at men's activities, like softball, and eating the worm from a Tequila bottle. She will have been everywhere, but darn, Sagittarius females are fun to be around. You can win her heart with variety in your lovemaking. She isn't the type to spend time in the kitchen or babysitting. Show her you want to be a companion in all of her zany schemes. When she falls for you, she will ask you to do things with her. Marriage is not on her mind, but she would marry you, if she felt you were compatible enough. Sagittarius women love their freedom!

How To Date A SAGITTARIUS MALE November 23-December 21 If you are dating a Sagittarius male, expect anything and everything. He is not very reliable about schedules, dates, or you. Not in the beginning anyway. He likes talkative women and female jocks. He wants a buddy to join him in his pursuits. Most Sagittarius males are employed in sales/traveling jobs. They can have a gal in every port. Let him tell you he is serious about you first. Sagittarius males only get married when they have to, and then they can't seem to stay married. They love the thrill and adventure of chasing a woman, similar to their love of hunting, fishing, and sports. You rank in there somewhere. You can get used to being a hunting widow, sports widow, etc., with a Sagittarius male! You should love the same things he does. Sagittarius men can be very funny and interesting. He will go to restaurants, but throw out his suit and tie. Sagittarius males like their comfort and the wide open spaces and places, and freedom with their women. Make no mistake about it, he does love women, all of them. When your Sagittarian's heart goes out to you, he won't know what to do about it, because he didn't expect to fall in love. If you live with him, he won't find time to go down the aisle. Sagittarius men dread the thought of a tuxedo, and the stares from wedding guests. You will have to drag your Sagittarius male to the altar!

How To Date A CAPRICORN FEMALE December 22-January 20 If you are dating a Capricorn female, take her to dinner at the best restaurant in town, arrive in a limousine with flowers. Dress in your designer clothes, and be impeccable. Pinstripes and subtle scents arouse her. Be successful at whatever you are undertaking. Let her know about it. It's ok, to tell her you made two million last year. Don't be cheap. Tell her you have been saving yourself for the right woman, and that you have been working your buns off, to build your empire. Tell her you need someone to share this big business burden with, and that your thoughts are about expanding your business. Hint that a woman would be perfect as a manager in your new expansion. She will be so intrigued, that she will offer you sound business suggestions. She is SMART! Capricorn females won't compete with you, they'll help climb the ladder. Don't forget about her. She loves expensive presents with thought behind them. Her little black book is filled with business appointments, not telephone numbers. Capricorn women are almost always successful in whatever they undertake. They don't take enough time to eat, so take her to lunch, dinner and your next corporate meeting. Business thrills them. She may seem cold emotionally, but don't be fooled. She has those sexual infernos, looking for a release! She does not trust men entirely, so don't give her the bums rush, or you will be part of the homeless. She would be a great wife to a success oriented man. She can entertain your clients, and friends. Capricorn females, can be boss in marriage too. Be prepared to be hen-pecked, if you are thinking marriage!

How To Date A CAPRICORN MALE December 22-January 20 If you are dating a Capricorn male, plan on doing most of the talking. He will take you to places with class and ambience. He will pick you up in his black, luxury car. You will be treated like a lady. Therefore, you should let him open the doors, etc. Dress in style, but be sure you show some cleavage. Still waters run deep with Capricorn males. Your first dates will seem like business meetings, but eventually you will get to know him. He is insecure about his emotions and likes to keep them under control. Of course, he won't make this obvious. Compliment him on his achievements and he will open up to you. He would be strict as a parent, and holds very traditional beliefs about relationships. Don't be an airhead or aimless. He appreciates a hard working woman, whom he can consider an equal. He does not know how to play, so you will have to lighten him up with your humorous antics and fun loving side. Once your Capricorn man commits, he will not leave you. Divorce is a nasty word in his vocabulary. Capricorn males make good husbands and bread winners. They are extravagant with gifts to those whom they love. Marriage will have to be his idea, not yours!

How To Date An AQUARIUS FEMALE January 21-February 19 If you are dating an Aquarius female, arrive in your restored classic. Wear a funky hat and clothes that shouldn't go together, but somehow do. Take her to an out of the way coffee house, featuring jazz. Feel free to discuss anything and everything. She is an intelligent listener, and will have some bizarre insight of her own. You'll never truly understand her, so bring a tape recorder for instant replay to sort it out later. Aquarius women are unusual, not necessarily hippies, but aware of the entire globe. She won't be ready to jump in the sack on the first date, she has to get to know you. Be fascinating, tell her that you are going to Spain to run with the bulls. Explain your philosophy on combining chemicals to combat radiation. Tell her about your thesis which was published in the International Who Dunnit Magazine. Don't tell her you are in love with her too soon. You will know when she has taken a strong liking to you. That is when your Aquarius female will invite you to her abode. Then you will see the real Aquarius female. There will be many unusual pictures, and books. There is a story connected to all of her belongings. When your Aquarius female commits to you, she will not necessarily be ready for marriage. That is just her way of saying she likes you. You must have like minds, or there will be no future Mrs. Anybody!

How To Date An AQUARIUS MALE January 21-February 19 If you are dating an Aquarius male, consider yourself lucky to even get the first date. Aquarius males don't date much. They would rather be an observer, hanging out on the scene. He would prefer to go to your house and have long talks into the night, and possibly just stay over. He may tell you that he just video taped an erotica video featuring wild animals at the zoo with some vacationing starlets. He may stay at your house, never cook or clean, but just be there, when you come home from work. Then one day, without warning, he will be gone. If he is employed, he can be quite selfish with his money. He likes his freedom, in every way. Eventually he will call you, .....expect the unexpected with Aquarius. When Aquarius males fall in love, it is usually with someone who is intellectual, self-sufficient, and childless. Have a deep purpose or goal in life and he will be attracted to your dreams. Aquarius males will marry, but they usually marry the wrong person the first time, and shy away from second marriages. They love their mental freedom. Nagging won't change them. He won't care what race you are, how much you weigh, etc. Mind altering drugs can ruin an Aquarian male for marriage completely. If he is more holistic, then he is searching for a soul mate. Love yourself and your Aquarius male will too!

How To Date A PISCES FEMALE February 20-March 20 If you are dating a Pisces female, take her to a psychic far, art gallery, or out for cocktails. Don't take her to the animal shelter, or you will have a new pet. You can wear anything you like, and you get to make all the decisions. She prefers men with a passion about something, just believe in it. Music is one of her favorites and dancing is definitely a must. If you can't dance, take lessons. Pisces females don't care if you are good looking, just have a heart. A sense of humor is an asset, she has one too. She has no confidence in herself, so support her in her dreams. She falls in love easily. Don't promise her a rose garden, if you don't mean it. When you go to the movies, take tissues. It does not matter what the movie is about, she will inevitable cry, when something touches her. Pisces females love everyone, even if they treated her badly. She hates to see pain, but can drown in her own. Cheer her up, be a positive kind of guy, and be romantic. Encourage her to not live in your shadow, but to have her own life. Yes, your Pisces woman will marry you. Pisces females have a hard time saying No!

How To Date A PISCES MALE February 20-March 20 If you are dating a Pisces male, it will be up to you to decide where to go, what to do, whose car to take. He likes music, alcohol, and strong-willed women. He will do whatever you want. He has an extremely creative side, which takes precedence over his mundane duties of the everyday work world. He could be happy being supported by you, because he would surrender all of himself to you and your causes. Pisces males are romantic, and hate to make decisions. He does not want to displease you in any way. He donates to every solicitor knocking at the door. Pisces males are not normally good money managers, therefore, you get to. He won't mind. He would give you every paycheck. He loves you when you are dreamy and romantic, with the candles lit and soft music. He will cook for you. He dresses nicely and won't embarrass you in public. If you want to marry this man, just take him home. He's yours. Pisces males can't bear divorce. Marriage minded they are, Pisces males function best with a partner! ---

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end

LAWS WOMEN LIVE BY 1. Don't imagine you can change a man - unless he's in diapers. 2. What do you do if your boyfriend walks out? You shut the door. 3. If we put a man on the moon - we should be able to put them all up there. 4. Never let your man's mind wander - it's too little to be out alone. 5. Go for younger men. You might as well - they never mature anyway. 6. Men are all the same - they just have different faces so that you can tell them apart. 7. Definition of a bachelor: a man who has missed the opportunity to make some woman miserable. 8. Women don't make fools of men - most of them are the do-it-yourself types. 9. Best way to get a man to do something: suggest he's too old for it. 10. Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener. 11. If you want a committed man, look in a mental hospital. 12. The children of Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years. Even in biblical times, men wouldn't ask for directions. 13. If he asks what sort of books you're interested in, tell him checkbooks. 14. Remember: a sense of humor does not mean you tell him jokes; it means you laugh at his. 15. Sadly, all men are created equal. Just a thought for all the women out there... MENtal illness MENstrual cramps MENtal breakdown MENopause Ever notice how all of women's problems start with men? And when we have real trouble, it's HISterectomy.



Please choose the part you love to kiss most: And be honest!!!!

1) Forehead
2) Eyes
3) Nose
4) Face
5) Ear
6) Lips
7) Neck

The following is your personality:

You have a strong passion for life and at the same time a peaceful nature. Though you are a forgiving person, you demand respect from other people. Your talents are expressed well and you have good interpersonal skills. As such, you have a fulfilling social life and your friends around you will find you to be gentle and understanding.

You are die-hard Romeo who requires lots of love and you can sacrifice everything for love as well. You express your love in a wild and passionate way. However, you are equally capable of becoming a vicious lover, manipulating your partner to achieve certain selfish goals.

In a relationship, sex is something essential to you! You value friendship, loyalty and you have a strong desire for love and sex. You are playful by nature and you cannot stay long at a place without feeling uneasy. As a result, it is very difficult for you to establish a strong foundation for your career and it is advisable that you do not change your job with no strong reasons.

You value peace above all other things and friends are very important to you. You willingly share all your prized possessions with them and you are not easily bothered if you are short-changed. Also, you have a kind heart and you try not to harbor bad thoughts about other people. Maintaining a long lasting and affectionate relationship is your forte

As a very understanding person, you can accurately guess what is on a person's mind. You posses a disposition to appreciate or share the feelings and thoughts of others. However, you can also be someone who cracks jokes at the expense of others and in wanting to achieve your goals, you can easily sacrifice others. Towards relationships, you are not affected by emotional constraints and is very expressive. Your behavior is 100% congruent with your inner feelings.

You are someone who is governed by a great sense of loyalty. When you kiss someone's lips, you are actually expressing the hope of having one true love. Always radiating an aura of confidence, you are someone with very strong moral codes.

Flirtatious by nature, you are unlikely to be someone that dreams of everlasting love. Although your passion for things is very strong, it fades away in just a while. Even when you are no longer in love with
your partner, you selfishly demand him/her to love you still. You are unlikely to have great ambitions towards your own life and you are not particular about gender roles.


1) NOT KISSING FIRST. Avoiding her lips and diving straight for the erogenous zones makes her feel like you're paying by the hour and trying to get your money's worth by cutting out non essentials. A proper passionate kiss is the ultimate form of foreplay.

2) BLOWING TOO HARD IN HER EAR. Admit it, some kid at school told you girls love this. Well, there's a difference between being erotic and blowing as if you're trying to extinguish the candles on your 50th birthday cake. That hurts.

3) NOT SHAVING. You often forget you have a pore strapped to your chin, which you rake repeatedly across your partner's face and thighs. When she turns her head from side to side, it's not passion, it's avoidance.

4) SQUEEZING HER BREAST. Most men act like a housewife testing a melon for ripeness when they get their hand on a pair. Stroke, caress, and smooth them.

5) BITING HER NIPPLES. Why do men fasten onto a woman's nipples, then clamp down like they're trying to deflate her body via her breasts? Nipples are highly sensitive. They can't stand up to chewing. Lick and suck them gently. Flicking your tongue across them is good. Pretending, they are a dogie toy isn't.

6) TWIDDLING HER NIPPLES. Stop doing that thing where you twiddle the nipples between finger and thumb like you're trying to find a radio station in a hilly area. Focus on the whole breasts not just the exclamation points.

7) IGNORING THE OTHER PARTS OF HER BODY. A woman is not a highway with just three turnoffs: Breastville East and West, and the Midtown Tunnel. There are vast areas of her body, which you've ignored far too often as you go bombing straight into downtown Vagina. So start paying them some attention.

8) GETTING THE HAND TRAPPED. Poor manual dexterity in the underskirt region can result in tangled fingers and underpants. If you're going to be that aggressive, just ask her to take the damn things off.

9) LEAVING HER A LITTLE PRESENT. Condom disposal is the man's responsibility. You wore it, you store it.

10) ATTACKING THE CLITORIS. Direct pressure is very unpleasant, so gently rotate your fingers alongside of the clitoris.

11) STOPPING FOR A BREAK. Women, unlike men, don't pick up where they left off. If you stop, they plummet back to square one very fast. If you can tell she's not there, keep going at all costs, numb jaw or not.

12) UNDRESSING HER AWKWARDLY. Women hate looking stupid, but stupid she will look when naked at the waist with a sweater stuck over her head. Unwrap her like an elegant present, not a kid's toy.

13) GIVING HER A WEDGIE DURING FOREPLAY. Stroking her gently through her panties can be very sexy. Pulling the material up between her thighs and yanking it back and forth is not.

14) BEING OBSESSED WITH THE VAGINA. Although most men can find the clitoris without maps, they still believe that the vagina is where it's all at. No sooner is your hand down there than you're trying to stuff stolen banknotes up a chimney. This is okay in principle, but if you're not careful, it can hurt - so don't get carried away. It's best to pay more attention to her clitoris and the exterior of her vagina at first, then gently slip a finger inside her and see if she like sit.

15) MASSAGING TOO ROUGHLY. You're attempting to give her a sensual, relaxing massage to get her in the mood. Hands and fingertips are okay; elbows and knees are not.

16) UNDRESSING PREMATURELY. Don't force the issue by stripping before she's at least made some move toward getting your stuff off, even if it's just undoing a couple of buttons.

17) TAKING YOUR PANTS OFF FIRST. A man in socks and underpants is a at his worst. Lose the socks fist.

18) GOING TOO FAST. When you get to the penis-in-vagina situation, the worst thing you can do is pump away like an industrial power tool - she'll soon feel like an assembly-line worker, made obsolete by your technology. Build up slowly, with clean, straight, regular thrusts.

19) GOING TOO HARD. If you bash your great triangular hipbones into her thigh or stomach, the pain is equal to two weeks of horseback riding concentrated into a few seconds.

20) COMING TOO SOON. Every man's fear. With reason. If you shoot before you see the whites of her eyes, make sure you have a backup plan to ensure her pleasure too.

21) NOT COMING SOON ENOUGH. It may appear to you that humping for an hour without climaxing is the mark of a sex God, but to her it's more likely the mark of a numb vagina. At least buy some intriguing wall hangings, so she has something to hold her interest while you're playing Marathon Man.

22) ASKING IF SHE HAS COME. You really ought to be able to tell. Most women make noise. But if you really don't know, don't ask

23) PERFORMING ORAL SEX TOO GENTLY. Don't act like a giant cat at a saucer of milk. Get your whole mouth down there, and concentrate on gently rotating or flicking your tongue on her clitoris.

24) NUDGING HER HEAD DOWN. Men persist in doing this until she's eyeball-to-penis, hoping that it will lead very swiftly to mouth-to-penis. All women hate this. It's about three steps from being dragged to a cave by their hair. If you want her to use her mouth, use yours; try talking seductively to her.

25) NOT WARNING HER BEFORE YOU CLIMAX. Sperm tastes like seawater mixed with egg white. Not everybody likes it. When she's performing oral sex, warn her before you come so she can do what's necessary.

26) MOVING AROUND DURING FELLATIO. Don't thrust. She'll do all the moving during fellatio. You just lie there. And don't grab her head. 27) TAKING ETIQUETTE ADVICE FROM PORN MOVIES. In X-rated movies, women seem to love it when men ejaculate over them. In real life, it just means more laundry to do.

28) MAKING HER RIDE ON TOP FOR AGES. Asking her to be on top is fine. Lying there grunting while she does all the hard work is not. Caress her gently, so that she doesn't feel quite so much like the captain of a schooner. And let her have a rest.

29) ATTEMPTING ANAL SEX AND PRETENDING IT WAS AN ACCIDENT. This is how men earn a reputation for not being able to follow directions. If you want to put it there, ask her first. And don't think that being drunk is an excuse.

30) TAKING PICTURES. When a man says, "Can I take a photo of you?" she'll hear the word "__to show my buddies." At least let her have custody of them.

31) NOT BEING IMAGINATIVE ENOUGH. Imagination is anything from drawing patterns on her back to pouring honey on her and licking it off. Fruit, vegetables, ice and feathers are all handy props; hot candle wax and permanent dye are a no no.

32) SLAPPING YOUR STOMACH AGAINST HERS. There is no less erotic noise. It's as sexy as a belching contest.

33) ARRANGING HER IN STUPID POSES. If she wants to do advanced yoga in bed, fine, but unless she's a Romanian gymnast, don't get too ambitious. Ask yourself if you want a sexual partner with snapped hamstrings.

34) LOOKING FOR HER PROSTATE. Read this carefully: Anal stimulation feels good for men because they have a prostate. Women don't.

35) GIVING LOVE BITES. It is highly erotic to exert some gentle suction on the sides of the neck, if you do it carefully. No woman wants to have to wear turtlenecks and jauntys carves for weeks on end.

36) BARKING INSTRUCTIONS. Don't shout encouragement like a coach with a megaphone. It's not a big turn-on.

37) TALKING DIRTY. It makes you sound like a lonely magazine editor calling a 1-900 line. If she likes nasty talk, she'll let you know

38) NOT CARING WHETHER SHE COMES. You have to finish the job. Keep on trying until you get it right, and she might even do the same for you.

39) SQUASHING HER. Men generally weigh more than women, so if you lie on her a bit too heavily, she will turn blue.

40) THANKING HER. Never thank a woman for having sex with you. Your bedroom is not a soup kitchen.


Did you know that you can tell from the skin whether a person is sexually active or not?
1. Sex is a beauty treatment. Scientific tests find that when women make love they produce amounts of the hormone estrogen, which makes hair shine and skin smooth.
2. Gentle, relaxed lovemaking reduces your chances of suffering dermatitis, skin rashes and blemishes. The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow.
3. Lovemaking can burn up those calories you piled on during that romantic dinner.
4. Sex is one of the safest sports you can take up. It stretches and tones up just about every muscle in the body. It's more enjoyable than swimming 20 laps, and you don't need special sneakers!
5. Sex is an instant cure for mild depression. It releases endorphins into the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feeling of well-being.
6. The more sex you have, the more you will be offered. The sexually active body gives off greater quantities of chemicals called pheromones. These subtle sex perfumes drive the opposite sex crazy!
7. Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world. IT IS 10 TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE THAN VALIUM.

8. Kissing each day will keep the dentist away. Kissing encourages saliva to wash food from the teeth and lowers the level of the acid that causes decay, preventing plaque build-up.
9. Sex actually relieves headaches. A lovemaking session can release the tension that restricts blood vessels in the brain.
10. A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose. Sex is a natural antihistamine. It can help combat asthma and hay fever.


AQUARIUS WOMEN: A slow starter, you idealize love and encompass it with tenderness. Once aroused though, anything goes! Extremely imaginative and like trying new things. There is nothing in any sex manual that you won't try. Belief that anything that increases the pleasure for your partner is worthwhile. Best sex mates: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. Favorite sex position: standing up, and in water.

AQUARIUS MEN: Never treats a woman like a sex object and prefers a variety of foreplay before getting down to it. May have be to revved up, but once his engine is started, he is free and inventive with amazing persistence. He will always see you through to climax. A woman who knows what she wants will be very happy. He usually ensures an orgasm twice - once orally and once genitally.! Erogenous zones: gently touching the calves and ankles will get him going. Be careful though - a kinky Aquarian can be a sadist who doesn't like to be denied!

ARIES WOMEN: Wildly sensual, passionate and adventurous. You'll have sex anywhere, you know what you want - intense and frequent sex, you have a need for complete control, but you also fall in love with love. As a mate, you are ardent, loyal, sentimental, and earthly. Biggest thrill -the tickle of a man's facial fuzz.

ARIES MEN: Sleeping with him is like playing croquet with live bombs-you never know what is going to happen! Never expect him to wait for you to be ready - he will rip your clothes off if he is ready to go. Don't tease him or you better be ready to deliver. Fond of slave master games and he likes it rough. Aries men are also explorers, so be ready to go where no woman has gone before.! His favorite position: a woman on her knees leaning forward! d.

CANCER WOMEN: Will never make the first move, but you can be a marvelous lover for you are capable of intense sensuality. You will reciprocate passion with a fervor that will stir his heart and stimulate him to his best performance. On your own time, you have a fondness for masturbation. Your favorite position: lying prone while your man enters you from behind. Best sex mates: Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces. You may become a
slave to sexual pleasure!

CANCER MEN: His most surprising technique: intercourse with no hands. He has a need for constant encouragement and if gotten, he will be a delightful swain. Both patient and aggressive, he will often begin somewhere other than the bed, likes being in command, and is a master at manual clitoral manipulation! You'll like the trip, as it is as much traveling to a place as it is arriving. :)

CAPRICORN WOMEN: Don't need much foreplay - you go from zero to WOW in nothing flat! Not interested in exotic variation, only in staying power. Since you like to dominate, you like to be astride your man, set a rhythm and please yourself. Once into the rhythm, lovemaking becomes a wild contest with orgasm as the prize and you can depend on getting there more than once. A scratchier and a screamer. Best sex mates: Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces.

CAPRICORN MEN! : Sex evokes the best he can offer. He is a planner and a schemer. Prefers a woman who knows what he enjoys and he expects her to be willing and ready whenever he wants her. Has the stamina of a marathon runner. Here is the man who will hold off until you are ready to scream! Erogenous zone: a massage the starts at the lower back and gently strokes upward along the sides of his spine.

GEMINI WOMEN: Often the aggressor, you are never embarrassed by your behavior because you never adhere to any standards except your own main requirement: a lover who knows how to take his time. You are a one woman harem, but a partner should be aware that in a relationship, the Gemini woman is looking for a combination of the spiritual and the physical, the romantic and the practical. You want to talk to the guy after you tumble with him! Best sex mates are Leo, Scorpio, Aquarians, Libra, and Aries. Favorite gadget: the vibrator.

GEMINI MEN: He likes it with the lights on in front of the mirror. He can work any partner into the mood because he knows exactly how to evoke the right responses. Oral sex isn't his favorite pastime, but he will take his time with other preliminaries. Tends to be fast and furious, more concerned with satisfying himself than his partner, but he is more adequate in areas of lovemaking that are often neglected by other men. He can tell a woman exactly what she wants to hear. His erogenous zone: move your lips and tongue lightly up his arm.

LEO WOMEN: Sleek, lascivious, enticing and lazy! Whatever Leo wants, Leo gets! Intensely responsive and there are bed partners who have scars to prove it. Your need to show off leads you to prefer the top where he can look up and admire the beauty of your body. Best sex mates: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Aries. Your sexual wardrobe: full of! wispy cutout bras and panties!

LEO MEN: Simply brushes aside rules and conventions. One important rule to remember about him: NEVER tease. His endurance is remarkable & he has a great appetite for making love. He likes women in the submissive position & oral sex is okay only when he is on the receiving end. He likes a woman to show how much she is enjoying it. His erogenous zone: his back is particularly vulnerable.

LIBRA WOMEN: Drama is the key word - you set the stage for sex. Intensely feminine and an instinctive exhibitionist. You feel your body was made to be seen and admired. Feel that seduction is an art, not an assault. When approached the right way, you find it easy to say yes to almost anything. Unusual control of vaginal muscles. Best sex mates: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. Like any position where your buttocks are exposed.

LIBRA MEN: Looks for the whole experience, not just a tumble between the sheets. Has a definite kinky side, a voyeur and fond of the menage a trois. He has the patience needed to satisfy. He likes women who dress well and have long hair. If a woman's clothes look as though they are easily removed, he finds her hard to ignore. Erogenous zone: back and buttocks, especially the feel of erect nipples against either of them!

PISCES WOMEN: Always make the right moves, say the right things and create the right ambiance. You are sexually liberated and enjoy a wide range of eroticism. If his fantasies coincide with yours, the action can really get torrid! You seldom say no to anything your lover suggests! Favorite place: in a waterbed or hot tub. Best sex mates: Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.

PISCES MEN: Takes the lea! d in lovemaking and impatient if he doesn't get a swift response. Indifferent to sexual restrictions, both moral and legal, prefers a partner with a tremendous sexual craving. Likes sex in a chair. He likes to be submissive. Becomes an addict to anything that will give pleasure and release. Erogenous zone: massaging and caressing his feet.

SAGITTARIUS WOMEN: You like the outdoors - freaking out if you are tent, camper or on the beach. You enjoy sex, but you don't like to prolong the preliminaries and want to start the main show as soon possible. Like to tease your partner to the point of losing control. You don't mind if your man comes too quickly - you are a generous and accepting lover. Best sex mates: Leo, Libra and Aquarius. Your sexual wardrobe will consist of accessories - gloves and shoes!

SAGITTARIUS MEN: Sex is rarely an intense experience with him - he often comes too quickly, but he'll be the first to try a new position. He is the master of erotic massage - both oral and manual. His tongue can be wicked instrument and when combined with his lips, creates an explosive affect! Erogenous zones: hips and thighs. And he likes to look at a woman' calves and thighs and likes to have sex with a woman in stockings.

SCORPIO WOMEN: Inquisitive, searching and experimental. Knows that eroticism consists of more than the physical act of lovemaking. While looking like a perfectly lady in public, you dress and behave like a whore in the bedroom. Control of the orgasm is very important and will try anything to help your man maintain his potency. You never take no for an answer and when interested in someone, you will pursue him with determination and guile. Best sex mates: Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Props you love: scented body oils, flavored lubricating gels and vibrators

SCORPIO MEN: A lustful, sexy animal. Enjoys biting and sucking and is a master of oral sex. Inflicting pain turns him on so he may pinch at nipples or the insides of thighs. Likes it in the water, but his kink is that he prefers wood tables and hard floors to satin and silk. His erogenous zone is his genitalia.

TAURUS WOMEN: You expect your man to be kind and patient and make love to you by the book. Like to be pleased by sex, but don't look for unusual approaches. But you are a demanding lover and you leave your partner breathless. You have a need for oral gratification, both giving and receiving. Best sex mates: Cancer, Sagittarius, Scorpio, and Leo. Most likely kink: sucking on your toes, one by one. You also like biting.

TAURUS MEN: He is the ideal lover - sensitive and understanding of his partner's feelings. He prefers it slow and easy, he won't be your guide to the exotic unknown, but what he does, he does beautifully. This is the guy to go to for long and luxurious oral sex. Stamina? This man could wear down a glacier! His erogenous zone: gently and slowly kiss and bite the back of his neck.

VIRGO WOMEN: You have no illusions about sex and wish everyone would stop magnifying its importance. Prefer men who will wait for the relationship to develop to the point where sex is inevitable. You love mutual masturbation and enjoy a little punishment and your grace and modesty is a great turn on. You become an artist at pleasing your lover. Favorite kink: can't truly enjoy it unless a third party is present. Best sex mates: Gemini, Cancer and Aquarians.

VIRGO MEN: Too shy to make an overture arrives, you had better be prepared for him to bring his pajamas, having equipment and toothbrush. He likes to talk about how you like it & having talked about it, he will key in on the right erotic response. Don't expect imagination, but he is a hard worker and is open to suggestion. His secret life: can be obsessed with pornography. Erogenous zone: his buttocks.



According to studies, the first letter of your first name reveals your sexual identity... What do you think? -A- You are not particularly romantic, but you are interested inaction. You mean business. With you, what you see is what you get. You have no patience for flirting and can't be bothered with someone who is trying to be coy, cute, demure, and subtly enticing. You are an up front person. When it comes to sex, it's action that counts not obscure hints. Your mate's physical attractiveness is important to you. You find the chase and challenge of the "hunt" invigorating. You are passionate and sexual as well as being much more adventurous than you appear; however, you do not go around advertising these qualities. Your physical needs are your primary concern.

-B- You give off vibes of lazy sensuality. You enjoy being romanced, wined, and dined. You are very happy to receive gifts as an expression of the affection of your lover. You want to be pampered and know how to pamper your mate. You are private in your expression of endearments and particularly when it comes to lovemaking. You will hold off until everything meets with your approval. You can control your appetite and abstain from sex if need be. You require new sensations and experiences. You are willing to experiment.

-C- You are a very social individual, and it is important to you to have a relationship. You require closeness and togetherness. You must be able to talk to your sex partner before, during, and after. You want the object of your affection to be socially acceptable and good looking. You see your lover as a friend and companion. You are very sexual and sensual, needing someone to appreciate and almost worship you. When this cannot be achieved, you have the ability to go for long periods without sexual activity. You are an expert at controlling your desires and doing without.

-D- Once you get it into your head that you want someone, you move full steam ahead in pursuit. You do not give up your quest easily. You are nurturing and caring. If someone has a problem, this turns you on. You are highly sexual, passionate, loyal, and intense in your involvement, sometimes possessive and jealous. Sex to you is a pleasure to be enjoyed. You are stimulated by the eccentric and unusual, having a free and open.

-E- Your greatest need is to talk. If your date is not a good listener, you have trouble relating. A person must be intellectually stimulating or you are not interested sexually. You need a friend for a lover and a companion for a bedmate. You hate disharmony and disruption, but you do enjoy a good argument once in a while it seems to stir things up. You flirt a lot, for the challenge is more important than the sexual act for you, but once you give your heart away, you are uncompromisingly loyal When you don't have a good lover to fall asleep with, you will fall asleep with a good book. (Sometimes, in fact, you prefer a good book.)

-F- You are idealistic and romantic, putting your lover on a pedestal. You look for the very best mate you can find. You are a flirt, yet once committed, you are very loyal. You are sensuous, sexual, and privately passionate. Publicly, you can be showy, extravagant, and gallant. You are born romantic. Dramatic love scenes are your favorite fantasy pastime. You can be a very generous lover.

-G- You are fastidious, seeking perfection within yourself and your lover. You respond to a lover who is your intellectual equal or superior, and one who can enhance your status. You are sensuous and know how to reach the peak of erotic stimulation, because you work at it meticulously. You can be extremely active sexually that is, when you find the time. Your duties and responsibilities take precedence over everything else. You may have difficulty getting emotionally close to a lover, but no trouble getting close sexually.

-H- You seek a mate who can enhance your reputation and earning ability. You will be very generous to your lover once you have attained a commitment. Your gifts are actually an investment in your partner. Before the commitment, though, you tend to be frugal in your spending and dating habits and equally cautious in your sexual involvement. You are a sensual and patient lover.

-I- You have a great need to be loved, appreciated... Even worshipped. You enjoy luxury, sensuality, and pleasures of the flesh. You look for lovers who know what they are doing. You are not interested in an amateur, unless that amateur wants a tutor. You are fussy and exacting about having your desires satisfied. You are willing to experiment and try new modes of sexual expression. You bore easily and thus require sexual adventure and change. You are more sensual than sexual, but you are sometimes downright lustful.

-J- You can be very romantic, attached to the glamour of love. Having a partner is of paramount importance to you. You are free in your expression of love and are willing to take chances, try new sexual experiences and partners, provided it's all in good taste. Brains turn you on. You must feel that your partner is intellectually stimulating, otherwise you will find it difficult to sustain the relationship. You require loving, cuddling, wining, and dining to know that you're being appreciated.

-K- You are totally fucking marvelous!

-L- You are very romantic, idealistic, and somehow you believe that to love means to suffer. You wind up serving your mate or attracting people who have unusual troubles. You see yourself as your lover's savior. You are sincere, passionate, lustful, and dreamy. You can't help falling in love. You fantasize and get turned on by movies and magazines. You do not tell others of this secret life, nor of your sexual fantasies. -

-M-- You are emotional and intense. When involved in a relationship, you throw your entire being into it. Nothing stops you; there are no holds barred. You are all consuming and crave someone who is equally passionate and intense. You believe in total sexual freedom. You are willing to try anything and everything. Your supply of sexual energy is inexhaustible. You also enjoy mothering your mate.

-N- You are crap in bed.

-O- You are very interested in sexual activities yet secretive and shy about your desires. You can re-channel much of your sexual energy into making money and/or seeking power. You can easily have extended periods of celibacy. You are a passionate, compassionate, sexual lover, requiring the same qualities from your mate. Sex is serious business; thus you demand intensity diversity, and are willing to try anything or anyone. Sometimes your passions turn to possessiveness, which must be kept in check.

-P- You are very conscious of social proprieties. You wouldn't think of doing anything that might harm your image or reputation. Appearances count, therefore, you require a good-looking partner. You also require an intelligent partner. Oddly enough, you may view your partner as your enemy; a good fight stimulates those sex vibes. You are relatively free of sexual hang-ups. You are willing to experiment and try new ways of doing things. You are very social and sensual; you enjoy flirting and need a good deal of physical gratification.

-Q- You require constant activity and stimulation. You have tremendous physical energy. It is not easy for a partner to keep up with you, sexually or otherwise. You are an enthusiastic lover and tend to be attracted to people of other ethnic groups. You need romance, hearts and flowers, and lots of conversation to turn you on and keep you going. -

-R- You are a no-nonsense, action-oriented individual. You need someone who can keep pace with you and who is your intellectual equal the smarter the better. You are turned on more quickly by a great mind than by a great body. However, physical attractiveness is very important to you. You have to be proud of your partner. You are privately very sexy, but you do not bed, you are willing to serve as teacher. Sex is important; you can be a very demanding playmate.

-S- You are secretive, self-contained, and shy. You are very sexy, sensual, and passionate, but you do not let on to this. Only in intimate privacy will this part of your nature reveal itself. When it gets down to the nitty-gritty, you are an expert. You know all the little tricks of the trade, can play any role or any game, and take your love life very seriously. You don't fool around. You have the patience to wait for the right person to come along.

-T- You are very sensitive, private, and sexually passive; you like a partner who takes the lead. Music, soft lights and romantic thoughts turn you on. You fantasize, but do not tend to fall in and out of love easily. When in love, you are romantic, idealistic, mushy, and extremely intense. You enjoy having your senses and your feelings stimulated, titillated, and teased. You are a great flirt. You can make your relationships fit your dreams, oftentimes all in your own head.

-U- You are enthusiastic and idealistic when in love. When not in love, you are in love with love, always looking for someone to adore. You see romance as a challenge. You are a roamer and need adventure, excitement, and freedom. You deal in potential relationships. You enjoy giving gifts and enjoy seeing your mate looking good. Your sex drive is strong and you desire instant gratification. You are willing to put your partner's pleasures above your own.

-V- You are individualistic, and you need freedom, space, and excitement. You wait until you know someone well before committing yourself. Knowing someone means psyching him out. You feel a need to get into his head to see what makes him tick. You are attracted to eccentric types. Often there is an age difference between you and your lover. You respond to danger, thrills, and suspense. The gay scene turns you on, even though you yourself may not be a participant.

-W- You are very proud, determined, and you refuse to take no for an answer when pursuing love. Your ego is at stake. You are romantic, idealistic, and often in love with love itself, not seeing your partner as he or she really is. You feel deeply and throw all of yourself into your relationships. Nothing is too good for your lover. You enjoy playing love games.

-X- You need constant stimulation because you bore quickly. You can handle more than one relationship at a time with ease. You can't shut off your mind. You talk while you make love. You can have the greatest love affairs, all by yourself, in your own head.

-Y- You are sexual, sensual, and very independent. If you can't have it your way, you will forgo the whole thing. You want to control your relationships, which doesn't always work out too well. You respond to physical stimulation, enjoy necking and spending hours just touching, feeling and exploring. However, if you can spend your time making money, you will give up the pleasures of the flesh for the moment. You need to prove to yourself and your partner what a great lover you are. You want feedback on your performance. You are an open, stimulating, romantic bedmate.

-Z- For you, it is business before pleasure. If you are in any way bothered by career, business, or money concerns, you find it very hard to relax and get into the mood. You can be romantically idealistic to a fault and are capable of much sensuality. But you never lose control of your emotions. You are very careful and cautious before you give your heart away and your body, for that matter. Once you make the commitment, though, you stick like glue.