TWA 800 - Missile Website Roadmap |
The Roadmap guides you to websites containing information supporting the TWA Flight 800 Missile Theory. The
mainstream media has done little independent investigation. Read the "rest of the story". |
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Websites by Author/Organization |
[AIM] [Anderson] [Davey] [Donaldson] [ENewsmag] [Free Republic] [Goddard] [Hirsch] [Hull] [InfoManage] [Irvine] [Kennedy] [Miller] [Madden] [Press-Enterprise] [Reagan] [Rivero] [Sanders] [Serendipity] [Shoemaker] [Stalcup] [Sweeney] [Weissbach] [Winds] [Zehr] |
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From Rivero site | From CNN |
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Websites Guides Listed Alphabetically
Accuracy in Media (AIM):
AIM Special Report - TWA Flight 800 First in the alphabet and also a great place to start. Lots of recent links. Accuracy In Media is an organization promoting fairness, balance and accuracy in news reporting. This site has links to numerous Donaldson articles.[Back to Top]Anderson:
[Back to Top]News articles written by Mark K. Anderson :
- Explosive Evidence August 20, 1998. A career military man battles his own government over TWA 800.
- Crash Test Dummies Well-placed critics say the feds badly botched their Flight 800 inquiry.
- Friendly Ire From the site: There's a good reason the Flight 800 friendly fire theory hasn't gone away -- it still makes the most sense. By Mark K. Anderson
- Questioning the Witnesses From the site: One hundred fifty people seldom speak in one voice. But if there is such a thing as a single account for the 150 eyewitnesses to the Flight 800 crash, it would appear to be this: There was a "flare" or "fireworks"-like object that rose from the water -- or from the horizon -- and then, intercepting the jetliner, burst into flame.
- New Questions, No Answers From the site: Space debris falling from the heavens and gigantic methane gas bubbles welling up from the ocean floor and exploding at 13,000 feet are officially "on the table" as possible causes for last summer's crash of TWA flight 800. But an errant missile from an activated military warning zone striking the 747-100 jetliner apparently is still too preposterous for most federal investigators and the mainstream media to entertain.
- The Anti-Conspiracy Conspiracy From the site: Call it conspiratorial. Call it, as the FBI's James Kallstrom did at a recent press conference, "absolute, pure, utter nonsense." Tar it with whatever brush you will. Here's the problem: The "friendly fire" scenario for the downing of TWA Flight 800 just south of Long Island last summer makes a good deal of sense. And that's tough to spin any other way.
News articles written by Robert Davey:
[Back to Top]
- Scattered Clues New shadows darken the TWA Flight 800 probe The elusive ignition source for the extremely rare center tank explosion that the National Transportation Safety Board believes destroyed TWA Flight 800 on July 17, 1996, remains a troubling and controversial mystery. Although the investigation is continuing, the NTSB admits that it may never be able to explain what led up to the horrifying last moments of the Paris-bound, 25-year-old 747 and her 230 passengers and crew.
But, in truth, the crash left a host of anomalies in its wake. The Voice has recently uncovered many unexplained elements in the investigation, among them: a piece of wing debris bearing clues that excited one investigator, a veteran pilot; a loud sound on the cockpit voice recorder and erratic readings on the flight data recorder, both suggesting a high explosive blast; hundreds of eyewitness accounts, finally being examined by the NTSB, of which more than a hundred suggest that a missile brought down the plane; and, lastly, a recommended test that investigators failed to carry out.- A Missile Destroyed TWA Flight 800 In January, more than 25 reporters attended a Washington, D.C. press conference, virtually a military briefing, that for all the actual media coverage it received might as well have been labeled top secret. At the widely ignored event, retired navy pilot Commander William S. Donaldson and former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Thomas H. Moorer announced that evidence existed to suggest that a surface-to-air missile brought down TWA Flight 800.
A Missile Destroyed TWA Flight 800 Part II- The Accidental Witness Dismissed by the lagging official investigation of Flight 800, credible eye witnesses and Internet denizens continue to pursue the friendly fire theory.
- Interested Parties Some say the "friendly fire" theory offers the only logical explanation for the Flight 800 tragedy.
- How Did TWA Flight 800 Blow Up? Published March 3, 1998 by Robert Davey, Village Voice. From the article:
When Dean Steward and his girlfriend Susan Smith set out for an afternoon at Gilgo State Park a couple of summers ago, they were looking forward to a day at the beach - sunbathing, tossing a Frisbee, strolling in the sand. The mid afternoon appearance of a naval warship about three miles offshore, slowly moving westward, didn't seem remarkable at the time to Seward and Smith, both of them airline pilots. The ship was an entertaining diversion that gave the 34-year-old Seward a chance to brag a bit, drawing on his eight years of navy experience, including two tours on carriers as a bombadier-navigator flying A-6 Intruders. In some detail, Seward described to Smith what kind of ship it was.- Flight 800: The Missing Evidence Village Voice April, 20, 1998
[Back to Top]TWA 800 - What Really Happened Description: Commander William S. Donaldson, USN Retired, challenges the Official Investigation on the cause of the crash of TWA Flight 800. Donaldson has extensive experience as a US Navy crash investigator and since mid 1997, has been working with the Association of Retired Aviation Professionals and other concerned aviation professionals to produce the Interim Report to the Aviation Subcommittee of the House of Representatives. Initially released on July 16th, 1998, the latest update of this report can be found here. This site is updated as new information comes to light.
A Summary of the Donaldson Report Facts From another site.
Commander Donaldson's Flight 800 Report Refutes NTSB Mechanical failure theory out the window. From the Winds site.
This 109 page report was published with Adobe Acrobat. You will need to install the free Acrobat Reader to view the report. It is probably easiest to Download the entire report then print or view it on your computer. You can also view parts of the report online with the Adobe plug-in to your browser, but be patient it can be slow.
Another way to view the report online is to look at individual scanned pages. Click here for the Table of Contents or the Summary Page.
You can also hear Commander Donaldson and others via internet radio or read excerpts from the Mike Jarmus Show May 24, 1998
Commander Donaldson's TWA 800 Letters is an enlightening chronology of Commander Donaldson's correspondence with the government's TWA Flight 800 investigation.
Full Page Advertisement published by the Associated Retired Aviation Professionals in the New York Times on October 18, 1998. Print it out to support their efforts.
[Back to Top]TWA Flight 800 - How The Conspiracy Theory Started From the site: As USA Today (10/31/96) said, "Richard Russell, a retired United Airline pilot and former crash investigator, shouldn't have been surprised when an authoritative sounding e-mail he sent to fewer than a dozen friends Aug. 22--claiming a government cover- up in the crash of TWA Flight 800--was copied across the 'Net." The article also says he sticks by his report, but must protect his source.
Free Republic:
[Back to Top]TWA Flight 800 ForumWhile this is not exactly a TWA 800 missile site, there is a lot of pertinent information here. From the site: ...We hope to involve you in the process. If you believe that an informed public is the first step in returning to a Free Republic, and that this is the way to ensure that we remain free, then we hope you will help us make this a useful and active forum. Please join us in seeking out and disseminating the truth. Please join a discussion group in our forum . Registration is quick, easy, and free. Come tell the world what you think and/or link the world to your homepage or to your favorite links.
Ian Goddard was a pioneer in reporting on the TWA missile theory. Pioneers are the first to see new territory, but they also get arrows and even more arrows in their backs. Here are a few links to get to the heart of Goddard's work:[Back to Top]
FBI Agent Admits TWA 800 Cover-up. Published October 10, 1998 by Ian Williams Goddard. From the article:
After first claiming that no Navy assets were in the area accept a P-3 Orion aircraft, the Navy then admi- tted that they had three submarines in the area.[10] After first claiming that there were no military man- euvers in the area that night [11], months later the Navy admitted that there were. [10] In addition, TWA 800 researcher Tom Shoemaker proved that there was a large-scale wargame in the area during July 17, 1996 [12], and private investigator James Sanders learned through his inside contacts that the Navy was testing advanced anti-missile technologies that evening. [13]TWA 800 Case Core Click on a witness location and go to the witness' story.
Now, after claims that the closest Navy ship was 185 miles away, comes the admission that Navy ships were in fact within 3 to 6 miles of the TWA 800 crash, in the very area from which witnesses saw a missile rise.TWA Flight 800 and facts pertaining to US Navy culpability The first edition of this page was published Nov. 9, 1996.
Ian Goddard's Anti-authoritarian Journal Find links to other Goddard articles including:
- It’s Proven TWA 800 Investigation cover-up: The Proof. (January 6, 1997)
- Five Pilots TWA 800 Missile Theory Stronger Than Ever. (July 17, 1997)
- Opportunity TWA 800 cover-up - Motive and Opportunity - Facts and Logic. (April 13, 1998)
- It Accelerates More Evidence Disappears. (April 23, 1998)
- Navy Drone Debris Navy missile drone debris found at TWA crash site. (July 28, 1997)
- Disappeared The disappeared TWA 800 researcher. Excerpts from: THE PRESS-ENTERPRISE (October 28, 1997). Man's Disappearance Remains a Mystery By Mark Henry.
- Crash Analysis Crash damage analysis.
- A Pilot’s Report TWA Flight 800: A Pilot's Report.
- FBI’s Rigged Logic THE FBI’s TWA 800 investigation is being directed by an outdated, ineffective, and flawed standard of logic.
- Terrorist Theory From the page: I have been warned/threatened that if I don’t stop saying the U.S. Government may be killing people, or if I don’t present alternatives to the TWA 800 incident other than U.S. Navy culpability, I might be (a) killed or (b) arrested for treason should it be concluded that TWA 800 was shotdown by a foreign government.
The Goddard Chronicles Numerous Goddard articles can be found chronologically.
[Back to Top]Richard Hirsch's Flight 800 Series Articles posted at the Free Republic site:
- Report #01 May 27, 1998 reposted October 21, 1998. From the article:
"I can tell you that to this day there are many of the eye witnesses on Long Island that are mad as hell because of the statements made by the NTSB about their eye witness testimony. They all say they know what they saw that fateful evening. They are ready to tell their story under oath if a new hearing is held into the crash of Flight 800. Last December 8, 1997 the NTSB held a hearing into the Flight 800 investigation in Baltimore. Because of a request from the FBI the NTSB did not allow any of the eye witnesses to testify or any of the eye witness interviews taken by the FBI to be used. "- Report #02 June 03, 1998 reposted October 21, 1998. From the article:
"It seemed the NTSB was doing its best to sell the general public that Flight 800 simply exploded in flight while ignoring the eye witness evidence. The reason for the explosion being an explosive air/fuel mixture which might have been present in a nearly empty fuel tank, located in the belly of the Boeing 747. The fuel tank is known as the center wing tank. The first problem was that the NTSB couldn’t prove there was an explosive fuel/air mixture present in the center wing tank. The second problem, the NTSB couldn’t come up with an ignition source necessary to ignite a fuel/air mixture. And still can’t. The last and biggest problem was that of the eye witnesses seeing something streak up towards Flight 800 just before it came down in flames. "- Report #03 June 10, 1998 reposted October 21, 1998. From the article:
"Four issues pertaining to the destruction of TWA Flight 800 became apparent almost immediately which would make this plane crash unique and unusual. A brief overview of these items is useful in arriving at an understanding of the official investigation and why so many independent investigators fault it."- Report #04 June 17, 1998 reposted October 21, 1998. From the article:
"The Flight 800 disaster was seen by hundreds of people on Long Island. It was seen by many people flying in aircraft over Long Island and boaters offshore in the Atlantic Ocean. Little did the eye witnesses of the Flight 800 tragedy know that their government would spend millions of dollars over the next 23 months in an attempt to make the rest of the country think that they (the eye witnesses) didn’t know what they were seeing. The independent investigators of Flight 800 have been gathering eye witness accounts of what happened on that July evening in 1996 off the shore of Long Island. Here’s a brief sampling of some of the many eye witness accounts collected thus far. "- Report #05 June 24, 1998 reposted October 21, 1998. From the article:
"The information contained on exhibit 10 A turned out to be very revealing. In fact too revealing, because the NTSB keeps trying to change the data presentation on the page showing the last seconds of data taken from the FDR. "- Report #06 July 01, 1998. From the article:
"The target drone flew to point where it was near Flight 800. The missile/missiles launched to destroy the target drone accidentally locked onto Flight 800 which was momentarily between the target drone and the SAM’s. Once that happened, Flight 800’s fate was sealed. The first missile hit Flight 800 in the area in front of where the wing connects to the fuslage. There is strong evidence from a witness that a second missile hit Flight 800 near the tail section of the aircraft. The witness was in a boat very close to where Flight 800 impacted the water. The witness said he saw the tail section of Flight 800 come off just after the nose section. "- Report #07 July 08, 1998. From the article:
"The actions of the FBI literally stalled the NTSB’s investigation into the wealth of information that the eye witnesses to the crash of Flight 800 had to give. Any one knows that you interview an eye witness as soon after the event as possible. By causing the NTSB witness group to wait for more than four months to even begin their investigation was a serious blow to the NTSB’s witness investigation. "- Report #08 July 15, 1998. From the article:
"The NTSB first put forth the explosion of the center wing tank as a possibility in August of 1996 because it took the heat off the friendly fire scenario. The NTSB first stuck their nose under the edge of the tent with their center wing tank theory and now are inside the tent with their center wing tank “fact”. The truth of the matter is the NTSB has never proved their center wing tank theory."- Report #09 July 22, 1998. From the article:
"Dr. Grose mentioned that he thought the FBI was responsible for the flawed NTSB investigation. He also mentioned that he was disappointed at the obvious politicization of the NTSB. This may be due to the fact that James Hall, the head of the NTSB, is planning to run for the senator of Tennessee. Dr. Grouse blames the politicization of the NTSB on Al Gore, a boyhood friend of James Hall."- Report #10 July 29, 1998. From the article:
"The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has been running a campaign of misinformation regarding proof of the cause of the crash of TWA Flight 800. It would seem the NTSB slipped from speculation of the cause of the crash, to a theory about the cause of the crash, to knowledge of the cause of the crash (as a fact). And all without proof."- Report #11 August 5, 1998. From the article:
"The NTSB has been quietly modifying the tabular data of exhibit 10A which appears on their web site. I noticed the difference between the copy of exhibit 10A contained on the CD I have and the latest copy found on the NTSB’s web site. The NTSB has been modifying that exhibit without putting up change (update) notices with the modifications."Flight 800 Investigation Papers From the website: The Flight 800 Investigation Papers by Richard Hirsch. This website contains a series of papers on subjects which are relevant to the Flight 800 disaster over the Atlantic Ocean on July 17, 1996 approximately 10 miles off the shore of Long Island. The papers contain information gleaned from the print media, contact with other citizen investigators on the web, 747 mechanics, Jet A Fuel testing and more. The purpose of the papers is to cut through the immense amount of information being fed to the public by lazy reporters who pass on what they are told without checking the facts. Articles include:
- Read the Citizen Investigator Newsletter Tests of Jet Fuel Shows TWA 800 Center Wing Tank Too 'Rich' to Combust.
- Submarine missile launch theory From the site: ...The test of the CEC has to be as near to actual war time conditions as possible in order to be credible. The Navy placed no surface ships near Long Island because it was feared that the foreign threat might be too strong. Submarines were the logical choice...
- Major Fritz Meyer's observation From the site: Possible submarine launch: Major Fritz Meyer, the Air National Guard chopper pilot described seeing a streak of light with a reddish orange color and a trajectory like a shooting star... (Interesting map)
- When aircraft stop flying From the site: ...The problem with this latest attempt of the FBI/CIA to manufacture a scenario designed to confuse the public and discredit the eye witnesses is the scenario is operating in a fantasy world where bureaucrats even try to corrupt the laws of physics...
- Removal of Evidence by the Navy and FBI By J. Greg Miller December 17, 1997. From the site: I believe that the Navy used a long series of excuses to prevent divers (even most of their own) from entering the water for 4 days following the destruction of TWA flight 800. This was done to conceal the work of the divers from SEAL Team Two as they collected and modified or destroyed all evidence that would connect the destruction of the airplane to the live fire missile exercises that were going on the night of 7/17/96.
- Model Aircraft Test Disproves CIA Video From the site: ...Why would the CIA be involved in the NTSB's investigation and why would the CIA's scenario depict such an aerodynamic impossibility?
- A Close Look at the NTSB CWT Scenario From the site: ...At the time of this writing the NTSB still hasn't found the source of the mystery spark that might have caused the CWT to explode. In fact, the NTSB has yet to provide any proof that the CWT ever exploded.
- A Study of Air Cycle Machine #3 From the site: ...The position of the wreckage of ACM#3 in the debris field may turn out to be one of the strongest clues as to the cause of the crash of Flight 800.
- A Study Within a Study From the site: ...My own investigation began to improve last Fall when I received a copy of the NTSB debris field printout anonymously through the mail. I checked many of the items in the printout with the Sanders plot and found good agreement.
- Explosives, Trajectories and Debris From the site: Commander Donaldson and his group recently released a newly plotted chart of the Flight 800 debris field.
- Missile, Blips or What? From the site: ...I think the radar blips are as credible as the radar blips representing the Navy P3 and not just spurious noise or a false target.
- Adjusting the Clock From the site: ...the debate over the actual time of the loss of electrical power to Flight 800...
- Flight Data Recorder Study From the site: There may be a problem with the NTSB's analysis of TWA Flight 800's Flight Data Recorder.
[Back to Top]Mike Hull makes a comprehensive and compelling case for the "terrorist" missile theory. This site is well referenced and kept up-to-date. The timelines, news reports and quotes provide an excellent historical perspective for both the terrorist missile theory as well as the overall investigation. Start with the intro. Read the history of Commander Donaldson's early involvement with the investigation in The Donaldson File. The letters between Donaldson and the NTSB are enlightening. Hull details Senator Traficant's actions and provides interesting background info on terrorist-in-the-news Osama bin Laden.
The main body of this website is The Hull Thread, which describes in detail links to numerous articles (Note: Some titles are changed to be more descriptive of content):
Eyewitness:Scroll down to the bottom of "The Hull Thread" page to see links to the EVENTS DATABASE USED IN THE HULL THREAD and other SUPPORTING ITEMSThe Investigation:
- Eyewitness Reports Extensive eyewitness accounts pertaining to the TWA 800 disaster followed by an anlysis entitled Statistical Calculations of Eyewitness Events.
- They Didn't Believe Me From the site: Witness Comments After Viewing FBI Presentation of the CIA Video.
- Eyewitness Meyer Speaks to the Granada Forum From the site: ...This is a partial transcript from a video of the Donaldson/Meyer presentation.
Missile Reports:
- The Donaldson File From the site: This file contains an historical record of the development of Cdr. Donaldson's technical analyses of the Flight 800 downing prior to the writing of the July 17, 1998 report for the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure - Subcommittee on Aviation - U.S. House of Representatives. Here you can trace the development of his ideas on the cause of this incident and you can read the background behind the discovery of the evidence from the flight data recorders that a missile exploded off the left wing of the aircraft. Included in this file are letters Cdr. Donaldson wrote to the NTSB as his investigation was proceeding and while he was in the process of trying to determine the technical facts.
- Kallstrom Letter to Hall on Baltimore Hearings From the site: Text of Letter from Kallstrom to Hall on Baltimore Hearings as Reported in the Flight-800 Discussion List. Read for yourself why the FBI suppressed eyewitness testimony at the NTSB's "public" hearing.
- A Farewell to Kallstrom From the site: The article traces Kallstrom's journey from his promise to bring the "cowardly scum" to justice until he became the pitch man for the CIA and departed for a job with a credit card company and a position as a CBS consultant.
- A Tale of Two Tapes (New: 8/8/98 Updated: 8/16/98) - Prior to the downing of TWA 800 in July 1996 a missile was fired at an aircraft in the vicinity of Long Island in November 1995. Also, only months after the downing of TWA 800, a missile was fired at an aircraft in the vicinity of Long Island in November 1996. Transcripts of ATC tapes. Read for yourself.
- Two Projectiles From the site: This was the first published account to suggest that more than a single missile was involved in the downing of TWA 800. The report by Cdr. Donaldson to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure - Subcommittee on Aviation - U.S. House of Representatives (see above) provides conclusive technical evidence of this scenario.
- Four in a Row and All Ascending From the site: As early as November 1995 strange objects were seen in the skies over Long Island. By December 1996 there were four in a row and all ascending .......
- Missile/Rocket Reports Numerous accounts of missile and rocket sightings.
- Maryland, Mistral, Meyer and the Middle East From the site: Back in October 1994 the Maryland State bomb squad dealt with an interesting French object...
Musings From the site: Gathered here are ten short items surrounding the TWA 800 disaster.
- Suicide Bombers and TWA 800 From the site: Knowing that he would be convicted and sent to prison for life with no future opportunity to state his case in public, Ghazi Ibrahim Abu Maizar, against the advice of his attorney, took the stand at his trial in Brooklyn to state that he had planned to kill as many Jews as possible in a suicide bomb attack, though he insisted not on the subway. He also confessed to knowledge about the downing of TWA 800 which was received with "skepticism" since Federal officials had not found a "criminal" act associated with this disaster.
- Threads from "The Hull Thread" Numerous accounts of terrorist activity.
- Links between TWA 800 and Islamic JihadFrom the site: The links between the TWA 800 downing and Islamic Jihad are further developed showing how activities in Florida and London are related to the bombing [of] a Jewish community center in Argentina, and the bombing of the World Trade Center. The key figures, Ramsey Yousef and Sheikh Rahman, are seen to have been funded by bin Laden.
- Strange links in three calendars with TWA 800 From the site: A highly speculative article which hints that numerous terrorist incidents related to and including the downing of TWA 800 fall on anniversary dates in the Gregorian, Hijri, and Jewish calendars.
- London, Islamic Jihad, and TWA 800 From the site: The United Kingdom has permitted terrorists to establish major funding operations in London and those operations are linked to Islamic Jihad, and TWA Flight 800.
- Iran's Revenge From the site: Iran had a very specific reason to support international terrorism in its attack on an American or Israeli airliner. In July 1988 the USS Vincennes shot down Iran Air Flight 655.
- Khobar Towers From the site: The Strange Case of the Khobar Towers Bombing.
[Back to Top]Trying to objectively investigate suspicious situations This is actually just a part of the "secrets" section of a large and very interesting site. Also intriguing about this site is it's author, Brian Nunn the son of Senator Sam Nunn.
[Back to Top]TWA Flight 800 Disaster: Cover-up? This site contains articles by Reed Irvine, Scott Hogenson, James Sanders, Ian Goddard, J. Orlin Grabbe, Matt Drudge, Pat Milton and others unnamed.
[Back to Top]Max Kennedy's Website Eclectic collection of TWA 800 material. Has not been updated for a while.
[Back to Top]Removal of Evidence by the Navy and FBI J. Greg Miller's article dated December 17, 1997 is physically on Hirsch's site. From the article: I believe that the Navy used a long series of excuses to prevent divers (even most of their own) from entering the water for 4 days following the destruction of TWA flight 800. This was done to conceal the work of the divers from SEAL Team Two as they collected and modified or destroyed all evidence that would connect the destruction of the airplane to the live fire missile exercises that were going on the night of 7/17/96. The author backs up his opinion with interesting facts.
[Back to Top]TWA Flight 800: What Really Happened? From the site: As the TWA 800 investigation became more and more focused on mechanical theories for explaining the aircraft's destruction, these theories have become less and less plausible, almost to the point of absurdity. I'm not sure that the government is trying to hide something, but as the investigation drags on, I become more convinced that the explosion was not caused by a source internal to the fuel tank, and may not have been internal to the aircraft.
The Press-Enterprise is a local newspaper serving southern California. They are one of only a few newspapers courageous enough to pursue this story. This kind of investigative reporting is sadly missing from mainstream media reporting. Here are some of their excellent articles list chronologicaly:[Back to Top]
- Ex-Navy pilot says missiles downed TWA Flight 800 Published July 21, 1998 the Associated Press and Press-Enterprise reporters Onell R. Soto and David E. Hendrix contributed to this report. From the article:
"Donaldson said the FBI and the National Transportation Safety Board, pressured by unidentified, high-ranking U.S. officials, have steered the public toward a theory that the plane's center fuel tank exploded. Politicians are interfering at the top. People that should be bubbling the answers from the bottom are silenced," Donaldson said at the conclusion of a nearly four-hour briefing arranged by Reed Irvine and his conservative group, Accuracy in Media. The NTSB has not determined the cause of the crash, but it has ruled out a missile strike or a bomb on board. Investigators believe an electrical spark may have ignited the fuel tank.- Military exercises stoke theories on TWA crash By David E. Hendrix Published July 18, 1998 From the article:
...Long before the electromagnetic interference theory, "friendly fire" theorists had a list of reasons to suspect the Boeing 747 was the victim of a military accident. They cite ships off shore, rocket-like streaks in the sky seconds before Flight 800 exploded, other incidents where missiles or jet fighters came close to airliners, and even a military drone that went out of control the evening of July 17, 1996, the night Flight 800 crashed.- Two years later, Flight 800 crash questions remain By David E. Hendrix published July 17, 1998. From the article:
Two years after TWA Flight 800's mysterious midair explosion, Coroner Charles Wetli says he doesn't know if he has a case of 230 accidental deaths, 230 homicides or something else.- Pilot's mother sees crash cover-up Published by Mark Petix on July 17, 1998. From the article:
On the second anniversary of what Flora Headley calls "my nightmare," the 87-year-old Glendale woman is convinced the truth about TWA Flight 800 will be told. She's just waiting for someone brave enough to come forward and tell what happened to her son, Capt. Ralph Kevorkian, who was piloting the Paris-bound Boeing 747 July 17, 1996.- Pilots find evidence of TWA 800 missile Published January 9, 1998 by Onell R. Soto. From the article:
Refusing to believe the government's explanation for the crash of TWA Flight 800, a group of retired aviators said ... they had found evidence that a missile exploded just 60 feet from the front of the Boeing 747.- Men at center of controversy at odds with TWA 800 findings Published November 19, 1997 by David E. Hendrix. From the article
"Coverup." "Dishonest." "It just isn't what happened." Three men near the center of the controversy over what downed TWA Flight 800 say they know U.S. government officials are distorting information about the tragedy and continue to do so. The three never met but each has caused worldwide ripples with independent evidence and conclusions that a military weapon caused the Boeing 747 to crash. They were not surprised Tuesday to remain at odds with FBI and CIA conclusions about what caused the tragedy. "The intellectual dishonesty is just extraordinary," independent investigator and journalist James D. Sanders said of the information provided at a nationally televised press conference. Sanders, a Virginia resident, wrote the book "The Downing of TWA Flight 800" and remains convinced a U.S. missile downed the jumbo jet in a Navy training accident. Sanders joined retired 747 pilot and aviation safety specialist Richard Russell of Florida and Frederick Meyer, an attorney and former Air National Guard pilot, in accusing the FBI and CIA of distorting facts- Witnesses boost missile theory Published October 20, 1997 By David E. Hendrix The Press-Enterprise. From the article:
A meteorologist. A commercial fisherman. A commuter airline pilot. Three eyewitnesses to the fiery midair breakup of TWA 800 share one clear recollection -- an ascending object struck the jumbo jet... Their initial recollections, given within hours of the disaster July 17, 1996, remain part of the classified record of the second most deadly aviation crash in U.S. history...FBI and CIA officials say they have reinterviewed and analyzed reports of 244 witnesses and determined that what the people saw happened after the initiating event and was "the burning (Boeing) 747 in various stages of crippled flight, not a missile." Some investigation analysts say witnesses mistook pressurized sprays of flaming fuel going downward for something that looked like a missile or emergency flare headed upward. All of the witnesses interviewed by The Press-Enterprise said they were never reinterviewed by the FBI or CIA and what they saw started before the midair explosion, not after.- 'Missile Fragment' is Theory Published March 12, 1997 by David E. Hendrix and Stephen J. Siegel. From the article:
A "missile fragment" could have been the culprit, Dr. Bernard Loeb told a House subcommittee hearing in Washington, D.C. Loeb, director of the NTSB's office of aviation safety, told congressmen that evidence did not support a conclusion that either a bomb or a missile triggered the second-worst civilian air disaster. But he acknowledged the evidence was consistent with the plane being struck by a "missile fragment," introducing another theory in the nearly eight-month investigation.This article also links to a dozen other Press-Enterprise TWA 800 related stories.- Flight skirted restricted area Published March 10, 1997 by David E. Hendrix.
"Known as the "Bette Route," the path dodges the eastern edge of a 12,972-square-mile block, known as National Defense Operating Areas W 105 and W-106."Rivero:
[Back to Top]Was TWA 800 Shot Down By a Military Missile? Description from Tom Shoemaker's site: Michael Rivero's Flight 800 Site [is] a huge resource of information on TWA 800. Even a cursory reading will demonstrate many explanations to account for the vitality and legitimacy of the theory that a missile brought down TWA 800. There is always something new and thought-provoking here. Slow loading, but worth the wait. The large number of excellent links in this site make it worth your time. This site is so large it needs it's own search engine. Topics include:
Military Activity:
Articles pertaining to TWA 800 cover-up:
- The Warning ZonesWere Warning Zones Active?
- Maps A road map of Long Island with a scale chart on it. Active Warning Zones. The location of weapons development centers on Long Island.
- Did A Friendly Fire Missile Bring Down The 747? The AEGIS-CEC Theory.
- An Overview Of The Weapons Systems Related To Flight 800. CEC - Cooperative engagement capability, Weapons development in the area, The P-3 Orions, Aegis class warships, The Sea Sparrow Missile, The Standard Missile, Submarine Cannister and VLS Launched Missiles, The case for a SUBSAM, Submarines (Including those in the area), Submarine Communications.
Articles pertaining to past cover-ups:
- Why the Official Story Contradicts Itself TWA 800 - The Magic Wingbox
- Were the black boxes recovered earlier than we have been told? There are numerous indications that the "black boxes", or flight recorders, may have been recovered from the wreckage of TWA 800 earlier than has been reported.
- Proof the Investigation is Politically Directed Airlines Feared a 'Friendly Fire' Disaster; Have We Had Our First?
- Evidence of Deception Proof the plane came apart before the fire.
- The Flight Data Recorder The NTSB record has been changed!
- The NTSB Chairman's Briefing/Status Report: November 15th, 1996. Individual sentences of interest are italicized. There is a note marking the comment about the unreturned photos. Otherwise, the document is unchanged from the original. What is clear is that the NTSB, the legal authority in the investigation of civilian air crashes, was being denied information by the FBI, and that data critical to the investigation was sent first to the White House before the NTSB got it.
- The CIA Simulation Why this is a lie!
- Clinton Muzzles The Naval Weapons People Just as the radar images were being published in Paris Match, Clinton signed the ... Executive Order. The Federal Labor-Management Relations Program provides a mechanism for workers to complain of inappropriate treatment, or to report wrongdoing without fear of reprisal. Interesting timing, isn't it?
- The Gulf of Tonkin30-Year Anniversary: Tonkin Gulf lie launched the Vietnam War.
- The USS Iowa The coverup of the USS Iowa.
- Shoot Downs of Passenger Jets by Military Forces The Iranian shootdown.
- Shoot Downs of Passenger Jets by Military Forces The Itavia DC-9 Crash by Tom Shoemaker.
- Shoot Downs of Passenger Jets by Military Forces Itavia DC-9 investigative analysis graphics by Tom Shoemaker.
- Shoot Downs of Passenger Jets by Military Forces The crash of Aer Lingus Flight 712 Copyright March 16, 1997, by Tom Shoemaker.
The Mysterious Red Residue:
- Statements by Eyewitnesses Witness reports and scans of actual police interviews with eyewitnesses!
- Photos It's known that at least two photographs were taken purporting to show an object in the sky at the time of the 747 explosion.
- The Damaged Nose gear The government's much promoted and entirely unfounded fantasy that a fuel tank explosion recently took yet another broadside from the hard evidence when it was revealed that portions of the recovered nose gear showed damage consistent with a high energy impact and totally inconsistent with the theory of a center fuel tank explosion as initiating event.
- Audio Recordings of the ATC radio Wave sound files and transcripts.
Radar Evidence:
- The Red Residue ...The NTSB, while admitting that they had not tested the residue. claims it is adhesive used in the manufacture of the seats.
- Lineup of the Explosive Residue Proof of an impact! The original CNN story. Why the 'DOG' theory doesn't work.
- Seat Residue Test Results The tests on red residue, seat glue, and seat material.
- Charles Basset and the Red Residue Dr. Bassett not only reported that his tests did not connect the red residue to the seat glue, but...
Debris Field:
- Images from the Second Radar Tape These are frames from the JFK radar tape.
- Images from the Radar Tape in GIF Images from the Radar Tape in GIF.
- Ian Goddard's Missile Track Here, courtesy of Ian Goddard, is a series of frames and an animation from the radar tape which show an object appearing in mid ocean and then closing on both the unidentified non-transponder target (claimed to be a Navy P-3) and flight 800.
- The Course Track. Was it really a P-3? ...the Orion P-3 isn't capable of flight at this speed. Therefore, the object in the yellow circle is some other kind of craft.
News Articles:
- Debris Field Expansion Caught On Radar ... ground based weather radar images.
- The Debris Field The single most important feature to note is that the center fuel tank is clearly a secondary event.
- News Articles About Flight 800 Over 40 pages of articles including: David Hendrix - New Data Shows Missile May Have Nailed TWA 800, Chris Ruddy - The Debris Field shows event before center tank exploded, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard - White House Saw Radar Tapes before NTSB, Associated Press - March 11, 1997:Pilot Saw Missile, Associated Press - March 10, 1997 Missile Hit TWA Plane, The New American article about the Warning Zones, Washington Weekly 11/18/96 - FBI COVERUPS, Associated Press 11/18/96 - MAYBE IT'S A METEOR, The Head of the Department of Transportation resigns, The Head of the FAA resigns, Newsday 8/20/96 - MISSILE WITNESSES, French Reuter's Salinger Story, Associated Press Salinger Story, SNS (French Press and Jeruselam Post) Article, French Associated Press Story Story, Witness ROLAND PENNY's Story, CNN: Senator convinced TWA crash caused by sabotage, CNN: Pentagon denies it was missile, CNN - Hint of criminal act, CNN - Fist Sized Holes In Seat backs, American Spectator: The Dissent Of Flight 800.
- More News Articles About Flight 800 Riverside Press Enterprise: Pilot saw missile , Associated Press: Pilot saw missile, St. Louis Dispatch: TWA Pilots support missile theory, Relevance December 1996 The missile that never was.
[Back to Top]James Sanders does not have a website, but he did write a book The Downing Of TWA Flight 800.
He sometimes writes email: A Synopsis of the Government's Handling of the Red Residue Written September 10, 1998.
Sanders also does radio. Here are transcripts and articles from the Michael Reagan Radio Talk Show Website:
- James Sanders on The Michael Reagan Show June 6, 1997. Description From the Site: "This is a significant discussion on the facts, including eyewitness reports by members of the military, which took place last Friday on Mike's show. It was a one hour discussion and question and answer period which seems to indicate a massive government cover-up of known facts surrounding the crash of TWA Flight 800 on the night of July 17, 1996. After all, if a missile, especially one of our own missiles, brought down a commercial aircraft during major cuts in military spending, obviously it would not look good on the President's resume during a presidential election year. " The transcript is in five parts:
- James Sanders Exposes More Proof a Missile Brought Down TWA Flight 800 From the Michael Reagan Show December 1997.
- "Twenty People Saw A Missile Before it Hit TWA Flight 800 "It was a missile- but not a terrorist missile - that downed TWA Flight 800".
- Is the Government Covering Up Something in TWA 800 Crash? "...The reality is that people like Richard Russell and James Sanders are guilty of obstructing injustice and it is those elements of the U.S. government engaged in covering-up the truth who should be brought to justice," one observer wrote.
Hear for yourself a Real Audio broadcast of a recent James Sanders interview by way of Michael Reagan July 30, 1998. Scroll down the page and click on July 30, 1998 - What do you think brought down T.W.A. flight 800? James Sanders has the answers.
And finally Sanders has the dubious distinction of being prosecuted for his part in the missile theory investigation:
- FBI Press Release. Entitled: Conspiracy Theorist and Wife, a Senior Flight Attendent for TWA, Charged in Connection with Theft of TWA 800 Wreckage. Sanders published his book in April 1997, the announcement of his impending arrest came just two days before the start of the NTSB public hearing in Baltimore. Coincidence?
- Government Crackdown on Dissidents Hand of White House Seen In Massive Effort.
- The attack against James Sanders By Michael Rivero. Why the [FBI Story] is bogus!
- FEDS SCRUTINIZE JOURNALIST'S E-MAIL AOL Messages Identify Story Sources. This should scare you about the confidentiality of your own email!
[Back to Top]TWA Flight 800 From the site: ... wreckage was recovered from the sea floor and the plane mostly reconstructed. One would have thought that such a close examination would reveal the cause, but, strangely, there has been no official conclusion. Eyewitnesses reported seeing a bright object "streaking" towards the 747, and said that the object altered course as it approached the jet. This obviously suggested a missile attack, and in the succeeding months this possibility was considered in some press reports (the New York Times, 96-07-19; the Washington Times, 96-07-24; the New York Post, 96-09-22). But government authorities have strongly resisted the missile theory, attempting to convince the public that the cause was mechanical failure.
[Back to Top]TWA Flight 800 Case Files - Tom Shoemaker A History of the TWA Flight 800 Disaster Investigations. This site is so large it has it's own site search option. The numerous links are:
- October 1998 - Putting Things to Bed From the article:
[This] throws confidence in the truthfulness of statements by official government spokesmen concerning the definitive laboratory identification of the Sanders samples as adhesive into doubt. From this quote one can infer the objective of the NTSB of "putting the thing to bed" took precedence over the empirical testing of the Sanders samples. The NTSB had access to the samples, ample available time, equipment, and technical personnel, but it chose not to employ them in analysis of the Sanders fabric samples. Instead, the empirical evaluation of those materials was shelved in favor of "putting the thing to bed"...while public official pronouncements clearly made the representation the samples had been tested and identified as adhesive. It appears this topic was massaged with deceptive representations of the true nature of the official fabric testing...either in the laboratory or in the official public pronouncements.- September 1998 - Framing the Question From the article:
...illustration of the government's fundamental technique for shifting attention away from the core issues involved in the matter of the red residues was received this week. Its author is investigator/author James Sanders, an individual who has had considerable experience with questions related to the red residues.- August 1998 - A Shaky House of Cards? From the article:
...three of the government's foundation stones previously used to connect its investigative house of cards to a confident public posture of credibility [have] catastrophically collapsed.- July 1998 - "That Massive Jumble" From the article:
"Senior law enforcement officials said no cockpit in previous accidents resembled the 6-foot-high, 10-foot-wide mass of debris. They said a large metal beam from the rear of the Boeing 747 is inexplicably lodged in the center of the cockpit wreckage, which one official likened to a metallic ball of twine that investigators would have to unravel.""- June 1998 - There's a Reason From the article:
..."There's a good reason the Flight 800 friendly fire theory hasn't gone away -- it still makes the most sense. One of the reasons it makes the most sense is that its implications are supported by the curious behaviors of the Department of Defense, the FBI, and the NTSB which have consistently shown patterns of deception when deception would not have been innocently called for.- May 1998 - Multiple Articles
- Editorial: The Drama Continues,
- NTSB TWA Flight 800 Seating Chart,
- USS Normandy Log Revealed,
- Residue Test Results
- April 1998 - Multiple articles
- We Get the Media We Deserve: From the article: "Was the NTSB's TWA Flight 800 investigation really "meticulous"? If that is true, then the Chicago Fire was a masterpiece of a thoughtfully designed urban renewal project."
- The MacArthur/Islip Airport Radar Antenna
- Be the First Parson to Collect All Versions of the NTSB Investigation!
- March 1998 - The Drone Faxes From the article:
"Last Summer reporter W. Michael Pitcher of "The Southampton Press" newspaper broke the story of a Riverhead, Long Island resident who mistakenly received faxes of official documents related to the federal TWA Flight 800 investigation. The resident, Dede Muma, had a telephone line connected to her own fax machine with a number close to the number being used to direct investigation-related faxes to FBI and other personnel on Long Island. A transposition of the last two digits in the intended destination's phone number by the sender connected the sending fax machine to Ms. Muma's fax machine instead."- February 1998 - One Year Anniversary Special Agents, Magic Moments From the article:
"The last week of January marked the one-year anniversary of my "interview - questioning - interrogation" by the FBI in regard to TWA Flight 800. It was a 90 minutes to remember...and, since I still do, I want to memorialize the experience with a retrospective account of the day the FBI came to town with my name at the top of the note pad. Over the past 52 weeks I have marveled how I was able win the undivided attention of Special Agents M. and L. whereas actual eyewitnesses to the explosion and burning of TWA Flight 800 couldn't seem to catch a break in attempting to flag down an FBI agent in listening mode."- January 1998 - Since Baltimore From the article:
"[The] Achilles Heel of the federal TWA Flight 800 investigation was and is the discernible unwillingness of the federal investigators to meet questions and criticisms with well-reasoned and comprehensive responses which can be independently verified."- December 1997 - NTSB at Baltimore: A Non-Sequitur? From the article:
"A great concern within the NTSB now that the December 8, 1997 Baltimore hearing looms before it as one of - if not the most important - milestones along the way to closing its investigation, is how to reconcile their bogus centerfuel- tank-explosion-as-the-initiator-of-everything theory for the destruction of TWA 800 with their own databases of recovered wreckage."- November 1997 - More Witness Information Comes Forward From the article:
"...after the enigmatic pattern of FBI witness interviews, tardy sharing of mostly redacted witness interviews with other agencies, the apparent disinterest of the NTSB to aggressively pursue independent interviews, and the prostrated laxness of the greater majority of the media in locating witnesses themselves, it is a very positive experience to read these three accounts."- October 1997 - Visualizing East Coast Military Warning Areas: Part II From the article:
"Additional points of interest in the context of military exercises along the east coast of the United States in the summer of 1996 are the observations of an American yachtsman in the vicinitiy the day before the TWA Flight 800 disaster reported by "Press-Enterprise" reported David Hendrix (see: Flight skirted restricted area ), indicating the carrying out of naval exercises by foreign (Allied) ships in U.S. littoral waters off Long Island one day before the disaster."- September 1997 - Visualizing East Coast Military Warning Areas: Part I At least five areas along the East Coast of the United States were active and available for military exercises at the time TWA 800 took off on July 17, 1996.
- August 1997 - A Conversation with a Friend From the article:
"...the obliviousness of the NTSB to the early detection of explosive residue traces inside and outside the destroyed aircraft, press inquiries revealed the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms also had not received any explosives residue information until AFTER Francis' televised admission of an informational firewall between his "lead agency" and the FBI."- July 1997 - New Leads in TWA 800 Case From the article:
"The intent of this article was twofold: first, to share information that a military exercise involving the North-East coast of the United States took place in mid-July, 1996, and involved assets of normally-widely separated military units later found to have been co-witnesses of TWA 800's destruction, and, second, to encourage [the public] to either initiate or intensify your efforts to help resolve the questions above by locating and sharing attributed, independently scrutinized documentary proofs"- June 1997 - Submarines Off Long Island Surface From the article:
"On March 21, 1997, 8 months after the destruction of TWA 800, the U.S. Navy and FBI disclosed that, contrary to their denials of the previous two-thirds of a year, there had been multiple submarines operating in the waters around Long Island at the time of the disaster. Additionally, in what was either an unusually candid statement or accidental admission, these sources confirmed that war games were in progress close to TWA 800 at the time of the accident."- May 1997 - New Information on the Aer Lingus Flight 712 From the article:
"It is my contention much can be learned about TWA 800 by examining two earlier incidents involving the unsolved crashes of aircraft: the crash of the Aer Lingus Viscount Flight 712, the "St. Phelim", on March 24, 1968, and the crash of an Itavia DC-9 (Flight 870) near the island of Ustica on June 27, 1980." (See Unsolved Air Disasters.)- April 1997 - 9 Months What have the almost nine months of study of the TWA 800 crash revealed to the public?
Archives Topics include:
- Witnesses
- The Aircraft and Its Wreckage
- Government Investigation Artifacts
- Crash Area Geography
- Military Subjects
- "Doubt, Deception, Concealment?"
- Unsolved Air Disasters
- "Proposal 800: Copy, Print, AND Distribute"
- In Memorium
TWA 800 Case Files: site search This engine will allow you to search the contents of all the available documents at this site.
[Back to Top]The Science of the TWA 800 Investigation A scientific look at crucial pieces in the TWA Flight 800 puzzle.
- The Red Residue: Was it adhesive? Two recent tests say it isn't.
- Krok's "Spark" The 1/4 Scale Center Wing Tank Explosion Test - Dr J.E. Shepherd, J.C. Krok and J.J. Lee or the Explosion Dynamics Laboratory, California Institute of Technology conducted a 1/4 scale center wing tank explosion test. Their techniques have been questioned regarding the use of Hydrogen and Propane to assist in the explosion, and recently, their ignition source. Critics contend that Jet A1 fuel, used by itself, would not have caused the explosion in the above experiment, and that the "spark" used was extremely large--unlikely to occur within a center wing tank.
Mining Company Website Article May 10, 1999: Interview with Tom Stalcup by A.G. Dunham
From the article:"The NTSB put science aside in order 'to put the thing to bed'."
Tom Stalcup is one of those people that believes there's much more to the TWA 800 disaster than mechanical failure. Stalcup is a researcher at the Magnetics Lab at Florida State University. He is the representing the Flight 800 Independent Researchers Organization, an ad hoc group of over 35 citizens with diverse areas of technical expertise that formed more than a year ago in response to perceived problems in the official investigationSweeney:
[Back to Top]Flight 800 vs Shadow: Implications Of Friendly Fire H. Michael Sweeney's site. Original articles include:
- 4/18/98: NTSB Alters Official Records
- 2/30/98: Proof of NTSB Report Fraud and Cover Up
- Open Letter to Citizens, Media, and Congress: You have been lied to by FBI
- "Terrorist Connection" ploy: Sheep to the left, Terrorists to the right
- 2/30/98: FBI/CIA visits after posting/sending the above materials
- 25 Rules/7 Traits of Disinformation
- Example of Disinformation Campaign (Flight 800)
- When the FBI came to suspress Freedom of Speech and the search for truth
[Back to Top]Peter Weissbach From the TWA 800 Special Report website: On March 10, 1997 National syndicated radio talk show host, Peter Weissbach (heard on KOGO AM 600 in southern California, 3pm-6pm) held an exclusive interview with the managing editor of the Press-Enterprise, about the story and the new information it uncovered. On March 11, 1997, Peter Weissbach held an exclusive interview with the primary source for the Press-Enterprise story, retired Police officer, James Sanders. Mr. Sanders acquired a small strip of material covering one of the passenger seats. A red rubber powder was apparent. In January, he took one sample of the residue from seats in rows 17-19 to West Coast Analytical Service, Inc., in Santa Fe Springs.
News Articles from "The Winds" (World Internet News Distributory Service) website:[Back to Top]
- TWA Flight 800 Analysts Say FBI Is Intentionally Obsructing Justice Published October 1998. From the article:
Commander William S. Donaldson, USN Ret., a longtime thorn in the side of the federal agencies investigating Flight 800, informed The WINDS that he also has personally heard, and has a copy of, the aforementioned tape recording. He quotes Special Agent Kalstrom as saying, in reference to mysterious unnamed radar surface targets the FBI refused to identify, "We know what they were...they were navy ships on classified maneuvers." [For background information see The Mystery Ships]- Commander Donaldson's Flight 800 Report Refutes NTSB Mechanical failure theory out the window. Written August 2, 1998. From the article:
Dr. Vernon Grose, a physicist and former board member of the NTSB also attended the press conference. He had been called on by CNN to do six hours of live coverage two years ago on the night of the crash. Gross was subsequently hired as a consultant and has given over 170 appearances on CNN and nearly every other network, all supporting the official version of the crash. Grose also took part in Vice President Gore's White House Commission on Aviation Safety and Security in 1997, and the past two years he has discounted the missile theory surrounding the downing of Flight 800. According to Roger Aronoff with Accuracy in Media, Dr. Grose spoke up following the news conference saying he felt betrayed. He thinks the NTSB and FBI have been lying and covering up. He has supported the NTSB's theory for the past two years but now says, "I'm not doing that anymore. I'm convinced there is a serious problem with this investigation."- Flight 800 - Why won't it go away? Written May 1997. From the article:
Many feel that officials have come to a predetermined conclusion in this investigation and are not willing that any other than the official position be discussed, as a reporter from Workers World discovered, while covering an FBI news conference on the crash investigation. The reporter, Hillel Cohen, asked FBI Director Kallstrom, "Why isn't the Navy a suspect"? and then suggested the need for an independent investigation. Kallstrom, pointing to Cohen, shouted "remove that man," whereupon approximately a dozen security agents speedily ushered Cohen from the room.
The officially ordained conclusion presents its own set of problems to the "hands on" investigators at the reconstruction hangar in Calverton, New York. An internet report states that with their highly sophisticated Egis Bomb detection system, workers consistently found plane wreckage testing positive for PETN hits. However, secondary testing for explosives conducted at the FBI headquarters in Washington, DC were consistently negative on the same debris, and the secondary negative tests always superseded the first positive tests. According to the New York Times, with their positive tests constantly contradicted by the FBI in Washington, DC, hangar investigators began to suspect that these FBI findings were part of an attempt to cover up the truth. The NYT reported that certain federal agents, calling the FBI's laboratory in Washington, DC a "black hole," remained convinced that the Bureau was hiding its positive lab confirmations.- Witnesses Allege NTSB Covering Evidence of Missile Attack Written December 15, 1997. From the article
The FBI has interviewed 244 eyewitnesses and there are many more who were not interviewed, according to investigators. This was not an obscure event. It had high visibility over a wide area by hundreds of individuals, many of whom are very credible. Witnesses were very clear in what they saw. Those witnessing the events leading up to the explosion were located along eleven nautical miles of shore- line. Some were in aircraft, some in boats, some on the beach, some within their homes. The nearest eyewitness reached the crash site in three minutes by air. The eyewitnesses give similar descriptions of the events they saw. "Several eyewitness like Mr. Roland Penney and his group of eight not only saw a missile-like object rise up from the haze at sea, leaving a thin gray smoke trail. They distinctly describe a bright white flash, 'like a flashbulb' when it hit TWA Flight 800."Zehr:
Articles by Edward Zehr:[Back to Top]
- TWA-800 After Two Years Washington Weekly August 10, 1998
- FBI Cover-up in Crash of TWA Flight 800 By Edward Zehr?
- TWA 800: After the Stall (Technical Analysis) From the Goddard Chronicles.
- TWA 800 Pitch-Up -- The Sequel (Technical Analysis) From the Goddard Chronicles.
- An Investigation Implodes TWA-800 Probe Loses Credibility. Washington Weekly November 30, 1997
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