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Hanson: The Albertane Tour 1998, Cincinatti Ohio, Riverbend Concert Hall August 3rd, 1998 Concert Review by: Taylor Brumagem, Carly Zac Pickelheimer,

Taylor's Point of View:

On Monday I woke up at about 10 o'clock because I had to do some house chores and go get gas and go to the bank to get some money so I could by some stuff at the HANSON CONCERT!! lol ok but anyways..the seconds I got out of bed I called Carly Zac and SUPRISE SUPRISE she was awake and had been for about an hour before me! lol I talk to her for a while, while I did what chores I had to do. Then I got off of the phone with her so I could go get gas and money. When I got back I called Zac again and told her that I was bored out of my mind. At this point I was no where near ready to even go over to Zac's house much less the concert when Zac goes "My mom said you can come over at 3!" and here it was already 2:30!! I was like "alright but I gotta go get ready first!!" So then I got off da phone with her and went to take a quick shower.

Within 45 minutes I was out of the shower, had half of my makeup on and was in my robe still when I got a call from the 5th person going to the concert with all of us, Lynn, Zac's lil sis's bestfriend. Lynn was all like "when r u picking me up?!?!" and I was like "I'm not even ready yet! I'll call you when I'm done" and I hung up with her. Then 3 minutes later I get a call from Andrea, Zac's lil' sis telling me that Lynn just decided to walk over to their house coz she was bored waiting. I didn't care really so I was like "whatever". So I went back to getting ready. And in 30 more mintues I was headed out the door with my 5 posters (That read: #1 "HANSON ROCKS!!" #2 *MMMBOP* #3 WE LIKE IKE #4 WE WANT TAYLOR!!! #5 ZAC ATTACK), my camra, my backpack filled w/ makeup and the cloths that I would be wearing to the Hanson concert that night, my purse, my sunglasses, and a nessicidy my car keys.

Within in 15 minutes I pulled into Zac and Andrea's drive way and went inside only to find that they had walked to the end of the road to get the mail and would be back in a few mintues. I sat and watched about 5 minutes of Casper; the animated series when Zac's mum came and told me that I needed to move my car because where I parked was where Zac's dad parked when he got home from work. So I went out and moved my car and the second I steped into my car I saw Zac, Andrea, and Lynn running down the driveway toward my car! After I moved my car I got out and Zac said "HEY! We were looking for you at the end of the street" and then I had to go into telling them how I had a momentarily relaps by forgetting where they lived!!! lol but I just took a wrong turn and had to take the back way to their house.

I was going to be at Zac and Andrea's a good 4 hours before the concert even started and a good 2 and 1/2 hours before we left for the concert. So we did the only thing we could think of to do to get some of our hyperness out of batmidon and listen to Hanson untill we puked. Well...not literily coz that would be really nasty!! lol we just listened to Hanson and sang right along w/ 'em and we played batmiton in the smothering heat until I couldn't control the urge to throw my racket at Andrea and just did it. And then Andrea thought it would be cool to hit all 3 birdies at the same time at me...WHEN I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A RACKET! coz it was on the other side of the net by her and Lynn! After this happened Zac and I just decided to go inside.

We had been inside for about 10-15 minutes when JJ called and asked if she could come over, Zac said yes and in another 5 minutes JJ was at Zac's house, the same time Zac's mum came back with the chicken that we ate for dinner. I don't really think anyone ate a full wing tho coz we were too excited and jumpy about the concert! lol but after this we went into Zac and Andrea's room and chilled and started putting each other's makeup on and started getting dressed and at 6 o'clock on the dot our ride was at Zac's! We were all freaking out coz they weren't supposed to get there till 15 after 6 and it was only 6!! But we all got into the van and set off for Riverbend Concert Hall to watch Hanson strut their stuff! lol

When we started getting closer to the concert Hall Zac was freakin' out!!! She was just going "Oh my god oh my god" over and over again!! JJ was just like sitting there mouth wide open and I was just like "OH MY GOD IT IS REAL!!" and Andrea and Lynn thought we were stupid for acting this way..shows who's the REALY Hanson fan's huh??!! lol

When we got out of the van we started like, walking so fast we were running into the entrance of the concert hall!! lol when we got there they had to like, look thew our purses to make sure we didn't have any drinks or anythign and then they let us in. Once we got through the ticket part we were on our own!! LOL we immeditly starting going to find our seats and as we were walking down this long streach of black top to find our seats we saw like, this big pit on the left side of the stage where a tour bus, and 2 semi-trucks were parked. I was just lookin' at 'em curious about if they were Hanson's or Admeril Twin's or both's when I saw a little blond hair boy run from behind the buss into the gravel pit where everyone could see him and I just started screaming "IT'S MACKIE!!!!!!!!!!!" and everyone started screaming and Mackie just stood their looking at us like we were dumb and then a little girl ran our of the bus and schooped him up in her arms and ran back into the bus with him. I was screaming the second we saw the girl coz it was Jessie!!!

After all this happend we went and found our seats and sat our posters down and grabed our purses and decided to go look around for tee shirts and stuff. When we were walking back up the black top high-way thing again when ppl started screaming again coz Mackie was running around again we all stoped to look again just coz Mackie is sooo cute! But we all turned around and walked back up the asile again while he was still standing there coz we had seen him like, 3 times already!

After seeing Mackie 3 times, and Jessie and Avie once we all went up and Lynn got something to drink and we all found a not-nearly-as-crowed-as-the-rest suvioner booth and bought a lot of stuff. JJ got the brown Hanson tee shirt w/ the huge picture on the back, and a tour program, Carly got a concert Hanson tee shirt that said every place the Albertane tour would be stoping at on the back of it, a tour program, and a suvioner pass. Lynn got a 4 sticker set, Andrea got a HUGE AND I MEAN HUGE wall size poster of Hanson from the "Weird" video, a tour program and a Hanson hat, and I got a sticker set and a tour program. After we all bought our stuff all 5 of us went to the bathroom so Carly, and JJ could put their new tee shirts on and so Andrea could fix her hair to put her new hat on.

After all of that we went back to our seats and sat for what seemed like a year but was acutally only an hour and listened to all the ppl on the lawn scream like they saw Hanson or something when they couldn't see anything!!! They were just screaming for the sake of screaming!! It was getting on my nerves!! Carly was talking to the three girls next to us about the lawn ppl being stupid and I was kinda' thinkin aloud and was like "what in the hell are they screaming for??!!!" and the three girls sitting in the row infront of the 5 of us turned around and were like "thats what were trying to figure out!" and we started talking and stuff.

I had been talking to the three girls in front of us for like 5 minutes, while the roadies for Hanson and Admeril Twin played fressbie, when I heard Carly scream and JJ grabed my arm and was like shaking me and then Carly was yelling at me "IT'S TAYLOR!!!" and I was like "COME AGAIN!!!??? WHERE!!!" and then I saw Taylor, jump from the steps on the back of the stage stright down and dissappear behind a semi-truck. (Everyone was screaming, and I mean everyone! I was screaming and I don't even like Taylor Hanson!!!) Taylor was playing freesbie behind a semi-truck w/ some of the roadies!!! lol it was sooo funny!!!

Taylor was playing freesbie for like, 5 mintues when he jumped back up all 5 steps to the back of the stage and this time he didn't come back out, but somone (I think it was a member of Hanson!! lol it was eaither Taylor or Isaac!) stuck their arm out of this like, curtin thing and waved! Everyone was screaming again!! and I was like "ISAAC I LOVE YOU!!!" coz this person was VERY tall, taller then Taylor but it coulda still been him, I dunno.

We waited and waited and waited some more for the concert to finally start and when it did it was everything I expected and more!! It was sooo cool! I couldn't even hear myself sing! It was bitchin' I loved it it was worth the wait and the major headach afterwards!

Zac's Point Of View

Well I woke up about 8:30 in the morning that day and I was SO hyper that I jumped literally out of bed and went outside to walk around my house. ( I do that sometimes to think) and about an hour or two later, Taylor called and we were freaking out. I mean major freaking out. After about 20 minutes of talking, we got off and Julie called. Julie went with me and my momma to Krogers to get her prescription. When Juls and I came out my mom was like 'Guess what I saw! I saw the Hanson tour bus' Julie and I freaked out so bad we were like 'Oh MY God!' And We went to biggs to get some bionoculars (that didn't work) and when I got home it was almost time for Taylor to come over. I told her what my mom saw and she freaked. (Gee we freak out a lot lol:)) Anyway, Taylor came over about 3:00pm and we played badmiton and listen to my MON CD. We were hyper becoz I bought candy for everyone going (5 people in all) and we were hyper. (Tay, Lynn don't even like Hanson, I dunno why we brought her) And about 2 hours later we were at the Hanson concert. They didn't check my bag and I went, Man I coulda brought my camera. (we're mad coz hanson said no cameras and so did riverbend (the venue) and almost everone else broguht cameras) Anyway, I saw Mrs. Hanson and Zoe and I started freaking out. The concert was awsome and I almost passed out halfway through the concert because I didn't eat. Anyway, When Zac got Taylor with the water bottle I freaked out and kept repeating to myself 'Tay is wet, He looks good wet.' Ok I know I'm perverted. Anyway. After the concert we were so quiet. I think we were in shock. I was singing 'Weird' and tried to get everyone else to but it didn't work. Oh b4 the concert, the girls sitting next to us, asked us to sing MMMbop with them (about 2 hours b4 the concert was to begin) and we did. I'm pretty sure Hanson heard us. We got to the secoind chourus and everyone stared at us like we were stupid so we stoped. Over all it was the BEST part of Summer and I hope Hanson comes back soon. If so I might have a way of getting backstage.
