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~Waiting to be Born~

This all came about when myself and a very close online friend were talking about Angels and if we believed in life after death in which we both do. We have both lost our father's to Cancer and that's how the conversation started of. We both know that they are watching over us and feel that perhaps it was them that brought us together to help one another. Whatever the case, we have become the best of friends online. During Our talk my friend said to me "What is your earliest Childhood Memory". I had to think for a minute and took myself back to when I was in first grade at school when I fell asleep in class. I relayed this to my friend, who in response said to me "I'm going to tell you something that I have never told another soul before". He went on to say "I am telling you this because I know you believe and it's something I have kept to myself for a very long time". I told him that yes I do believe and that he could tell me anything. This is when he said "I remember before I was born". He went on "I remember lining up to be born and there were other souls before and after me in line". Although to alot of you that are reading this now might not grasp this, but I did..I believed him. It was not only a week or so before this that another friend had told me that she remembers seeing herself in the womb. He went on to tell me that he could still picture the vision like it was yesterday, so I asked him if he would be able to draw it. His images of his visions are below. If you have a similar experience to this, we would love to hear from you. You are not alone and if you feel you were.. well you know that your not now.

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