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Tasty food in Taiping

Usually most Malaysians who are familiar with Taiping town would flock all over this town to look for good food and delicacies. An example of restaurant that serve good food is as shown in the picture above. It is known as the Air Kacang Restaurant, which is famous for it's soya bean drinks and also good "po-piahs". This restaurant is situated along the Theatre Road. Below shows other restaurants that serves not only tasty food for lunch and dinner, but some of them are opened for breakfast and mid-night supper as well! The next paragraph tells you more about the name of the place to dine in; and the food that it is famous for based on the pictres shown below.

Clockwise, from left: 1.Fajar Supermarket (a.k.a Larut Matang - Ground Floor) - Food: Mee Rebus, Kuihs, & Chee Cheong Fun; 2.Prima Restaurant - Food: Wan Tan Mee, Chang (Non-halal), & Lam/Pan Mee; 3.Tang Chen Restaurant - Food: Lam Mee; 4.Tai Chien Restaurant - Food: Wan Tan Mee, & Lobak; 5.Another view of Fajar Supermarket (a.k.a. Larut Matang) as mentioned in (1.)

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