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Shoutouts -Appreciation for Friendship

my life wouldn`t be complete without...

kit . thanks for caring about me whenever i needed you. you`re the best brother anyone can ask for. you dont know what your support means to me =) whenever i need someone to talk to, you're always there, giving up sleep or your work (well, sometimes...). anyways, remember that no matter what, i'll always be ur good lil sis, B!! ^_^

lil . we`ve had our ups and downs throughout all these years. but no matter what, our friendship will never ever fade. now that you're in a steady relationship with ian, i hope everything else will work out. wish me the same too but the advice you give me is always the same anyways. luv ya babe.

susu . even thou we`ve grown apart, i`ll always be there whenever u need me and i know you will do the same for me. don't mess up what's in front of you in preparation for your future. carpe diem. keke. seize the day. i hope you can be happie, whatever you decide with WHOEVER, alrites?

choi.san.kit . i cant believe you changed la... finally ready for commtiment. hehe. well you wait for me to grow up too la! you and me will always be BEST hing dai forever man!!

terry . yayyyyy you'r the best. got me the REAL cd!! hehehe, well you're in another relationship yet, you are STILL my black star. but i will always remember all those times you put a smile on my face AFTER all those tears shed for you-know-who.

r0bb0 . red robster, you've always been right there, 100 meters away, analyzing situations with me and giving the most practical advice. thanks for listening to me vent all the time!

doris-shu . holy shits, finally... a normal relationship.. yay... hurry up and finish ur exams, haven't seen u in such a long time... neways, take care and best of luck when "you're 27 and he's ???" haha...

lam.kok . throughout all these years, the most memorable incident i had with u was at e-spot. without u, i dont think i could've made it thru that nite. for better or for worse, thats when our friendship started to expand so in a way, i guess i'm thankful that you were there for me when i needed you.

yuki . wow, can't believe its already a year for you and ben. i still remember him holding the vitasoy, behind the chalkboard but thanks to me, your meeting was delayed. haha, anyways we both know our friendship is weird but u know i'll always be here whenever you need someone to talk to =)

jackie . my lil sis, no matter what, we'll always be the 3 dragons and Summer 2000 will always be one of my happiest days =) if u need anything, just gimme a call okee?

sammy . babe, ur finally going steady with someone, hehe, hard to imagine but i'm so glad to see u so happy all the time! anyways, even though gr.8 math enriched and dex-drulers have passed, we'll always be friends forever - luv u!

nick . hey buddyboy, i'll never forget the stupid bet we had. hahaha. anyways, i was so stupid so who cares?!?? but what happened at #9 was even stupider. hahahaha. anyways, you've got a perfect gf man, take good care of her and don't DO ANYTHING YOU WILL REGRET.

to everyone else . thanks for sharing both my hard times and being with me to enjoy the fun. all ur support has enabled me to be what i am today... still here and full of smiles. alot of friendships come and go, but those that remain are worth to cherish. for those of you who`ve gotten my call at ridiculous AM hours, and still heard me out, i luv u all... and for those who`ve gone out of their way to care about me, thanks so much. sometimes, its the little things that count.

This List Continues! Check back for your shout

The poem below is dedicated to all of my friends throughout my life

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