Zelda 64 Pics And Info!!
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Zelda 64 Pics And Info!!


On this page you will find out some things about Zelda 64 and see some pretty neat pics.
I guess to say the least that I love the Zelda games. I love the plot, the weapons, the challenge, the enimes, etc.
When i heard there was going to be a Zelda for a new system I flipped out. I went on the internet and looked all over, for along time nothing! I was very dissapointed. Then it couldn't have been more than a week later Nintendo Power came out with an artical aobut it! I read it, and read it, and read it! Till I memorised it!
Lots of people are going to judge this game as a land mark for N64. When they started makeing Zelda they were going to make it a little but big game that would please viewers.
As we can see that has changed quit a bit! It is now expected to sell so many games that people are already reserveing there copys! (includeing me)


The plot is actually unknown but i have heard lots of rumors:
Rumor#1: Ganon has come back to rule hyrule and casts a spell over the town. At the time Link wasn't in Hyrule and comes back and finds out that Ganon has come back. Hyrule was changing into a death town. Suddenly another villian comes to Hyrule and trys to take over as well.
Ganon gets killed by this other character and never returns. Mean while this other villian finds out that Link is in town and has heard that he is a pest he sends for all the knights and servents and anybody in the town and tells them that if someone kills link then they will get lots of $$$$$.
I sure hope that, that rumor isn't true.
Rumor#2: Ganon gets reserected by a wizard of some sort, and remebers how he got killed to begin with! he go's to Hyrule and basically takes it to the dark world. Link was out of Hyrule and comes to find out that Ganon was alive. Link finds a way to get in the dark world and when he gets there he find's out that zelda had been sent to be killed. Link is trying to find Zelda, Kill Ganon, and restore the town to it's proper place.
I think that would be a cool plot for the game.

Rumor#3: A whole new villian has come to town and kills Princess Zelda's father. Link finds out that it was this new villian is the Kings brother. The kings brother becomes the new king, and the new king finds out that Link knows so he kidnapped Zelda, (if he kills here or not i don't no) and the new king says Link did it. Instead of Link leaveing he stays in Hyrule to prove who killed the real king, and to see if Zelda is really dead!!
This is another great plot!
Rumor#4: Here's a real simple plot.
Ganon comes to town puts the town under a spell, so the town thinks that Link is a bad person. Ganon tells everyone to watch out for him and if you see him kill him or call a gaurd!! Mean while Zelda is held captive so he knows Link wont leave town!!
That plot sounds like the 3 Zelda game, but it's still a good rumor!
If you have any good rumors that you have heard then send them to me and i will post them up, thanxs!!!


The controls for Zelda (or so what i have heard) are the following!
The C buttons are for switching camera views!
The A buton is to draw or put away your sword!
The B button is for your alternative weapons, like your bombs, or your bow and arrow! ANd by pushing the B button again it will draw or you will throw the weapons!
The Z button is for attacking someone with your sword.
The Start button is for chooseing any of the B button weapons, and other stuff like that! Oh and it's for pauseing the game as well!!!
The L & R buttons are for either 2 things, a zoom in like in Mario 64, or nothing at all!

Camera Views

Like a lot of things on this page some of the camera views arn't neccisarily true , i just put down th camera views i have heard the most!!
Camera views!!
Back views:
A back view, a down slanted back view, and a more of a top view in the back view!!
Face views:
A front view, a down slanted front view, and a top view of the front view!
Left views: Left side view!
Right views!
Right side view!
I have also head that there was talk that the newest view is going to be a turok view. In other words you see through Links eyes!!
I personaly hope that all those views come out for Zelda 64!!


What fun would Zelda be with out some weapons? Well it would probaly be as fun as hearing realitives sing show tunes! The weapons that I'm going to list are for sure weapons.
*Swords (about 4 or 5 swords to be to be presise!)
*Boomerrang (I think only 2)
*Shields (Unknown)
*Bombs (From what I have heard is that there are supossed to be different level of bombs!)
*Bows ans Arrows ( 1 bow and different kinds of arrows)
Those are the weapons that have been let out of the Nintendo work shop. Here is my RUMOR about maybe weapons!
*Peagusus boot (Makes you run faster)
*Hook shot (Grapling hook!)
*Fire rod, Ice rod (one shoots fire, one shoots ice) That's it for now!

Characters That are in Zelda 64!

It has now been confirmed that Ganon is in Zelda 64, but Mr. Mimamoto said that if you are thinking he is the main baddie think again!
Iron Nac was in the first Zelda game and will be in Zelda 64 to. They are the guys who you can only hurt by hitting them in the back!
Immortal Worriors have been in all the Zelda games and will be in this one as well. I believe they are the skeliton warrior guys! They get tougher and tougher though out the whole game.
There are more eniemies as well but dont no all of them, but Mr. Miamomoto says more bad guys are comeing!

New things about this game!

Besides the great graphics and the new system it self, Zelda 64 has lots of new things unlike the other games. The color of Links sword (the blade itself) is different. The first sword you get is a brown color, the second sword you get is a grey color, the Third sword you get is a white color.There are some more swords as well, but the last color of the sword is a gold color! Links shield and cloths change to!
Communicate: In other Zelda games there are little word boxes, if there are voices or word boxes in Zelda 64 or not I don't know.
I personally think there will be only word boxes, for the simple reason that what I have heard is that your name doesn't have to be Link! Your name can be anything, just like the third game! I could be wrong though!


Since the N64 gives people a chance to play 3D games it will be a challenge at first to fight off enimies. They come from every direction thinkable. Luckly you have a secret weapon. You are not alone on your journey! You have a little fariy floating above your head and glows a bright white when an enimie wants to fight you, that gives you a little more warning!


Links face, eyes, mouth, and body movement is so detailed.
Example, when Links see's a boss bigger than him his eyes get big, meaning he is a little shocked. Or if he see's a smaller enimy he will just shake his head.


The movies in Zelda 64 are supposed to be really, really smooth. Even better than that there are supposed to be a big butt load of movies as well.
The opening movie is supposed to be 4 minutes, and 35 seconds long.

Zelda 64 Picutures!!!

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5 Picture 6 Picture 7 Picture 8 Picture 9 Picture 10 Picture 11 Picture 12 Picture 14 Picture 15 Picture 16 Picture 17 Picture 18 Picture 19 Picture 20 Picture 21 Pictures 22 Pictures 23 Picture 24 Picture 25 Picture 26 Picture 27 Picture 28 Picture 29 Picture 30 Picture 31 Picture 32 Picture 33 Picture 34 Picture 35 Picture 36 Picture 37 Picture 38 Picture 39 Picture 40

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