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Key Words


Aaron - Nick Carter's little brother. Angel's twin brother.

AJ - Short for Alexander James. Name of the second youngest member of the Baskstreet Boys.

All I have to give - One of the groups songs which have been released.

Angel - Nick's little sister. Aaron's twin sister.

Angela - Howie D's older sister.

Anywhere For You - One of the Boy's songs, on their first album.

As Long As You Love Me - Another one of the Boys, hit songs.

Auction - One time Howie actioned off a dinner with him, and one person got up to $5000 and the other beat her with $5500, and the two proceeded to fight over him. Howie didn't want them to fight over him, so he went out with both of them for $5000 each. They money went to a charity.

Backstage Pass - If you can get your hands on one of these, considrer yourself very lucky, and you may have the chance to meet the Backstreet Boys.

Backstreet Boys - Name of the group. BSB for short. Also the name of the self titled non-american album.

Backstreet Market - A hip, teenage hangout in Orlando, which the Backstreet Boys were named after.

Basketball - A sport which all the boys enjoy playing in their spare time. Brian is the best at it though.

Bass - AJ plays bass guitar.

Beanie Babies - Nick and his little brother Aaron, are having a race to see who can collect all of the beanie's first.

BJ - Nick's younger sister.

Blue - Both Brian and Kevin's favourite colour.

Boy Band - They are all boys, and they are a band, hence the name boy band.

Brian - One of the BSB. Most of the time he is the main singer.

B-Rok - What Brian is known as by all his fans.

Caroline Dorough - Howie D's sister who died recently from LUPIS. RIP Caroline.

Carter - Nick's last name.

Cat - You will find many of these creatures at the Carter household.

Chaos - One of Nick's nicknames, because he can cause so much disruption, with his practical jokes.

Choir - Brian started out by singing in a church choir, where his mother was the manager.

Classic looks - Nick - Blue eyed, blond. Kevin - tall, dark, and handsome.

Coke - A favourite drink of all the 'Boys.

Cool - AJ is Mr Cool of the group.

Cousins - If you didn't already know, Kevin and Brian are cousins.

Cute - Nick hates being described as cute.

Dance - All the boys dancing is carefully choeographed, to make them look perfect. But as the saying goes 'Practice makes Perfect'.

Dennis Pop - One of the group's main songwriter's, who died of lung cancer on 30th August 1998. RIP.

Dogs - Nick, Brian and AJ all have pet dogs.

Dorough - Howie's last name.

Drums - An instrument that Nick is very good at, and has been playing since he was 12 years old.

Dwaine - Howie's middle name.

Everybody - The first song that they put out in their home country, where the Yankee's actually sat up and took notice.

Expensive - The most expensive thing Nick has ever bought was a new boat for his Dad.

Fireman - What AJ would be if he wasn't a famous singer.

Flirt - AJ is the biggest flirt out of all the othe boys.

Florida - The state which they all live in.

Frack - Nick's nickname from Brian.

Frick - Brian's nickname from Nick.

Funky - AJ wears lots of funky clothes.

Gay - All of the guys who say BSB are gay, are really just jealous of the guy's popularity

. Gene - Nick's middle name.

Girls - Most of the Backstreet Boys' fans are girls.

Gossip - Things like car crashes, deaths of the boys.

Green - Nick's favourite colour.

Guitar - Instrument that Brian plays.

Half-sister - Nick has a half sister called Ginger, who has a daughter. So what does that make him? A half uncle?

Hangin' out - Relaxing. Only doing what they feel like doing.

Hanson - BSB think that Hanson are snobs.

Homesickness - All the BSB get homesickness especially when they are in other countries nowhere near the rest of their families.

Hospitals - When the BSB are touring, they regularly visit the hospitals to give the toys that they are given to the sick children. How sweet!!!

Howie D - Short for Howard Dorough. 2nd oldest member ofthe Backstreet Boys.

Internet - Nick is the BSB who surf's the 'net mos frequently.

Interviews - Have done 100's and 1000's of these.

Jamestown - The town that Nick was born in.

Journey - Nick's biggest musical influence.

Kentucky - State that Brian and Kevin originate from.

Kevin - Oldest member of the Backstreeter's.

Keyboard - An instrument that Kev has been playing since he was 9 years old.

KTBPA - Short for 'Keep The Backstreet Pride Alive'. A common cry for the Backstreet Boys.

Leslie - Another of Nick Carter's little sister's.

Lexington - The town that Brian and Kevin were born.

Limited Edition - Not many of these made (albums, singles, magazines).

Littrell - Brian's Surname.

Looks - All of the guys are very good looking.

Max Martin - The other songwriter of the group.

McLean - AJ's last name.

Mercedes - Nick owns one of these car's.

Messy - This is how Nick's bedroom is described.

NBA - Brian would be a NBA star if he was not a Backstreet Boy.

Nick - Short for Nicholas. Youngest member of the group.

Nintendo - Nick's all time favourite activity.

New York - The state Nick's originally from.

Old Poeple's Home - Nick's parents owned one of these when they first moved to Florida.

Operation - Brian had an operation earlier this year to rectify a hole in the heart.

Orlando - Where the group is based.

Parenthood - A movie which Howie had a small part in.

Performing - What the backstreeter's are very good at doing. They put on a very good show.

Personality - As well as being good singers, and having good looks, they all have very nice personalities too.

Photographer - The boys have their own special photographer, wh sell's their pictures to the press.

Pilot - What Kevin would be if he wasn't a Backstreet Boy.

Pollyana - Another of Howie's sister's, who Howie is trying to get into the music business.

Police Officer - If Howie wasn't a BSB, he would have followed in his father's footsteps, and became a police man.

Pool (Snooker) - AJ's favourite sport.

Pool (Swimming) - AJ has a pool in the shape of a guitar.

Pranks - Nick plays pranks on everybody that he can.

Purple - Howie's favourite colour.

Quit Playin' Games - The last song released from the first Backstreet Boys self-titled album.

Recording - What the boy's have to do so that their fans can hear their tunes.

Richardson - Kevin's surname.

Rumours - Most rumours get spread from places like the internet.

Ruskin - Where Nick lived when he first moved to Florida.

School - Nick still gets tutored and is still doing high school.

Scott - Kev's middle name.

SCUBA Diving - Nick's Father is a SCUBA Diving instructor, and Nick is a fully licenced SCUBA Divier.

Shopping - An activity all the guys enjoy.

Skateboarding - Nick and Aaron are into skating around their home, when they're there that is!!!

Sleep - Something that the boys don't get enough of especially when they are touring.

Stingray - A kind of car that Nick wants to get one of.

Sunglasses - AJ's trademark.

Tampa - They town Nick lives in.

Thomas - Brian's middle name.

Tickets - What you'll need to get into one of their concerts.

Video's - There are lots of different videos of the BSB out there for sale.

Writing - Songwriting is another thing that BSB do in there spare time. Kevin even has is own songwriting room at his house. AJ also writes poetry.

X-Files - Nick's favourite TV show.

Yellow - AJ's favourite colour.

Any more words to add to the dictionary? If so write to me and I'll post them up for everyone to see.