Seeking knowledge is a type of worship and obedience to Allah (swt) and as such Allah raises high those who are knowledgeable, writes Sister Umm Mujaheed.
Allah Almighty said:
Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who have knowledge, to high ranks. (Qur'an 58:11)
Muawiyah (r) related that the Holy Prophet (s) said: "upon a person whom Allah desires good, He bestows the knowledge of faith" (Bukhari and Muslim). From amongst the best positions and highest ranks in this world is that position given to a person whom Allah has chosen for His religion. One whose heart and soul has been so greatly attached to the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah. That person has indeed acknowledged himself with religion and set out with the light and guidance of Allah to guide others to the path of Allah.
Truly, they are those chosen by Allah from amongst the rest of men, and they are the scholars who apply their knowledge. The Prophet (s) pointed out to their importance by saying: "The best amongst you is he who learns the Qur'an and teaches it", related by Ali (r) ( Bukhari).
Seeking knowledge does not only apply to a specific generation, people or gender. Knowledge is a gift from Allah bestowed upon all His servants. Allah Almighty said:
He giveth wisdom unto whom He will, and he unto whom wisdom is given, he truly hath received abundant good. (Qur'an 2:269)
Knowledge is of two kinds: one of which is compulsory and the other optional.
Concerning the compulsory type of knowledge, the Prophet (s) said: "Seeking knowledge is incumbent upon every Muslims", related by Tabarani from Ibn Abbas. This is no doubt an obligation upon every person believing in Allah as the one and only true Lord and Muhammad as His prophet (s). This knowledge includes: belief in Allah, the Angels, the Holy books (revelations), the prophets, the last day and fate. He must also understand the evils of associating gods with Allah, hypocrisy and disbelief. Then he must learn what is lawful and prohibited, in order that when he comes to pray he will know how to perform his prayers according to the Prophet's (s) way. If he lives till the holy month of Ramadan, he should learn all about fasting and the rules applying to it, including the good practises of the Holy Prophet (s), and so on.
As for optional knowledge, it becomes optional only when it is undertaken by some people. This knowledge includes the essential studies for this world, such as medicine, maths, science and so forth. Also the study of "Shariah" - Islamic studies like the science of Muslim creed and its branches, and the names of the men of ahadith and others.
The more a person struggles to learn and seek knowledge the more his love grows for his Lord and the more Allah will love him, raise him higher and reward him greater. Abu Umamah (r) reports that the holy Prophet (s) said, "A learned person or theologian is as much superior to a worshipper as I am superior to an ordinary Muslim among you". The holy Prophet (s) further added, "Allah, His angels and all those who live in the heavens and the earth, even the ants in their holes and the fish supplicate for those who instruct people in virtuous knowledge" (Tirmidhi).
It is known that the devil flows in the body like the flow of blood as it is related from the Prophet (s). That is why the Prophet (s) is concerned greatly with the student seeking knowledge so as not to waste any opportunity and miss out on the great reward, as the devil will try to distract the student and make it difficult for him to acquire knowledge. The Prophet (s) said, " A person who follows a path for acquiring knowledge, Allah will make easy the passage for Paradise for him", related from Abu Huraira(r) (Muslim).
The devil will try to occupy the knowledge seeker with the work of this world. This is why the Prophet (s) also says, "This world is cursed and cursed is everything in it, except for the remembrance of Allah", related by Abu Huraira(r) (Tirmidhi). If the devil does not succeed in stopping the person from seeking the Islamic knowledge and applying it, then he will try to tamper with the seeker's intention and change it for him. The devil will place in the person's heart pride and that person will come to think that he knows everything he needs to know about his religion. He will feel superior and think that he is near to Allah and that he is better than others. In this case all his work is returned to him (that is, rejected from Allah) and he will become envious with malice towards the scholars who are above him with knowledge.
The Holy Prophet (s) said, "Only two persons deserve to be envied, firstly a person to whom Allah has given wealth and bestowed upon him guidance to spend in a righteous cause, and secondly, the person upon whom Allah has bestowed wisdom by which he judges and which he teaches", related by Ibn Masud (r) (Bukhari and Muslim). In the above narration, being envious refers to how great the reward of that person and not merely for the reputation of that person.
The true knowledge seeker acquires knowledge only for the pleasure of Allah. He does not seek knowledge for the sake of people or to earn a reputation or position in this world, but indeed, for the sake of Allah alone and for his reward of higher stages in the Hereafter.
Seeking knowledge is a form of worship and obedience to Allah. It is as equal as other forms of worship, which also requires a sincere intention for the sake of Allah alone. The Prophet (s) said, "A person who acquires knowledge, which is being sought for the pleasure of Allah, with the intention to attain some worldly gains, such a person will not get even the fragrance of paradise on the Day of Judgement" related by Abu Huraira (r) (Abu Daud).
Knowledge is also a means of seeking nearness to Allah, and to be in the company of the Prophet (s) in Paradise. The knowledge seeker should practise good character like contentment, trust or confidence, patience and forbearance.
Originally published by Hawwa Magazine 1997 Volume 1, Issue 2