Talib Al 'Ilm
Check out our new links page in sha'Allah.
Check out our new article on the historical influence of Muslims in China.
ATTENTION! Great Islamic Bargain from the InternetYou can get the terrific Arabic Medina Program from QSS for only $30.00. Mashallah. This is the program that is used to teach students Arabic at Medina University. The QSS web address is Go to the Bookstore and get this great set of books. Also check out the other books they have for sale. All the books are authentic and would be an asset to any muslim's personal library, alhumdulillah. The only reward I get for recommending them is the greatest of rewards, hasanet from Allah SWT, alhumdulillah. Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu
Any benefit from these pages are from Allah subhana wa ta'ala and Him alone. Any mistakes, omissions or otherwise are from me and Shaitan. May Allah forgive me and bestow His mercy on us all, ameen.