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Welcome to Taiping Lake Gardens

When mentioned the name Taiping, the first thing that would immediately 'pop' into the mindsets of most Malaysians would be the Taiping Lake Gardens. It is famous for being part of the history of the foundation of the Taiping town that we see today. It also symbolises the peacefulness of the town itself with it's own natural beautiful surroundings (I suppose it's anytime better than those other lake gardens that we see else where in other parts of the country!).

The Taiping Lake Gardens was a tin-mining industrial site during the nineteenth century. Many people from across the border of China migrated over to this place to work on the mining land. During that time, existed the Chinese secret societies of Ghee Hin and Hai San, which were both fighting over the control of the tin-mines and lands surrounding it. After the Larut War, which has erupted in between both secret societies, drawn to an end in 1874, the Pangkor treaty was signed and Taiping was the name commemorated in place of Klien Pauh. The secret society of Ghee Hin took control of valley area in Kamunting, while Hai San took control of the land area which forms the Taiping city we see today. After abandoning the tin-mining industry in the 1890's, the land has since then been turned into the Taiping Lake Gardens we see today!

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