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newry town

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St Paddys day 1999

Liverpool FC
Celtic FC
Newry Town FC

Music and stuff

Belfast Telegraph
Irish Times
Sporting Life

What a difference a year makes

info on N Ireland
About Newry

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    Oi what's this stuck to my back?

    My name is Gareth Magee.

    I am from Newry, Co Down, N Ireland This is the latest version of my site if you wish to see the previous effort go to "What a difference..." on the left hand side. My 23rd birthday is beckoning but most people say that I have the attitude of a 3 year old. Life's too short to be really serious, that's what I think anyway. If you want you can visit some of my associates shites! sorry sites.

    What do I like to do?

    Being that I am nearly 23 and a student I like to drink I also enjoy playing soccer and 'puter games, of an odd occasion. I am studying at the University of Abertay in Dundee. Business Computing by the way. I am now a 3rd year Student after doing a few resits..glad to say I passed them.

    John Kane
    Johns site allows you to see some of the uses of Java and DHTML
    Mark Kane
    4 Words..Drink, Girls, Feck, Knickers all in that order!
    Nuala Higgins
    Naula likes her music and Vodka..put the two together and you get a karaoke singer.
    Paul Grant
    Back to being a student..more time to play games like Midtown madness and C&C:Tiberian Sun...Sad lad.
    This guy doesn't give a **** what other people think..take a look and see what you think
    Sharon Thomson
    Sharon is new to the Internet thing so I have to say that her site is's not too bad actually..she is also my girlfriend.

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