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You know you're a Vanessa-Mae fan if...

1. You download every Vanessa-Mae website you can find.
2. You want to learn the violin so you can be just like her.
3. You can't mention one phrase without mentioning her name.
4. All your friends and relatives know about her because you keep talking about her so much.
5. All your VM cd's are dammaged because you played them so much
6. You buy both a Guadaninni and an E-Zeta.
7. You're on every VM mailing list there is.
8. You have your own website.
9. Every radio station knows you by your first name because you constantly phone them to request Vanessa-Mae.
10. You buy two copies of ALL her CD's. One for playing again and again and one for archive only, just in case the other one would be damaged. Thanks Leo Somers.
11. Every time you visit a CD shop, the first thing you do is look at the Vanessa-Mae section to find out if there is anything new even if there isn't.
12. You know each and every detail about Vanessa-Mae.
13. On October 27, you slave over a kitchen table baking a cake for her (how sweet).
14. You know Vanessa-Mae better than you know yourself.
15. All you can do on a date is talk about Vanessa-Mae.
16. You stick Vanessa-Mae pictures and posters everywhere including your room, office, locker, etc.
17. You will do anything for Vanessa-Mae as long as it is not illegal.
18. You are sitting at your computer thinking of ideas for this list.
19. In an exam, you put down Vanessa-Mae as your name.
20. You listen to Vanessa-Mae while surfing the 'net on your computer.
21. You have Vanessa-Mae's pictures all over your textbooks.
22. You make several thick scrapbooks all about Vanessa-Mae.
23. Your posters of her are your most valuable treasures with frames and all.
24. When at school, your teacher asks you a question and your answer is "Vanessa-Mae."
25. You go crazy each time you see her on T.V.
26. You change all your likes and dislikes so you can have everything in common with her.
27. Your parents take away your VM cd's because they are going crazy from listening to them all day every day.
28. You kiss at least one of your VM posters every day before you go to bed.
29. You look for a lot of penpals to talk about VM each day.
30. You fly to London in the hopes of meeting her.
31. Somebody asks your birthday and you either say "October 27" or "Same as Paganini's only 196 years later."
32. You think that she should have been the one to promote "Girl Power" instead of the Spice Girls (I do.).
33. You buy at least 100,000 copies of Storm every day so that it can be successful in North America.
34. ...and you encourage all your friends to buy at least 100,000 copies of Storm a day.
35. You'll snap at anyone who says bad things about her.
36. If you meet her, you won't wash any part of your body that touches her.
37. Your parents are ready to crack if you mention Vanessa-Mae one more time.
38. You are sent to the principals office for carving "I Love Vanessa-Mae" on your desk.
39. You skip school just to hear an interview with Vanessa-Mae on the radio.
40. Your brother screams in pain when you play a Vanessa-Mae album.
41. You blast Vanessa-Mae whenever you hear her.
42. You become addicted to awards shows in case Vanessa-Mae wins anything or performs.
43. You know Vanessa-Mae personally.
44. Your CD player broke because you play Vanessa-Mae's cd's too much.
45. You harass radio D.J.s until they play Vanessa-Mae.
46. You hide your extra copies of your Vanessa-Mae albums because you are afraid your family might break your precious CD's.
47. You have a Vanessa-Mae screen saver.
48. You threaten to kill anyone who bothers you while you are listening to Vanessa-Mae.
49. You need Vanessa-Mae's music to survive.
50. You have a life-size cutout of Vanessa-Mae.
51. If you buy a second computer just to have the VM-screensaver running constantly while you're working.(
52. If you like Vanessa, even if you live in Canada ( kind regards to Annie ! )(
53. If you start writing fiction featuring Vanessa !!!(
54. If you change your first name to Vanessa.(
55. If you start talking to yourself as if Vanessa were there.(
56. You start humming "I Feel Love" everytime you see 2 flashing lights together, like those in the vdo. (Serena Lee
57. You go out to buy a violin, just so that VM could sign on it. (Serena Lee
58. You pester the record company to give you VM's real addresss/phone no. (Serena Lee
59. You blast any reviewers who gave below-average reviews of her albums in mags. Hopefully, they get fired :) (Serena Lee
60. In concerts, instead of waving banners or cards, you start waving a violin.(Serena Lee
61. You talk so much about VM, your friends start to avoid the topic of music, for the sake of their lives.(Serena Lee
62. You successfully converted your family into VM's biggest fans, just like yourself. (Serena Lee
63. You start a VM cult. (Serena Lee
64. You find VM's music instructors, so that you could follow her footstep, and master the violin. (Serena Lee
65. You dream that one day, you would stand next to her, playing the violin too.. (Serena Lee
66. You panic when you find she has never played a concert on your continent.(Michael mlammerding@YOUNGSMKT.COM)
67. You send email to each and every EMI and Virgin Record executive's address you can find to try to get her to play on your continent.(Michael mlammerding@YOUNGSMKT.COM)
68. You arrange your vacations to see her in concert at each and every venue she plays in, even if that means losing your job and spending all your money.(Michael mlammerding@YOUNGSMKT.COM)
69. You check all the Vanessa-Mae web pages for changes on an hourly basis.(Michael mlammerding@YOUNGSMKT.COM)
70. Your wife wonders if your interest in Vanessa-Mae is healthy.(Michael mlammerding@YOUNGSMKT.COM)
71. You cry because you've never learned to play a musical instrument.(Michael mlammerding@YOUNGSMKT.COM)
72. You wonder what Vanessa is doing, right now.(Michael mlammerding@YOUNGSMKT.COM)

Feel free to e-mail me some more ideas. Rember to make them as funny as possible.
