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Australian Bush Recipes


Bring the billy to the Boil over a hot fire. Use a stick to lift off the fire, and remove the lid. Return to the fire unil it bubbles again, remove then toss in a handful of tea leaves and wait until it bubbles again. Remove then Toss in more tea leaves about a handful and wait till it has brewed.
P.S. A Billy is a tin kettle with a handle up the top that you hang from a hook over a fire.


Damper is the Australians Bushman's Bread
1 Large Cup of Self Raising Flour
Good pinch of salt
1/4 cup of water
You can also add a few dashes of beer to this as well.

Knead this all together to make a round shape.
Place it in a camp oven (which is a cast iron pot with a lid) Dig a foot deep hole near the fire and add 2 shovelfuls of hot coals and ash Put camp oven in hole, cover over with more coals..make sure the handle is out. Cook for about 40 minutes. The dough increases in volume during cooking. When Damper is cooked, take camp oven out of the hole, turn upside down to get the Damper out. Do not cut damper, break it open with your fingers You can spread anything on, butter, jam, vegemite or even use it to scrap up your stew.


1 Kangaroo Tail
3 or 4 potatoes
2 Onions
1 Carrot
1 Parsnip
Salt and Pepper
Remove skin and join tail
Slice onions and lightly brown meat by frying with the onions.
Cut potatoes, carrot and parsnip into fairly small pieces.
Place in cooker or camp oven with 2 cups of water and salt and pepper. Cook until vegetables are tender.
Remove bone from top joint before serving.
