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To Rose

William John WaterHouse


A Rose for you


Today I visited a flower shop

Looking for the perfect rose


Each petal, each stem must be

The finest that could ever grow


Its color must be vibrant

Its petals soft but bright


Not to much red in color

Its gentle hues must be just right


The stem should be almost straight

Leaves the right shade of green


Not to many sharp thorns

The finest rose anyone has ever seen


When I have limited my choice

Down to a chosen few


I will pick the perfect flower

And give this gift to you


After going through hundreds

Of roses of every kind


I can't find the perfect one

The one I had in mind


I discover this rose isn't in a flower shop

But a picture etched forever in my mind


A rose that will not die or fade

And will last until the end of time


--By, Mike Mal 2/10/99

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