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Hey People!

How ya doing? I'm pretty good. As you probably know, I'm not fighting at this moment. I'm still involved in the Site Fights though, as Little Rickey on the Rascals team.

I've gotten many gifts from friends in the Site Fights. Click here to see Page 1. ... Click here to see Page 2. They used to be on this page but I've gotten so many and depending on your computer, it could take a long time to load. So I moved them to another page so it won't take as long. I've deleted some, to clear up some space and theres some I haven't put on yet so if you sent one and it;s not there, its probably saved to be put up later!

I've also gotten a few awards from the Site Fights. Go to: To see them.

I have adopted many Site Fight things. I've put them on their own page though, because this page was starting to take awhile to load. Go to to see them all.

Click here to fill out the form if you want to exchange votes!!!

It's thw Wombat Warriors birthday!

Did you know I got put in jail? But I was Bailed Out.

Site Fights Spirit Counter

Eccentric gave me a Site Fight Spirit Stick for good luck!

I support Eccentric in the Site Fights

Predators' Hide Out
Predators' Hide Out
