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gypsie,Clifton Park, Shenendehowa Central School,Outback Australia, Terrell Neuage,Internet Literature, Deakin University, Flinders University, Internet Poetry, Internet Poets,Masters Thesis in Literature,Interacteive narrative, Tree Fiction, Hyperizons, Storyweb,The Heresy of Hypertext, Multimedia Literature, Gutenberg's Bible, papyrus scrolls,Terrell Neuage, Hypertext Poets, THE POETICS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,Hypertext literature, Deakin University,Deaking University Literature<META name="description" content="Internet Literature, Deakin University, Flinders University,Internet Poetry, Internet Poets,Thesis in Literature,Interacteive narrative, Tree Fiction, Hyperizons, Storyweb, The Heresy of Hypertext, Multimedia Literature, Gutenberg's Bible, papyrus scrolls, Terrell Neuage, Hypertext Poets, THE POETICS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,gypsie,Clifton Park, Shenendehowa Central School,Outback Australia, University of Virginia,Hypertext literature,litweberature, Deakin University, Deaking University Literature,Flinders University,Weekly Poetry, erotic poetry, kinky poetry,Australian poetry,Hypertextual literature, "><META name="keywords" content=Internet Literature, Deakin University, FlindersUniversity,Internet Poetry, Internet Poets,Masters Thesis in Literature,Interacteive narrative, Tree Fiction, Hyperizons, Storyweb,The Heresy of Hypertext, Multimedia Literature, Gutenberg's Bible, papyrus scrolls,Terrell Neuage, Hypertext Poets, THE POETICS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE,University of Virginia,Hypertext literature, Deakin University,Deaking University Literature,Flinders University,Weekly Poetry, erotic poetry, kinky poetry, Australian poetry,Hypertextual literature,"><META name="description" content="Internet Literature, Deakin University, FlindersUniversity,Internet Poetry, gypsie,Clifton Park, Shenendehowa Central School,Outback Australia, Internet Poets, Masters Thesis in Literature,Interacteive narrative, Tree Fiction, Hyperizons, Storyweb, The Heresy of Hypertext, Multimedia Literature, Gutenberg's Bible, papyrus scrolls, Terrell Neuage, Hypertext Poets, THE POETICS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Hypertext literature, litweberature,Deakin University,Deaking University Literature, Flinders University,Weekly Poetry, erotic poetry, kinky poetry, Australian poetry,Hypertextual literature,WEEKLY POEMS,gypsie,Clifton Park, Shenendehowa Central School,Outback Australia, TERRELL NEUAGE, ,ADELAIDE, ">



As far as I could imagie

was never far enough to place me here:

I was prospecting in a small town up north

The circus had left a small tent behind

I peeked inside, looking for direction

There was a gypsy sitting naked in front

of a crystal ball she was fondling

She had my portraits tattooed on her breasts

it was impossible not to notice, even for a man

She said my future was mapped out in my hands

would I put them on my portraits - to know

I remembered her from some distant time

(when we were children it was her dolls

I had sacrificed to Dionysus

during school recess at Shenendehowa Central School, Clifton Park New York, and she never forgave)

I didn't want my future told

I knew where all the doors were


As I left the tent

I felt Charon's hot laughter behind me

and turned just in time to watch the tent

disappear into the screaming mist

Before long I did forget it all

until tonight when my concupiscent concubines

came home and said a gypsy was looking for me

to tell my future

she was no longer smiling

Now I know it's my end - because I sacrificed

to the wrong god so long ago

like we all do to bring about our end

Copyright Terrell Neuage, 4-17-04 VICTOR HARBOR, SOUTH AUSTRALIA

Monday,20 April 1998 1:22:18 PM


in progress



Children's Stories





new series of picture-poems (June 27, 1998) begin here

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