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Chris Heyn's Spoliers

WARNING!! Only for those who want to know about the upcoming fifth season. If you don't wanna know, it's not too late to turn back now! :) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Oversight/Fearless Leader
(12/30/00 1:02:09 am)
Reply  Happy New Year Tidbits
--Just to clear up any confusion, the name of Episode #502 *was* changed to "A Girl Who Wasn't
There." Some of you may recognize the title as a line from the poem that Kessler quoted to Madeline
in "Gambit." TPTB changed the title because they felt it fit better conceptually and

--Yes, Jasmine will appear again, but no, she will not have a "thing" with Walter. Chalk that up to
another "thing" rumor that wasn't true (Nikita & Mick). Neither of those ideas were ever even

--Unfortunately, you won't see Nikita's apartment again, but you will visit O'Brien's place. You
would have also taken a trip to Walter's place, too, but that location was cut early on for budget

--Three new Section sets will debut this season, including Center, which was first glimpsed in the
internet teaser. (The latter was pretty impressive, huh? Way to go, Terry Wareham!)

--Acknowledging fan desires, TPTB wrote and filmed a Michael/Nikita WMS scene designed to be hotter
than the one in "Hard Landing." Let's hope it makes it to air unscathed. Cross your fingers.

--Edgy music returns with a new track by PJ Harvey in the season premiere. Sean Callery is also
back to score the final eight.

--Peta and Steven Shellen (O'Brien) may have chopped their locks, but Roy, Alberta and Matthew all
wear their hair longer this season. (Especially Matthew.)

--Because the final eight episodes were written as a mini-series to wrap up the show, the episodes
are pretty densely packed, telling new LFN stories while wrapping up loose ends from last season,
answering long-standing questions, and digging into the backstory to pull it all together. Given
the difficult position that TPTB found themselves in, they worked very hard to pull this off
sucessfully. Based on the rough cuts I've seen, IMHO, they did. As usual, the new episodes will
still leave a number of unanswered questions, but what LFN episode would be complete without

See you next year!

