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Evaluation Criteria
Although it is not required, we advise you to study this criteria thoroughly as it contains valuable information you need to familiarize yourself with the working and requirements for this award. It will provide you with a good understanding of what type of evaluation your site will be subjected to.
This is a graphic orientated award program which means that in order to achieve a high mark your site must have an attractive appearance. Even if your website loads quickly, has a good layout with easy to use navigation and well written content it will in all probability fail to score enough points if it has poor graphics. If you believe your website falls into this category then maybe this award program is not for you. Your sites theme is not part of the criteria as I believe it is unfair to allow my personal interests to influence my affinity with the website. I try to stay as impartial as possible.
Your website will be evaluated in 5 sections, Graphics, Layout, Navigation, Content, and Load Time. Each section has a certain amount of points allocated to it which when added together give a 100 point total.
Section 1: Graphics:
This section contains 40 points made up of 8 sub-sections each worth 5 points. It carries the most amount of weight and is designed to test the quality of the sites graphics. I will be evaluating the clarity, consistency, identity, colour, professionalism, integration, innovation and emotional impression.
Section 2: Layout:
This section contains 15 points made up of 5 sub-sections each worth 3 points. It will test the effectiveness of the websites layout. I will be evaluating the resolution requirements, complexity, consistency, usability and use of borders, rules, dividers.
Section 3: Navigation:
This section contains 25 points made up of 5 sub-sections each worth 5 points. It is aimed to test the ability of the sites navigation. I will be evaluating the consistency, innovation, linkage, usability and presentation.
Section 4: Content:
This section contains 10 points made up of 5 sub-sections each worth 2 points. It is designed to test the content of the site. I will be evaluating the clarity, font usage, readability, duplication and grammar, spelling, punctuation.
Section 5: Load time:
This section contains 10 points made up of 5 sub-sections each worth 2 points. It will test various loading aspects of the site. I will be evaluating the site load time, page speed, kb / time ratio, interactivity times and image compression.
Awards are valid at the time of their presentation only, and are based on the criteria set forth at that time. Shasta's Shack will not be held responsible for subsequent changes to a site and reserve the right to modify criteria after giving two (2) weeks prior notice, for the purposes of improving the standard, ethics & integrity of the Nodus Award.

This web site copyright © 1998-2005 Shasta's Shack, all rights reserved. The works contained herein are property of their creators. Images contained within this web site are not necessarily free to use. Permission to collect or display any work of art lies solely with the creator and used with written consent.