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Pet Remembrance Page

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I felt there was a Need to have a Pet Remembrance Page, as Our Pets are part of our families as well. And when we lose one of our Pets, we feel Great Loss and sadness. I have been wanting to make a page like this for a long time, and today we lost one of our Darling Cats Cuddles, he was so much part of us, so this Page is dedicated to the Memory of Cuddles. If you would like to have your pets placed on this page, please email me.

Passed away on the morning of the 17th December 1998
You gave us so much Joy and Love Cuddles
We will never ever forget you
You were only 14 months old
Xmas won't be the same without you pulling on the tinsel
Sitting on my Computer Chair and not moving
Getting your own biscuits out of the cupboard
And giving the best Cuddles any cat could give
And you used to love going for a ride in the car
You were like a human and we will miss you terribly
Love from Mum and Dad, Jade, Peter and Ebony

Good News! We found out cuddles was to be a father after
he died, and we got one of the kittens a girl and looks just
like her Daddy Cuddles. The pic below is the image of Missy
and you would'nt believe it she has taken over my teddy, thinks
it is her Mother. The image below is so exact to how Missy and
the Teddy look, I couldn't believe it when I found it!!!
She sucks of the teddys chest, just like she is feeding from her
Mother *laugh* We love her terribly, and hope she stays with us
for many years to come.

January 2000, Update on our Missy- She is doing absolutely great!! Still very much adorable and can be rather cheeky at times :-)
September 2000, Missy is the proud mother of 4 gorgeous baby kittens :-) We have kept two of them and have named them Minnie Moo (Min) & Kimmy. Both boys and they are gorgeous. Min looks just like his mum.
Feb 2001, Missy had another 4 babies and is a very great mummy. We didn't keep any this time but a friend of ours took one so we can see it when we want. She named this gorgeous kitten Roxy who is also a boy.
May 2001, Our Darling Missy has gone missing. We are devestated and praying that she will come home soon.

Our Missy Moo

This is in memory of my 2 beloved animals that has past away.
My dog, Bear-Bear (a beautiful miniature Collie/Red Chow mix.
Was born March 14, 1988.
He was brought to me when he was 3 days old. His Momma had just been killed, and he needed a new one. I became that, so to speak. I gave the tiny dog bottles in the middle of the night just like I did my children. Over the next 10 years, that we had Bear-Bear, He grew to be a wonderful friend.
Always there by my side through everything.
On August 3, 1998, he left this world. Part of me did also.
I'm sure he is playing under the Rainbow Bridge, with all the other sweet animals that have passed on.
Meow-Meow, was my oldest daughter's cat.
We found the tiny kitten (Seal Point Siamese) in a rain storm a few years ago, with 2 hurt back legs. We nursed him back to health, he came part of the family also. He grew to be a happy, healthy, loving cat.
He passed away Oct. 10, 1998.
I'd like to think that my animals are together at the Rainbow Bridge. Pets will come and go but these 2 of mine will stay in my heart forever.

Maggie May
Passed away on January 27, 1999
Your time with was far to short. We will always remember that special little face. The laughter and joy that you brought to us. And the time that you managed to get your self stuck under the bathroom counter. No, you were not really stuck, you were having a great time. We just had to dismantle it to get you out. We love you Maggie May. No matter how bad things seemed or how low I was feeling, All I had to do was look at that little face of yours and I would smile. You are missed and always will be.
Chad, Suz, Grandpa and Bugs too!!!!

" My Issy"
July 1994
For 14 years you gave love to us. You stayed by my side through marriage, childrens births, and divorce. My bestest little friend. You live on in those who came after you. You slept by my side every night and and remain in my heart forever.

Suzie Q
She was just a pound puppy and a mix breed but we had just moved to a new town when my dad came home with her and she adopted me right away and she was my only friend for the longest time. She passed away in September i cried for days.......and still do whenever i think about her. she was a wonderful friend. And i think u're Pet Rememberance Page is wonderful and so are your other ones (they are in my favorite places and whenever i am down and need to smile i go there) i've never met you but i think that you must be a beautiful person inside and out
*~*A Friend*~* &*~*Fellow Pet Lover*~*

We miss you Benji, 'ole pal, and we hope you are happy in that great field in the sky. We love you always. You were the best dog we ever had. No dog has even come close to being as great as you were
Your loving family

To All Our Beloved Pets
Orangie, Velvet,Velvet's babies,Babe,MISSY1 AND Missie2, Sissy, Troubles,Tiggie,Tiny,Midnight,Shadows and Tag Along, Kitty,All the stray cats,too. Thank you for Touching our lives with your love,devotion, and enjoyment. TO ALL OUR PRECIOUS DOGS: THANK YOU,TEDDY...PRECIOUS OLD DOG. TRIXIE,ROVER,HOLLY,SHAWNIE,PIXIE,MISTY,HUPTUS VON SNOOPUS-BETTER KNOW AS SNOOPY :) FRANCINE,MIT-ZU-LING,BENJI, MIDGET,SMIDGET,SUNDAY,TERRA,WOLF,TERRA'S BABIES,MAX, AND GERT. YOU WERE ALL SO INDIVIUALLY DEVOTED AND PRECIOUS. A SPECIAL THANK YOU - TO HONEY BOYAND BUZZY-WUZZY,OUR MYNAH BIRDS,WHAT A JOY YOU BOTH WERE! My pet wasp,who would ever think a wasp could be a devoted pet,only those who had the rare chance to see you in action as a pet in our household. Rare but true :) It would be nice to go into detail about each of you,as pets, but that would be asking to much :) So, I will just give you mention. Now, for the other pets thoughout the years...Spiffy and Spring, our two deliteful pet squirrels. you were the best! To our hamsters,baby and bunny.So cute and cuddley and sweet! A tribute to the stray animals that come to us and momentarily bought joy,thank you...Honorable thanks to all the animals God bought in our path as a blessing through out our walk on earth. Gone, but never unappreciated for the role you had in our lives. This can certainly be said for each human being that our lives were blessed with. A very very heartfelt "Thank You", to each indiviual,for your love,devotion, caring, each of you have a special place in our hearts and will always be remembered. Above all, Thank You,God, for your love to all your creation and for the web page owner that made this tribute - to our deceased possible.



Our Beautiful moustache parakeet with the happiest disposition
He brought joy for many years, always tame and intelligent
Murdered in the prime of life by his mate Pippa on June 17 1999.
There will never be another as sweet as you Groucho.
We miss you, fine feathered friend!


Oct. 95------May 2, 2000
You came to us unexpectedly and loved us unconditionally. You protected us and watched over us. A blessing from above. Even with your pain you still stood by and never let us down. We miss you. The hot air ballons still fly above on Sunday mornings and the memory of your playfulness within our hearts.
With love,
"Mom" ,Rhi,

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