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Zac's Story

Carly Zac ment no harm to anyone reading this story, it's just a dirmatic story about being unhappy. She did not mean to offend anyone.




As I sat there, watching and waiting, I realize why my life isn't complete. Angrily, I switch on my CD player to 'Nothing Else Matters' by Metallica, and start singing along.

So close, no matter how far Couldn't be much more from the heart Forever trusting who you are And nothing else matters

Rummaging in my room, that I share with two of my three brothers, I continued singing as my plans formed in my head.

Never opened myself this way Life is ours we live it our way All these words I don't just say And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do Never cared for what they know But I know...

The music blared on and on as I rummaged through my brothers desk drawers. I spotted the orange box with the word 'Sheik' printed on the front and stuffed the box in my pocket. I swiped various other things and shut the drawers that I used. Taking a sheet of paper and a pen, I jotted down a note for my brothers and left it on the desk. I left the room, knowing of my destination. Heading out the door, the wind whipped my shoulder length blonde hair every which way. A few words were spoken as I found people who recognized me and agreed to follow me to my destination. One of them had a boombox and was blasting Marilyn Manson from the speakers. I recognized the song as 'Sweet Dreams' and began to sing along.

Sweet dreams are made of these Who am I to disagree Traveled the world and the seven seas Everybody's looking for something Some of them want to use you Some of them want to be used by you Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused

I smiled at the slight irony in the last four lines of the chorus. I told the people to wait outside for a moment and went inside. Getting a hotel room, I went outside and instructed the followers to follow me into room 1204.

I seem to have them under my control

There were about 21 girls and one looked vaguely familiar.

Don't I know her? She looks really familiar.

I shook the thoughts from my head and led the girls into an overly large bathroom. Taking one of the girls out, I locked the door and pushed the first girl on to the bed. Kissing her madly, the night went quickly and I made it to the last girl. The familiar looking girl. I stood in shock as reality hit me. I raped 20 girls. Realizing who the person in front of my was, I raised a shaky gun and shot, missing him. I shot again and got him. Reality struck me. I raped 20 girls and killed 21 people. Realizing what I had done, I through my gun to the mirror and broke it, sending shards of glass everywhere. I picked up my brother and carried him home.

Oh, God, what have I done?

I ran to my house in a suburb on the outskirts of Tulsa, Oklahoma, where my family was born and raised. I brought my dying brother to my parents and said he was shot in the street. We brought him to the hospital, where he died. As we drove home, I put my headphones on to block my siblings crying. Two tears fell from my eyes as I softly sang along to 'Tears In Heaven' by Eric Clapton.

Would you know my name If I saw you in heaven Would it be the same If I saw you in heaven I must be strong To carry on 'Cause I know We don't belong here in heaven

One week later brought us to my brothers funeral. My brother, Isaac, was one of the most hysterical. Third compared to my parents of course. Isaac was sobbing and saying why did he have to die, why him. Him being our dead brother. I told him that I knew and he turned around and faced me, brown eyes meeting brown. Shaking, I held a gun to Isaac and slowly began to pull the trigger.


Isaac fell to the ground, his blood gushing out of him like a geyser. The blood soaked the freshly piled dirt, as people rushed to me. Pulling the gun from my hand they led me away. The courts found my guilty as charged for the deaths of my brothers. I confessed about killing the first one. I'm in a correctional center for trouble teens. Right now, I am in the rec. room for free time. That's why I'm in this hellhole in the wall, overlooked by everyone. The one we call 'Shande' is playing a CD in the CD player. I recognized the song as 'Enter Sandman' on the 'Black' album by Metallica.

Say your prayers, little one And don't forget my son To include everyone I tuck you in, warm within Keep you free from sin Till the sand man he comes

Sleep with one eye open Gripping your pillow tight Exit light Enter night Take my hand We're off to never never land

That's why everyone's 'little sweetheart' is a juvenile delinquent.


Shande changed the CD. It's the '....And Justice For All' CD. It's track 4, or 'One'. It's a good song. It say's how I feel sometimes.

Darkness... Imprisoning me... All that I see... Absolute horror I cannot live I cannot die Trapped in myself Body my holding cell

That's all I see. Walls. Padded walls everywhere. Here, there, everywhere. I hate this damned confusion that is always plaguing my mind.

I'm trapped in this damned room.

Landmines... Has taken my sight... Taken my speech... Taken my hearing Taken my arms... Taken my legs... Taken my soul... Left me with life in hell

Here's a knife. I snuck it. I put deep wounds in my hand and wish for death.

Death?!?! Wait, I can't die!!! I'm the only Hanson band member left!!! Oh, God please help...

'No last words for this lost soul. His soul is leaving this world for a less tortured place.' Shande

In an mmmbop, their gone In an mmmbop, their not there

Was he ever really there? __________________________________________________ Readers, I would like you to email me and tell me which Hanson you think it is and why. I'll email you back with the correct answer. Carly Zacharie
