Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds; and Peace and Blessing upon the pinnacle of creation, Mohammed Bin AbdAllah, his Family and his Companions. I witness that there is no deity but Allah and Mohammed is His servant and Messenger.
Last time I spoke about the reasons I was convinced to accept home schooling as a viable option to sending my children to kaffir schools or to schools attempting to ‘Islamasize’ inefficient and admittedly ineffective methods of teaching and curriculum. This time I would like to talk about actually supporting and taking an active role in the children’s education.
It is always easier to criticize and condemn anything and to say there is an alternative; but when it comes to implementation many of us, including me, start to waiver in our dedication. A Muslim must always remember that what we do is for the sake of Allah first and foremost. From experience I have failed many a time and witnessed others fail because they don’t concentrate on a long term goal and then break it down to achievable short term goals. We must remember what Allah says in Surah An-Najm (S.53):
"And that man can have nothing but what he strives for. And that (the fruit of) his striving will soon come in sight. Then he will be rewarded with a complete reward. And to your Lord is the End (return of everything." (39-42)
This should be our Catalyst and our main goal when we start or aim to do anything. The Prophet (PBUH) upon the narration of Abu Huraira (R) said:
"When a person is dead, his deeds cease except from three: a) Deeds of a continuous Sadaqa (act of charity) b) Knowledge with which mankind gets benefits c) A righteous, pious son (or a daughter) who begs Allah to forgive his (or her) Parents." (Sahih Muslim)
When a person teaches a child properly and Islamicly s/he gain two of those three continuous deeds after death and his/her child will probably give out Sadaqa for his/her parent.
Now that we have our motivation for the long term we must break it down into short term goals to succeed and not have Shaitan make it seem an impossible goal. This comes in on a daily or weekly basis. Remember that a little bit that is constant is better than much that is inconsistent.
I will not lie to you and lead you to believe that everyday I am sitting with my sons and reading to them and teaching them like my Wife does; but I will tell you that every time I have an opportunity I tell him a moral story about the Prophet (PBUH) or the Sahabah (R) and try a least once a day to read Quran for myself and them. Teaching doesn’t only happen when your trying to teach, actually I’ve been told that most of what children learn, they learn just watching and mimicking.
So, in conclusion remember that the best reward is from Allah and that your Children are an Easy way to collect good deeds for a day on which they will be in short supply. Any action no matter how seemingly insignificant is recorded and Allah multiplies it to whom he wishes like a seed of grain that can produce hundreds. All praise is due to Allah any good comes from him and any mistake or error is from me and may Allah have Mercy upon us all and may he forgive us and give the best of rewards.
Abu Badr