To Vote For Us Click Here! We Have Made It All The Way to This Side in the Warzone!! Voting is now 7 days a weeks, and your vote will not count until you Check For Yesterday's Scores. When They Are In, Your vote Will count For The Day.

Site Fight Sites!

What The Sam Hill Are The Site Fights, You Ask?
All About My Team ---> DQueen Pharaoh's!
I shouted IT OUT!
The Site FIghts Main Page!

Go Somewhere Else in This Site

Look, at this neat graphic!! I got it from DQueen for having a day of Spirit......Another Neat Thing I Got From Being In The Site Fights!!!!!

I figured that since I am a Pharaoh, I should have hierglyphics on my page. The old background will appear on the next page. Thanks to Every One Who Left Me Cool Graphics in My Guestbook!! I won In the Sphinx Arena Last Week --- Could Not Have Done It Without My Great Supporters!! I also won for Best Spirit Page the week before that!! Maybe I will win as a Cheerleader this week!! Wish Me Luck!!

All The Stuff I won or Was Given in my Guestbook is here, or on the next page. Mostly I have organized them so you can see who gave me what and why!! Have a Great Day!!


Neat Stuff!
Dqueen Gave Me These Medals For My Victories These Past Two Weeks. I was in Competition with Some Great Sites, So I am VERY Surprised and Humbled by the Whole Thing!!

Lady Serenity Gave Me These!!

From Orca!! She is a Pharaoh, Too!!

From Wee One Sweetie Pie!!

Click Here to Visit The Rest of My Spirit Page
You will see all sorts of happiness and spirited glee on these pages------------->so ya'll come back now, hear?

Email: newafrikasempress@mailexcite.com