Poetry Related Sites

Poetry Related Sites - Top Ten

My Favorite - TimBookTu
Black Girl International
The StarLite Cafe - Another Respected Favorite of Mine
Writer's Block
Poet Tribe
Poets On The Web
Submit Prose Here
Baltimore BlackLands Poetry Page
Afro-American Anthologies
Poetry.Com's Link Page
Now And Forever

We updated this area on Ocotber 27, 1998. Some new sites have been added, and we adjusted the format, deleted most self-explanatory descritptions, and made room for more links, which will appear here in coming weeks. We have relocated our poetry webrings to the bottom of this page, so scroll down to visit the great sites in the rings we belong to! You will find new links here about every two weeks, so come back often!

There is a lot here. I reccomend bookmarking the home page to this site and coming back. Pace your self, commit to a set of 20 poems and sumbit to 5 sites a week. Start with The Starlite Cafe, in my top ten, to get instant gratification. Then start with TimBookTu and go down the list. Read works by others, and submit works of your own. Don't be shy and remember, you can never succeed at what you never start.

Now, to speak to the topic of the origin of the links below....

I started the way everyone does, by going to several search engines and entering several different criteria for my search. Then I ended up linking from different sites, and hearing about others. So I started a collection, one that goes way beyond the orgainizational capacity of bookmarks on a browser. Two thoughts occured to me:- 1 - I could have a site where poetry can be published, and 2- I can help others find the same!

So while I gave up trying to organize these links, beyond attempting not to repeat them, I still hope that you will find them useful and I am sure that if you are consistent, you will soon get webpublished! Have Fun!


KPC-Karl's Poetry Corner

Poetry Cafe

Real Poetry

Hollywood's Famous Poets Society PoetryContest

New Writers Forum

Electric Cafe - Poetry Forum

Noriyuki's World of Poetry and Black History

Poetry Page

Poetry Palace

Slim & Shorty's Purging through Poetry Page

Versatile Mind ...Poetry Interactive

W3PX - The Poetry Exchange

Poet's and Writers Online.

Web Poetry Publishing

Anna's Poetry Bazaar

Essence of Poetry

Inner Visions - A Personal Look

Word Play Poetry for all Seasons Page

Advent Poetry

Amateur Poetry Review

Typo: A Mostly Literate Literary Magazine

The Writer s Block

daisyface, the zine.

Writers Welcome

Literary Lair

Surreal Voices

Davison, Justine - For a cool Cranberries site

Adoption Poetry

Kavana, Karen - Poetry: submit, review and discuss.

Rosiek, Ryan - Sign Blue

Wiven, Keith (also known as Kietwine).

Miller, Rachel - Poetic Paranoia

Taves, Heidi - a place where writers can submit their poetry.

Cliche - poetry and prose 'zine

Forum - an international poetry project.

Literary Lair

Ramblings from the Edge - dedicated to publishing poetry born from college/high school experiences. You can also submit your poems for possible inclusion.

Haiku-o-Matic - view haikus and to submit your own.

  • Om - weekly installments of live spoken word poetry.

    Scream's Sanctuary of Thought

    Caffeine Magazine

    Phresh Magazine

    The Writer s Block

    Page of Many Things

    Huq, Cezanne - Virtual Urth - a place for poetry and the world.

    Tome of the Literati

    Voices Of Intelligent Dissent Berry INFOCom

    Verbosity Magazine

    Stuboy's Poetry Corner

    Positively Poetry

    ElectricHippie's Lovers' Corner

    UnPublished Author, The submit your work to be published here for free. The only prerequisite: show your rejection letter(s) from previous attempts at publishing.

    Haiku Archive

    Shiki Haiku Salon - The Bi Weekly Kukai Report

    Bartley's Haiku Page

    threejack Haiku

    Gilbert, Paul - Above Ground Testing


    Many of these sites I found just surfing the web, but a great deal of them I got from the Yahoo search engine. See our Home Page to search for more sites using Yahoo.

    The Well

    Writers Board .

    CyberPages Poet Centre

    Japeto - both written and in e-zine format

    Illya's Honey Quarterly

    Joseph's Zone

    AAALRIGHT!!! Poem of the Week

    Berry INFOCom


  • ___intro - The Edg: 'State Of Mind, State Your Mind'--http://edg.bajan.org/intro.html

    Keystrokes Guidelines http://www.writelinks.com/keyguide.htm

    reality x: poetry, short stories and other writing

    Re: Writers Needed

    Submission Desk -

    Cader Publishing, Ltd. : Poetry Contest Win $1,000

    Chronicles of Fiction: A New Workshop

    Celebrate America Essay Contest, U.S. Immigration, AILA, AILF - CELEBRATE AMERICA ESSAY CONTEST Why I am Glad America is a Nation of Immigrants In the midst of anti-immigrant fervor that was sweeping this country, the South Florida Chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) decided in 1995...

    The Desktop Writing Workshop: FAQ List - The Writing Workshop is a learning resource for writers with interactive multimedia tutorials on CD-ROM, featuring published author/teacher Tom Parker. This is our list of frequently asked questions. If yours isnšt there, you can add it!

    Companion Swords Update: Ocotber 26, 1998. We have decided to place our poetry and writing webrings here. They contain a lot of great poetry sites, and there is no reason you should not be able to access them all in one place! You can find places to submit poetry, and to read the poems of other people, on each of the pages on every ring. So get crackin'!

    poetry web rings

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