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!Sick 'O Diss!

Are you sick of all the Hanson dissin goin around? Tired of hearing "Ewww, you like HANSON??" OR "Hanson is for teenie boppers" OR "They look like a bunch of girls" Well, I'm FED UP!! Send us your "Sick 'O Diss" story and we'll post it. I'll start with mine!!

Ok, yesterday, I walked into this gas station to pay for my gas. I had on my Hanson shirt that you can order off the eggo waffle box. So, this kid behind the counter looks at my shirt and gets this smirk on his face and goes "HANSON?!?!" (as if to say, why the 'ell are ya wearin THAT shirt???) so, I looked at him dead in the eye and said "Yes, Hanson!! To each his own, ok?!" Well, the smirk remained on his face. I said to him "I happened to see them in concert and they ROCKED!!!" The smirk got even more annoying, so I looked at him and said "You're lucky I'm in a fairly decent mood. Otherwise, I'd bite your head off, chew it up and spit it out. Have a nice day" and I left.

Now, I know this doesn't really set a good example for the younger fans out there. But, even us fans can only hear so much dissing about Hanson without saying anything in reply.I know the guys themselves probably have heard much worse, and I have too, but I'm allowed to like Hanson and people should just learn to keep their opinions to theirselves unless they're asked for!! So, QUIT DISSIN HANSON!!!!!

Send us YOUR story!!! ~*Steph & Whitney

This one is from my pal Amber aka Ambertane!! U GO GIRL!!! I have to clean it up just an 'ittle though!! =)

I went out to the store with my grandparents...well, I had my tour shirt on and my necklace thingy! U know...!! Anyways! I walked into the store...and there was this kid I know from school who I hadn't seen all summer. My grandparents went to look at..whatever..and I headed STRAIGHT for the CD section where I again saw the kid I knew. So he comes up and goes "Still obsessed with those Hanson f---s, eh?!" (and I am QUOTING THAT!!) And I go.."ya know what?? U are the most immature piece of s--- I know! I can like Hanson if I want to and it is none of your d--- business!!"

So he replies with this smile.."I am immature?? At least I don't like an all-girl pre-pubescent band!!" Well, that kinda sorta pushed a button..I got up in his face and said (rather LOUDLY might I add)"Listen U dimented little twit! U are the biggest mistake on this earth..leave me the h--- alone!! I am allowed to make my own choices in music, and in life!! If I made the same choices as you, I would kick my own a$$!! And as for Hanson being pre-pubescent, they've changed, air-head! I saw them in concert..yes that's right..LIVE IN CONCERT..and they are ALL through puberty..if U want to see a pre-pubescent piece of s---, LOOK IN THE D--- MIRROR!!!"

The sales person looked at me like 'are you gonna PUNCH him?!?!' Then I said to this kid.."See ya in h--- a--hole!!" and walked away. I turned around and he was just standing I walked back and I go "Oops! Look who learned how to stick up for herself over the summer!!! Obviously wasn't U!!" Then I laffed in his face and walked away for good! It kicked!!!!!

This next one is Whitney's Sick 'O Diss story...geez, don't mess with THIS one!!! LOL!!!

My story:! One day I went to a store at the mall where it was full of gothic stuff and all(I'm not gothic but the stuff are cooL)and I was wearing my Hanson shirt and a face painting that says Hanson Rulz,Hanson Kix a lot of Butt,and another one that said,Hanson Rox the world.So then this guy comes up to me and has this weird and ugly xpression on his face.I ask him,"What is your problem?"He replied,"I am just so so very worried about you young one!"

So I just look around me and look back at him and ask,"what the heck are you talking about??"Well,u know Hanson is like very unpopular and unboyish!,he said.I stand up straight and had my elbows crossed."Why u stupid jerk!You don't know one thing about music because if u did u would know who Hanson is!"I said in a real mad voice."Well missy,or should I say looser,u should change your like of music if you want to be unlooser."he told me!

I slap him on the face in front of everyone and I yelled,"U are a stupid Jerk with No BRAIN and you are so retarted u don't even know who the heck you are talking about!!Now get out of my face before your red hair becomes bald!!!!"So he runs out of the store and he comes back and tells me,"U are so mean! So unrespectfuL!!!"I roar and he said,u can't scare me!"So I kick him in the front and he howls like a dog! Then I said,"So,who's scared now??HANSON RULZ Buddy! And Manson sux!He runs out of the store and I never see him again!

A word to the wise....don't mess with Hanson fans!! LoL!!!

Read what Kelsey has to add to diss...I mean THIS!!

Okay, this is what I'm really sick of, my friends stupid, clueless comments about Hanson. You see, I'm the only Hanson fan out of all of them, they're all Backstreet Boy fans (gag). There have been so many of them but these are the ones that really stuck out in my mind. One day this summer, I was hanging out with my friends and the subject of the Backstreet Boys came up. When I continuosly told them I didn't like them, my friend said to me "Come on, you like Hanson, you have to like the Backstreet Boys."

I didn't say anything, but I was thinking why would she think that Hanson was below BSB. Excuse me! How many of their songs did BSB write! The other one , more like the majority of them, come from another one of my friends, she's always saying Hanson's a bunch of pansies or they can't sing, or stuff like that. I told her that when she gets a recording contract maybe I'll listen to her. Well that's all I've got.

And from Jenn....

There were only two people in my class last year who liked Hanson. One was me and another was a friend of mine. I wore shirts and everything and had no great problem admitting that I liked them. The other girl never wore shirts and had trouble saying to everyone that she liked them. And of course you'd have the few boys who felt it nesscary to say things to us. I'd laugh when they'd diss Hanson instead of getting mad because I know that HANSON KICKS EVERYONE ELSES BUTT!!!

When they saw it didn't bug me they stopped asking me about it. But the other girl got mad and embarrassed and they would always tease her about it. She'd get mad when they'd say things, and she'd get mad when they'd tease her. If you don't let what people say bother you, cause we all know itz not true (unless they are saying Hanson is the one and only!) then they'll stop saying it!!! Ignore the haters in chats and in real life. Do not give them an arguemeant cause thatz what they want. If you ignore them they get very mad and go away!!!

Like for example take my friend, we'll call him *Michael*. He always used to diss them and call Taylor a she/ he, because he knew I liked them, and that I liked Taylor. When he saw it didn't bother me he stopped. So my advice is: IGNORE IT!!!!! YOU KNOW HANSON ROCKS THE WORLD AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO PROVE THAT TO ANYONE!!! AS ISAAC WOULD SAY "SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE HANSON, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I DON'T GIVE A RIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's Missy's story....

Well my parents brought me a Hanson tee back from Tronto and I wore it to school that day. I wore a big sweat shirt over it because the guys in my class always make fun of me. Or like the they even call me MRS.HANSON. So I decided I would take the sweat shirt off and show everyone my shirt! When I took the sweat shirt off nobody noticed, but the this guy turned around and said, "Hey she's wearing a Hanson shirt!" They didn't make fun of me after that. They say I was brave to wear it. so I think me likng Hanson kind of grew on them!

sincerely, Tay'S GAL(Missy)

Here's what Cari has to say...

Well only one of my friends likes Hanson and she dosn't really love them. All of my friends make fun of me and they say that I'm gay and messed up. I mean it's a band. But really it's not just a band to me but I just say that for an excuse. And it's only hair and its only a voice and I don't care what other people say about Hanson because I'm proud to be a Hanson fan and a dedicated one at that!!! ~*Cari*~

YO!!!!! Wud up peeps? well I have a sick o' diss story & here it is!!!!

Well in my class last year there was this boy and he always criticized Hanson. He would say things like 'sorry Rachel, but Hanson will never like you cuz they are too busy f------ eachother' and stuff like that. I never liked it but all I would say was shut up. But this year I had him in my classes again (oh lucky me.) and the first thing outta his mouth was 'still like those fags?' and I guess I had tons of anger building up inside of me and that just broke the last straw, and I blew out(in the middle of the hall where everyone could hear.)

' you know what? your the gay one! The only reason you don't like Hanson is because you aren't as talented as them. You couldn't play the keyboards or the drums if your life depended on it, and we'll be lucky the day you learn to hold a guitar straight! So, I really think you better stop critisizing people over their looks, intrests, whatever! Cuz one day someone isn't gonna like it and they're gonna kick the $#!~ outta you, and you are lucky it wasn't me!' I stoped and heard everyone start clapping. I turned around and smiled, very pleased with what I did. So to all you Hanson haters keep your opinions to yourself!!!

Well I hope you like it and it IS true!! Well, bye!!!!


Whoa!! Look at what Robin did and said.....

Just yeterday I was at the store with my mom and the bagger said, "I don't know how much more country music I can stand".I had my Hanson shirt on, wearing it proudly! Then he said, "I would rather listen to country than Hanson".I said "I can't help if you have bad taste". He didn't say anything back. Then he said he thought they looked like girls and I said "Haven't you said enough? I think you have so Shut up!" After he got done putting the groceries in the car, I gave him a mean look and got in the car and din't give him a thanx! Shows him! I hope he gets fired!

e-mail me at

Someone else is sick of it too!!


My friend and I come from a school where everyone hates Hanson but us and 2 other people. We're all friends (naturally). We wear Hanson shirts practically every day and we always get criticized one way or another. One day my friend Miranda blew up at these guys Nicole and Jacob. She told off both of them and they didn't speak to her for a week.

Then one day last week, I was walking down the hall out of social studies, and my enemy Shad yelled " Hanson sucks" I screamed at the top of my lungs "Shut-up you little chipmunk wannabe."(he really looks like a chipmunk. His nickname is chippy!!!) Then, in the girly voice he has, he wailed "no" and Miranda started cracking up so bad! I didn't hear him say no, but she did.

My other friend Mollie has a BIG mouth. She hates this kid named Steven and he was making fun of Hanson. Hearing what he said about Tay, she stood up in the middle of class and started yelling in his face. Here's what she said: "You need to shut-up because you're just jealous. Stephanie dumped you and you need to get a life you little faggot!!!" I was cheering her on, but then I realized we were in class and sat down. I told Mollie to calm down before she started throwing punches and getting herself in-(or out of) school suspension.

One last story:

Leeann has the biggest mouth of all. It was 2 weeks ago and the pizza came to deliver her pizza. She was blasting MmmBop and the guy gave her the pizza and said "ew! Hanson!" Then she told him to go f*** himself in a d*** closet. "I didn't ask you to make any comments, but now that you did, I'll make one on you! you're an ugly gay faggot, you're extremely jealous and Hanson rules!" She threw the money at him and slammed the door shut in his face. She flew upstairs and turned it up louder.

Well, those are my stories, hope you enjoy them!!!

Erica, Miranda, Mollie and Leeann! Pittsburgh,Pa

I go to school with the biggest losers of all time and they nag at me like they r something special and they are always like "u like hanson those fa** r so g** !!! So instead of getting mad i look them in the eyes and say MMMBop, and walk away :)

Okay, my name is Sher and I have one cool story, so pay attention! I was at school and I sit with a bunch of seniors, although I'm only a freshman because I have alot of senior friends. I noticed these girls pointing and laughing at me because I was wearing my Hanson shirt. (and a cool shirt it is, too.) Anyways, one of the gals, Carissah, was going out with this dude James. I had a major crush on James at the time.
I went up in Carissah's face and said, "Why are you laughing at me?" and she said, "Your shirt is so... ugh." and she made a face. I laughed and she said, "What are you laughing at?" and I walked over to James (who was about five feet away) and planted a wet one right on his mouth.
She stopped laughing. Her face turned a funny purple color and everyone in the lunchroom went, "oooooohhh..." and then I said to her, "I was laughing because I was imagining the look on your face when I did that. And if you ever dis Hanson, me or my bomb shirt again, I'll sleep with the boy. Got it?" and she walked away. No one teases me about Hanson anymore.

Here's what 9yr. old Paige did to her 'disser'...GO PAIGE!!!

I saw this one guy in a guestbook. He said:HASNON SUCKS MY A$$ AND SHOULD ROTT IN 'ELL!! I was sooooo pissed, I sent him an e-mail saying how mad I was. He sent me back an e-mail with all kinda of swearing and saying how I should go lick my dogs balls and stuff :P I was so mad that I sent him back the same e-mail only with his name replacing my name, lol. I never got a response, I guess I put him in his place!! And also this other guy, I went to his anti-Hanson website and I sent him an e-mail saying how mad I was, and I like flooded his mailbox with like 386034900 e-mail's and he just gave up and never sent me a e-mail back.LoL!!


HI!! Here is A Hanson Dissin Story you might like.. I was at a summer camp and I brought all 12 of my Hanson Tee's. The rest of the girls in my cabin liked them. When we met our councelor I was not wearing a H-Tee and she was soooo nice to me. The next day I wore one and she said to me "Are you out of your mind?! Hanson blows chunks of crap!! What in Pete's name are you thinking?!" For the rest of the week my councelor was so rude to me it was disgusting! So, I requested someone that wouldn't judge me for liking Hanson. (I can act good, so I made myself cry)Well, I got a new councelor and she loved Hanson and my other one was fired 2 weeks later!! They would have fired her before but it was mid-session, so they had to wait. But before I left I called her a piece of SH** and a MOTH** F**KE* and we'll leave it at that!!

Hello. My name is Allissa James. I was just reading your !Sick 'O Diss! page, and I was thinking and I have a story that you might want to add or whatever, but here it is..
I am in the 9th grade and at the begining of the year everyone was like "ewwww!You like Hanson?" and I would just say yes. They just got over it and I became friends w/ alot of them. Then this one queer started making fun of me, and I have alot of older guy friends like in 11th grade and seniors that could kick his little a$$. But anyway, so my boyfriend who is in the 11th grade (Captain of the Football team) said "You little fag, you are probably jealous because you can't get them to screw you!" and he looked at me and said "Ohhh, you have to get your big boyfriend to stand up for you, and I said "Look you little A-hole, I don't need anyone to stick up for me, and as for Hanson, they are just a group, not life, and if you would like me to go around criticising your music I wouldn't want to waste my fuc**** time, so obviously you picking on me means that you have no life and nothing better to do, so while you're at home thinking of mean things to say about Hanson, I am at a party w/ my boyfriend having a blast, so you can just go fu** yourself." My boyfriend just laughed in his face and kissed me and walked me to my next class. (It really shows who the losers are when they make fun of the type of music they listen to :) ) and if you care the guy that made fun of me listens to classical and string music. Ha-Ha-Ha.
Well, Hope you enjoyed it, Allissa James

Heyyyy! I (Steph) happen to like classical music too!!

I was talking to a friend of mine...

Josh: so what are you doing?
Paige: nothing much, just looking through hanson websites
Josh: hehehe.....Hanson
Paige: I cant help it if you have bad taste
Paige: drop the subject Josh
Paige: no, I'm sick of you Hanson haters, drop the freeking subject Josh!
He didn't answer me so I said: oh my bad for being rude, little Hanson hater
Josh: know I'm j/k
Paige: no I'm not gonna let you off that easily, I'm sick of you freeking Hanson haters
Josh:I don't HATE Hanson...I think they are funny though...especiallly with Zack's voice changing...YES I KNOW their names
Paige: oh come ON you freak you know you hate them
There was more silence, so I said:awwwww... offended by a lil Hanson lover?
Still no reply so I had to say:oh just so you know this is going in the sick o diss section of MMMBOP World . oh your name will be in front of thousands of people! oh wait, they will all hate you for hating Hanson. HA!!
Paige:Have a nice day happy holidays you freak
Well there's my story, to all you Hanson hater freaks out there, SCREW OFF!!!
*~Paige~* :)

*ahem*...Paige, you wild girl you! LOL!!! j/k!! Though we may not agree with Hanson "haters", they are entitled to voice their opinions just as much as we are..even if we don't like what they say. This will be the last entry, for this page is full!!! Thank u to everyone who contributed to this page!! =)

