2) On the way, you see two rose bushes. One is full of white roses, the other is full of red roses. You decide to pick twenty roses for your love. (You can pick all of the same color or half & half or whatever combination suits your taste.)
3) You finally get to your boy/girl-friend's house. You ring the bell and a family member answers the door. You can ask the family member to please get your love , or you may get him/her yourself.
4) Now, You go up to your boy/girl-friend's room. No one is there. You can leave the roses by the windowsill or on the bed.
5) Later it's time for bed. You and your love go to sleep in separate rooms. You wake up in the morning and go to your boy/girl-friend's room to check on him/her. You enter the room:
6) It's time to go home now and you start to head back. You can take either road home now. The plain and boring one that gets you home faster or the curvy and sight-filled road that you can just take your time with.