This is not a mailing list. I'm sorry for spamming, one of your colleagues so politely informed me of what it was and I apologize for doing it. It will not happen again. Permit me to remind you that you are a Community Leader and it is my understanding that you have responsibilities. I'm sorry that you don't want to be part of that responsibility and I suggest that if you are reluctant to aid GeoCities users (which I am), then I recommend that you resign as a Community Leader. I was hoping that your response would indicate that you are interested in hearing some proposals spawned by my colleague and I that would effectively decrease the amount of complaints on GeoCities agressive advertising. Once again, I remind you that the complaints come from GeoCitizens. If you "naturally love" helping people, then I suggest that you invest considerable interest to the recommendations. We have everyones best interest in mind. Please believe that. If you reply as rudely as you did before or do not reply at all, then I will move my attentiont to other Community Leaders.
The above response is printed exactly as I received it. It is (c)1998 by those guys who want to remain anonymous.