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Everyday, whether or not do we realise, but there might have been something that flies over us outside our home, office, or just anywhere.... you name it! While most of us who notice the "Flying Object", think that it's an ordinary aeroplane or a helicopter just because we can't see it that clearly. However I would say that 50% of the assumptions are true, but the remaining 50% assumed it as "U.F.O.". Why is that so?? Read on and you may know the answer....

What is U.F.O. in the first place? This is a special name given to those objects that we see in the skies above us (... just like the one as shown in the picture above... ) as nobody can identify the object itself. Not even the person who works in an airport can identify the object and claim it as its own plane flying out there! So Unidentified Flying Object is the full name given to such flying objects.

If this flying object is no aircraft, nor an aeroplane or a helicopter from earth, then could it have been something from out of this world? This had resulted in many people linking the U.F.O. to aliens from outer space! Then there are some people who even gone all the way to do research on it. Some came up with films on aliens... such films that made success in the film industry worldwide include The X-Files, Alien Trilogy, Star Wars saga, and Star Trek series just to name a few. Some even produce their own research on this matter in their own website..... such like this site!

So for more information regarding "U.F.O." and "aliens" stay in touch with this site!

Area 51

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