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Today’s Topics






  • Welcome to the premier issue of Poet Tips! This newsletter- now an e-zine- was created to help poets of all skill levels get webpublished – it’s easier than you think! Poet Tips: Notes From the Empire, is a powerful free tool for web poets, lyricists, and short story or prose writers, when used in conjunction with the New Afrika Empires websites.

  • First, to review the entire Eleven-Step Process to Publication, read the Getting Published article, located at our interaction site -

    Today we are going to go over steps 1-5 and Step 9.

    We will start our discussion with step 1- Prepare yourself, your work and your peers. What kind of preparation do you need to do? To prepare yourself, be sure that you are mentally, physically and emotionally ready to being this stage of your life, becoming a published poet. It takes a lot of preparation, a lot of planning, and lots of legwork if you are going to be performing publicly. You will also need to develop a thick emotional skin, because you will be asking for criticism of your work, and some folks are going to be more constructive in their criticism than others. Decide on a goal for yourself in the next year, and then break down your goal into a plan with manageable steps, so that you end up with a to-do list for every stage of your plan. For guidance on this step, we will be having a chat at our interactive Delphi site in October.

    For your work, make sure it is presentable, and clear. You should also catalog and categorize your work. If you work on a PC, spell checks it. Format it the way you would like it to appear when published. Make a list of poems you are going to start out with, all from the same category, like love poems, or political poems. Then start visiting the sites where you will be getting your work published. If you are going to simultaneously pursuing publication off the web, buy a copy of the publication you want t o be in or check it out at the library. Will your work fit in? Can you meet the submission requirements? Sometimes that is the only reason your work gets rejected – wrong format.

    The next step is perfect your work using the feedback of unbiased parties. Most people think immediately of friends and family. Sorry, this is not an objective audience at all. Try posting your poems to a forum or message board that has follow-up discussions. We have one at the Delphi address we supplied earlier. You might also enroll in a Poetry Workshop. You can find out about these in the happening performance poetry spots or publications in your area. In the DC area, try places such as Mangoes restaurant or The Caribbean Students Association at the University of Maryland in College Park. Most community colleges offer a relatively cheap creative writing class that focuses on poetry.

    Step three requires you to proofread your work. This is an important step. Here’s a tip. Start at the end of your work and read it backwards, word by word if it is fresh in your mind; line by line if it is a poem you don’t know by heart. You would be surprised at how many mistakes you can catch that way. You can have a friend proofread it, too. A friend may know how you think, and what you mean to say when you write something. Even if they do not, it will still help to determine whether your audience will get the same mood from what you write that you intend.

    Pre-releasing your work in a controlled environment is a simple process that few people do which will save you lots of heartache. In executing step four, you should find a small publication, mailing list or other places on the Web with less stringent requirements for publication, like the Starlite Cyber Cafe, which we are going to discuss later in this newsletter. Pick a place where feedback is encouraged, where you might be able to leave your email address for people to respond to your work. Why? Because the more you find out about reactions to your work now, the better you can fine tune it before it gets widely released, the better your chances in the long run. There is nothing like having a piece of work that you thought was finished evolve into perfect three months later. You have such confidence in that piece when you send it out to be widely distributed that rejections won’t depress you. You will Know that it’s not you and your work, it’s them, and their inability to recognize genius when they see it. And that, friends, is a Great feeling.

    For Step 5 – go to the About page in New Afrika Empires. Here is the address - .

    Step 9 - Publishing with a Literary Art Collective, is a special step that most people don’t know about, or have not considered. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers that we thought we should give you so you can make an educated decision about finding and joining one. Click this link to find out more - .

  • I recommend this action for anyone who has gone through the 1st Four Steps to Publication, and has started on Step 5.

    There are very few spots on the Web that will allow you to submit your poetry on a web page by itself as attractively and as quickly as the Starlite Cyber Café- .

    The Starlite Cyber Café’s Poet’s Corner makes you a page for your poem instantly and gives you options to make your poem more appealing to the eye. You get a web address that you can send people to in order to see your work, or incorporate into your own site, as I have. Your poems appear one per page, and you can choose the background and font color you would like. It also gives the option for people to email you right from the page, as well as a discussion board you can create or visit to get feedback on your poem.

    Whether you are fine tuning your poetry, interested in studying the works of others or have finished a piece that you want to see in print, this site should always be your first stop.

  • In the next two weeks, New Afrika Empires will debut the Poet Path. This will start as a new link under "Enter Here": which will lead you through the poet specific parts of our site. You will begin your journey at a site guide page, and end it at a page full of hundreds of places you can go to submit your poetry on the web, some of them with instantaneous results!!

    So come by the Empire, there is something for everyone!!

  • The plan was to have some submissions appear here, but we will have to wait until the next issue, because only list subscribers are eligible to submit poetry to the newsletter. However, anyone can post a poem on our message board. Hint. Hint.

    For those of you who were forwarded this message by some nice person, or who won a free sample, the rumor is true. Poet Tips is no longer a free publication. To get back issues, you gotta pay $1.50 if you are not a subscriber. Also, to become approved as a subscriber, you must provide link us to your site or a free for all links page or pay the $12 subscription fee. This becomes effective October 12th. So during the grace period, hurry up and sign up if you haven’t already!

    We are doing our best to keep both our site and our newsletter no cost, by getting sponsored every third issue, and getting your word of mouth assistance. This issue is not sponsored, and is being distributed free of charge, but not for free. No one appreciates free advice, so to get on this list, we ask you to do something, help publicize our free site by submitting our link to a list, or linking us to your site. Please do us a favor and visit our sponsors and the folks we write about in our newsletter. The sites we write about don’t ask to be noticed, but they really deserve the exposure. To become a sponsor or if you have any other questions, write to us at .

    Thanks for your time and patience, we will see you next month!!


    The Empress


    A. Abayomi-Paul, Site Designer of the New Afrika Empires Web Sites

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