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Wes's Pix Page!

Here is the Oh so nifty scoop, ok? What cha' do to view a picture is just click on the name of the picture.

Dag is dumbstruck at the simplicity of his Christmas gift.

Dagget and Norb thinking their own thoughts on each other.

Dag and Norb, as usual, having a blast.

Norb always finds SOME way to keep Dag from doing something stupid.

A good pic of Norb....

Dag and Norb are preparing to make prank phone calls.

Dag is singing his heart out!

Norb is TRYING to get some sleep.

this is a map of the downstairs of the beavers house as near as i can tell.

Dag sometimes does some pretty wierd things....

Norb is lookling really spiff.

This is a pretty nifty piece of art!

Norb has ANOTHER bright idea.

The Beavers enjoy eating peppers.

The Angry Beavers with their family.


Daggy is a being a goofy spoot-head!

Dag gives the cameraman a slightly annoyed glare.

Norb is a Karate master!

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