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~My Angel Page~

ANGELS ARE HERE AND THEY ARE REAL that is what I and alot of others believe. If you are a non believer and want to believe than you are in the right place.

I am no writer or anything like that, what is being said here is straight from my heart and my experiences. I really believe these Angels,Guides, Gods whatever you choose to call them have been with me throughout my life without me even realising it. I like many others, well i can really only speak for myself, well my life has been hard with alcohol and all the things we should'nt really be doing with our lives but do. So when my angels were trying to guide me on a right path i was'nt listening to them, or maybe i did'nt even know they were there. I mean I have had this inner sense for many years, ESP is what it is known by, and lots of strange things have happened to me over time.

To begin, I read somewhere that we choose out Angels before we come to this earth, as the Angels have been here before and have life's experiences so to speak. In Which I myself tend to believe as well. Well if you think about it our Angels are here to Guide us and show us the right path, and how would they be able to do this, if they were not on the Earth at some stage. We have up to 7 Angels to lead us, some people only have the one.

It dose'nt matter how many we have though, as i do know that all of us have at least one Angel. Has Anyone of you ever gone through a day where you don't know what decision to makeand your innerthoughts are telling you one thing, and then you think another and can't make up your mind, I know you will answer yes to this, for we all do it all the time, every day of our lives.

Well the innerthoughts are your Angels trying to put you on the right path call it instinct, gut feeling or innerthoughts they are all the same. Our Angels advise us up to anything like 70 times a day sometimes. Mind you they are not here to run our lives they are only here to guide us, and if we choose to be guided, well that is up to us. Let me give you an example: You may be in a real bad situation and you may think about what that inner feeling is telling you, and you might think no, and go against that feeling , this is fine, as the Angels let you make your own decisions, they are only here to guide us, whatever we choose is alright by them. You can even talk to the Angels and believe me they have answered and helped me, let me tell you. Don't be discouraged if you think that you have'nt been helped, as they are still there, it is just sometimes they like to see us help ourselves to make us stronger people. But they are there, don't worry. Angels can touch us to, did you know that?

Have you ever had the feeling something is there when you get that tingling sensation or a shiver where your hair stands on end. Well these are the Angels touching us. And notice how it usually only happens when you are relaxed or are sitting there doing something. Angels will not touch us when we are shouting or in a fluster and racing around the place, do you blame them(laugh). the most possible time for a Angel to touch us is when we are laying down, relaxing, reading a book or something on those lines. They love calm and peaceful surroundings, I suppose thats why they are so peaceful and must I say Angeletic.

I would just like to say I am not a religious person in the sense of going to church and that but I do believe in the Lord in my own way, and if I did'nt I suppose I have no right to be here telling you all of this. Well like I said earlier I did'nt listen to my Angels and did'nt really know they were there. It took years of abusing alcohol and the loss of my parents and two of my brothers to make me finally wake up to myself. Mind you though, when My parents and a brother were taken within 5 yrs of one another, I cursed and told myself how could there be anything there, if this is what they do, take away our loved ones. This resentment went on for years until I finally got it together, and said hey, they are at peace, and this was meant to be. Although sad, I knew now that they were taken for a reason, and they too are Angels now.

They are not necessarily my Angels, but I know Angels can communicate with other Angels, so I know and have experienced there presence. I am now a big believer in Things are meant to happen for a reason, no matter what it may be. Some might not agree with me, but this is my point of view.


Go Placidy among the noise, Hasten and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender on good terms with all persons
Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others even the dull
and ignorant-they too have their story..Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit....If you compare yourself with others
you may become vain and bitter, For always there will be greater and lesser
persons than yourself.. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans
Keep interested in your own career, however humble....It is a real possession
in the changing fortunes of time..Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery, but let this not blind you to what virtue
their is...Many person strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of
heroism......Be Yourself, especially do not feign affection.....
Neither be cynical about love for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is perennial as the grass....
Take kindly the counsel of the years..Gracefully surrendering the things of youth
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with imaginings...Many fears are born of fatigue and
Beyond a wholesome discipline be gentle with yourself..You are a child of the Universe
No less than the trees,and the stars..You have a right to be here...
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it
should ....Therefore be at peace with God whatever you concieve him to be...
And whatever your labours and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life....
Keep Peace with your soul..With all its Sham, drudgery and broken dreams....
It is still a beautiful careful, strive to be happy....


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