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~Albertane Tour Reviews~

So, you've seen Hanson in concert this summer on their Albertane Tour, and you're still so excited you could bust?! Wanna tell the world what an exciting night ya had watching 3 of the world's most talented heart throbs?? Jot it down and send it to us!! Then the world can see what fun ya had!!

Our first review is from doesn't say where she saw them:

It was that night, the night I was finally going to see my favorite band...Hanson! My cousin, her friend, my friend and I all settled down and found our seats. We were pretty far up but we could see alright. About 10,000 or more girls (like me) were screaming "We want Hanson". It was so loud I could not hear myself talking! Then I glanced over my shoulder and saw a mob of girlz running as fast as they could. I saw what they were running at. It was Taylor Hanson. We got up and also followed, but, by the time we got there, he was already backstage :( So, we all went back to our seats.

About half an hour later, I had to go to the B-room, so I ran really quick and came out just in time to see Admiral Twin come out. They played a couple of songs then they left. (They were a really cool band!) Then the set changed the stage for Hanson. Then a big gray curtain came up, then a couple minutes later, it fell to show ~*Hanson*~. That's when all the screaming began! They opened up with Summer Time Blues and Gimme Some Lovin! After a lot more songs, they said that we had had enough of them and they left. A minute later we heard Zac's voice say "What's that you said? You want more?" Then they came back out again and played some songs from 3 Car Garage.

Ike played a solo on the keyboards-it was amazing it was so romantic! (The song Meredith is referring to here is called "More Than Anything") Then Zac and Tay came out again and they played a song I never heard of. Then, right before my eyes, Tay grabbed the drum sticks from Zac and played the drums while Zac squirted the fans with a super soaker! Then it was just about time for them to go. Zac stuck his hand out and let all the girls in the front touch his hand. I felt like crying I wanted to touch his hand so much but I was towards the back. After that they left and we got up and drove our way home. I turned on the radio to Z104 and they were playing all of these Hanson thingz!!! They were also talking to people who were at the concert. We all sat back and listened till we got home. I will never forget that night. It was the BEST night ever!

Ike was wearing:white shirt and blue jeans

Tay was wearing:Red stretch pants and a long-sleeved white shirt

Zac was wearing:a Tye-Dye shirt with blue baggy pants


This next review is from Johanna Denley...thanks Joes!!

First Toronto k! Christa and I arrived at Ontario Place at about 10:00 am on the morning of June 23. (Ontario Place by the way is where the Molson Amphitheatre is, it is like kind of an amusement park but not really! it has like a lego house and the cinesphere and waterslides and games and stuff like that!) We were determined to find Hanson (never happened!) But we were looking in at the Amphitheatre where the rooms and balconys were at the back and a secutrity guard walked by and goes, "The second floor" and he kept walking we were like you've seen them? he said he couldn't tell us anything! So we continued to watch the 2nd floor thruout the day! Later on in the day we look and saw 2 blond guys in the room we were like oh my god its Tay and Zac!!! they were sitting in the room and we just watched for a while then the blinds got closed.

We were waiting for them to open the gates while Hanson did the sound check, since the Molson Amphitheatre was outdoor we could hear the entire soundcheck!! It was agonizing!! Zac kept going "Heeeelllllllooooooo People!" because he knew we could hear him very well!!! they kept starting to play songs and they would stop we were going INSANE!!!! We were standing by the gate and Walker came down and took a picture of us and left then they asked us to move so they could open the gates and they did! we walked in and they did the bag check but they didn't find our camera's because they were hidden in our bra's!!!

we walked in to find our seats we knew we had good seats but we didn't know how good!!! They ended up being 10 rows from the stage!! We were soo excited! We waited for like and hour before the concert started and we looked around and stuff! then finally Admiril Twin came out and played! they were really good! Then came the big excitement after the 1/2 hour wait after admiril twin played. Hanson came out!! WOO HOO!!! They stared it with Gimme some Lovin!!! it was amazing they had the entire crowd on their feet for the whole concert!! They played most of the songs off of Middle of Nowhere excluding Lucy and Yearbook, and they played Soldier, Stories, Sometimes, river off of 3CG. THey also played some oldies like Summertime Blues and someothers I don't remember what they were called!!!Ike played More than Anything !! it was amazing!! It was funny when they played Madeline Tay goes "this song is for all the Madeline's out there!" and every one screamed really loud and he goes "Woah theres a lot of Madelines!"

We also saw Walker and diana!!! Diana was in the sound booth and she walked by us and we called her and she smiled and waced at us, same with walker! It was amazing!!! When they left everyone just sat there for a few minutes and then they came back out and we all flipped out!!!They sang some of MMMBOP acalpella and played Look at you and Summer time Blues and they talked to us for a while then they left! Itwas really depressing!!! BUt I had an awesome itme!!! but!!! when we were leaving we walked past the second floor and we saw that Taylor was on the balcony and so was Ike every one flipped out!! they were waving and stuff!! Then Zac walked by the window(I swear this was deliberate) with no shirt on and he put on anohter one!! Everyone freaked!!! Then they went downstairs and the were presented with their Double Platinum record from Canada!! it was AWESOME!! Zac was running around waving it in the air it was cute!!! There was a small river between the building and where all the fans were!! they were standing on the ledge by the water jumping around and stuff!! I swear it looked like they were gonna fall in the water!!! It was Awesome!!!! That was the concert in Toronto Ontario on June 23 1998(Diana Hansons B-Day!!)

My name is Mary Wieczorek and I went to 4 concerts this summer..but I will tell you about the Hershey Pennsylvania one. Well it took a lot of convincing for my mom to actually take us to Hershey, but when she did it was the best time of my life.
Well we got down to the Hershey Park Stadium and we could already here Admiral Twin playing on stage. We didn't even have tickets for the concert so we were just going to stand out by the gates and watch the concert from there. Then my mom said "Tell that guy over there to get Hanson's bodyguard for us" so I did and then he came to the gate. He remembered us from Los Angeles and so he let us in the concert. As I was walking through the gate I looked up at the stands and everyone's eyes were on us. We walked over to the bus and the guys were already in the dressing room so we couldn't meet them. then we walked to the field and was just going to watch the concert from there.
Well Admiral Twin had already left the stage and Hanson was going to come on any minute. Then right around 9:00 the lights went out the first cord's of the guitar started and the curtain fell. The crowd went absolutely included. Well they started with Gimmie some Lovin and after that whole set they jumped into Thinking of you and Where's the Love. We weren't going to stay for the whole concert so after Isaac's solo on the keyboards we left. We got outside and went to get the we could follow the bus.
We were waiting outside of the Park for about 20 minutes..then the concert was over and the bus pulled out and turned left. We followed right after it..not knowing how far we would actually be going. Well we thought they were staying in Philly, but they past that exit. Well we had now been following behind their bus for 3 hours. We were all joking about how they could stay in NYC. Well they ended up staying in NYC.
The bus pulled around a corner and right in front of a hotel. We all jumped out of our car and walked over to the bus. Zac was the first one off of the bus...he just ran straight into the hotel..he was tired. Isaac came after him...he was carrying a laptop computer and he said hi to us and then walked into the hotel. Their family came out next..Ashley was carrying Mackie, Jessie was walking with some other girl that I didn't recognize..Avery look a little mad, she didn't have any shoes on. Then Diana got off, holding Zoe. Zoe is the cutest baby.
At this point it was about 1:50 in the morning. Taylor was still in the bus, we were all waiting for him to come out. About 5 minutes later he did come out, he walked right by us, said hi and walked up the stairs. I was hecka mad...then my friend yelled "Well can't we at least have a handshake!?!" Then for some unknown reason Taylor turned around and came back down the stairs and walked over to us. I shook his hand first...he was funny, he said "Do you guys realize that it is almost 2:00 in the morning?" One thing I said to him was..I pointed to his watch and said "Cool watch" and he said "Thanks." It was the silver face watch that he always wears. Taylor was wearing: A tight blue shirt, dark blue tight cords..silver boots..he had a red rubber band in his hair...I noticed everything. It was incredible. He then asked us if we had gone to the concert and where we were from...then he said That they were going to work on their Live video the next day so he had to get some sleep. Well after that he said "It was nice meeting you" and we said the same to him. Then we walked away in total shock.
Well that was the best night of my life and I will never forget it...EVER!! I met Taylor Hanson in New York City on August 16, 1998 at 1:54 in the morning..(I looked at my watch)

Here's a review from Paige McDonald

Hey! I went to the concert in Nashville, Tennessee on August 6th 1998. It was great!! We got there really early, and it was PACKED. While we were waiting in line we could hear Hanson practicing and everyone would scream. Then we finally got in (we hid the camera in my moms purse). We had to wait at the gate for a while. We heard them practicing oldies, it was so fun.

Then the gates finally opened and we ran to right behind the seats. We could see everything; it was wounderful. Then I got soooo mad when everyone started standing up in their seats and we had to make way back to like the middle of the yard. It was still great, and I could still see a LOT and I wasn't as far away as I was at the Spicegirl concert. I think they started out with 'Gimme Some Lovin'. Then later on they sang Summer Time Blues and they made us all sing 'There aint no cure for the summer time blues' like 3 times and they quieted down so we could all sing; it was soo fun.

(Yes I sang!!!) At one point, Isaac layed down the guitar, sat on the keyboard bench and took over for Taylor. Tay walked up to the drums, took over for Zac and Zac squirted us all with water squirters!! And at other times, Isaac sang with Tay in the same microphone and once Isaac WAILED at the end of a song with his guitar and at the end, he plopped down on the floor with the guitar on his chest and rested for a few minutes :)

And after they played a few songs they went backstage and me and my friend roused everyone to say 'Hanson! Hanson! Hanson!' and I think Tay said 'What? you want us to come back?!?!?!' and they came back out. That might have been one of the very best days od my life and I swear it was my life long dream. I cried twice before because I was so sad I thought I would never go to a concert. And I wished and wished everytime I could wish on a star or something and I finally got my wish. Now my wish is to meet them ;)


