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Jono likes to think he can play the guitar
here he is reminded he cant. dissapointment on his face :(
he decides to go back to what he feels most comfortable doing.....singing. He looks comfortable too.....a little too comfortable maybe. its kinda like one of those moments you capture right before a fart is excreted and you have that feeling of euphoria :)
Mark is happy about recording
Due to the lack of drummer mark was forced to be the beat master
concerned.....worried.....frustrated....all of the above
look at the hairdo..sexcy
another drum shot :)
Thumbs up!!!!!!!!! it recorded well
can he see with that hair?? ofcourse
make yourself at home take off your shoes :p hahahaha
make yourself even more at home and lick your guitar
pornstar pose yet again
how does it work???? dah

some of the recording implements