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Welcome To Taiping!

Among all the places in Perak, Taiping stands out of them all as one of the most beautiful town around, and that is thanks to some of it's famous historical trademarks, the friendly hospitality from the people, and not forgetting, the nice food and beverages that you can taste!

Based on the above map (on the left), you can see that Taiping is located at the northern part of Perak in Malaysia. The district that Taiping is situated in (as shown in the map on the above right) is called Larut Matang & Selama. As a town formerly known as Klien Pauh, Taiping was at one time a capital of Perak way back in the nineteenth century. During that time, this town was the thriving centre of the tin industry in the surrounding valley. At the end of the infamous Larut War in 1874 (war between two Chinese secret societies of Ghee Hin and Hai San), the name Taiping was being commemorated for the town in place of Klien Pauh. With the signing of the Pangkor Treaty on the 20th of January 1874, Taiping emerged to be the major town in Perak.

Taiping is also known to many as the "raintown" for its rainy season throughout every year. Perhaps it could only be due to the fact that this town is situated next to the Maxwell Hill, which is the wettest place in Malaysia, for receiving the most shower from the sky yearly. Rainy season may also mean quite a lot to some "old folks" who live in the town, ... that they even bet on whether it is going to be a rainy day or not. Such bettings usually take place at the Market Road where the old Taiping wet market is situated.

So if you are still keen to know more about Taiping, why not drop by to the links of various interesting places in the town itself, as shown below.

| Taiping Lake Gardens |

| Tasty Food & Delicacies in Taiping |

| St. George's Institution | (under construction!)

| View of Taiping Zoo | (under construction!)

| Elsewhere in Taiping | (under construction!)

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