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Do you meet the Requirements?
The below information is a list of requirements that have to be applicable to your website. Failure to comply with all tweleve (12) of these requirements will result in disqualification. We reserve the right to refuse any future applications by the submitting webmaster or website for that or any other site if they are deemed to be in violation. If you feel that your site may not comply with all of the below please make the necessary adjustments before applying.
1. Site type:
Business, personal, and non-profit sites are welcome to apply. However, forum sites, portals and search engines are prohibited from submitting.
2. Language:
To effectively evaluate your website, I need to be able to read and understand your content. To apply for this award, your site has to be written in ENGLISH or have an English alternative which is correctly translated.
3. Load time:
Today's web surfer is extremely impatient. The general consensus is that a website should start to appear within 10 seconds and be fully loaded in under a minute or the user will exit. I allow both html and flash websites a maximum of 2 minutes to load on (56k). After this time it is deemed that the site is not designed to meet the users needs and it will be disqualified.
4. Accessibility:
It is important to have a website that is always available to the user. If I cannot access your website I will check it approximately 12 hours later and if I am still unable to view your site the evaluation process will be terminated. If on the second attempt I am successful I will continue the review process but will make regular checks and if it does happen again I will stop the evaluation. Secondly, being Deaf myself I can sympothise with others that are considered physically challenged. If your site is not accessible to all through the use of alt tags and/or other ways limits browsing for for the physically challenges the evalustion will like wise be terminated.
5. Under construction:
Sites are always under construction and we do understand if you want to provide room for future projects. However too many "coming soon" notices will harm your chances so please restrict these to an absolute minimum. An entire section being inaccessible because it is under construction is absolutely unacceptable and such sites will be disqualifie
6. Quality content:
Your website should have at least 5 pages of valuable content or it will be rejected. The following will not count as content:
* Awards won or testimonies
* Process Forms
* Policy pages
* Link pages
* Search pages or similar, etc.
7. Undesired content:
Your website or any part of it (which includes links, buttons, advertisements etc) must not contain any content that can be considered or globally viewed as controversial, illegal or unsuitable to be viewed by all ages and ethical groups, which includes content based on the following subjects and/or nature:
* Racism, hate and discrimination
* Nudity, sex and pornography.
* Promotion of illegal activities or crime.
* Distribution of copyrighted material.
* Use of bad, vulgar language, profanity.
* Spam, chain letters or similar activities.

Nudity shown for the sake of art will be exempt but it has to be tasteful and should not contain or portray any sexual intent or representation, shock value, exploitation, abuse or harmful actions to any person, place or thing.

8. Password protection:
Your website should not require your visitors to login, subscribe or register in order to gain access to main areas. When I evaluate your site I will not subscribe to any service whatsoever. If I can not access your site,I cna not evaluate it. Separate membership pages for customers are allowed and will not be penalized. I fully understand that certain things are meant for your clients only.
9. Advertisements:
Popup advertising banners are extremely annoying. I will only allow one popup advert on your site and it should not reappear once closed. Anymore than one pop up will result in disqualification. This applies to free space servers also. Most of the top free servers allow the user to select banner advertisements over pop ups.
10. Trick or forced clicks:
You should never try to trick or force your visitors to visit your sponsors / advertisers in order to gain access to your content. Additionally, offering incentives or advantages for clicking on advertiser banners is also prohibited.
11. Improper coding:
If your website does any of the following it will be disqualified:
* Your site causes my computer to crash.
* Your site does not allow me to use the browser�s back button.
* If I believe your site has attempted to access our computer (cookies exempt) in order to record personal information or implant something on my computer the evaluation will be terminated and I will report you and your website to the appropriate authorities.
3. Application code word:
When you fill in the application form you will see a blank box titled �Code word�. In this section please type the word * superficial *. The reason for implementing this is to encourage applicants to read this requirements page in order to avoid unsuitable websites from being submitted. Although I will not fail applicants who do not enter the code word we will penalize them 5 points.

This web site copyright © 1998-2005 Shasta's Shack, all rights reserved. The works contained herein are property of their creators. Images contained within this web site are not necessarily free to use. Permission to collect or display any work of art lies solely with the creator and used with written consent.