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The Audition

SIREN: (Ahem.) We would like to audition for the part of . . . uh (let me see here) Miluda, Wiegraff and this Chocobo as (hmmm, how to pronounce it) Boko. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ They audition the parts of Miluda and Wiegraff from Battle Map 7 to Battle Map 20, with Agrias as the faithful little Boko! __________________________________________________________________________________________________ CLERK: Hmmmm, you kids have some talent, except for you Kyle. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ KYLE: ME? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ CLERK: Yes, you can't immitate Wiegraff unless you are a White Knigth, not a squire, you better get training. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ She directs him to the weapons chamber and an hour later he comes out as a fully trained White Knight. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ KYLE: Now mom will be proud of me! __________________________________________________________________________________________________ AGRIAS (Chocobo): Wark wark! __________________________________________________________________________________________________ CLERK: Oh, hello, you must be here for the audition for Gafgarion. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ You look at yourself. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ CLERK: Now answer a few questions and I can register you in. Now go to the Guestbook and sign to send them in (no CGI Script available at the moment.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. What is the battle map where Gafgarion dies? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is Gafgarion's Black Knight Ability. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is the first battle map where Gafgarion becomes a guest (after Orbonne Monastery.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Recite the exact words Gafgarion says right before the battle between you and Larg's men in Orbonne Monastery. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. On a scale of 1 and 10, (1 being laughable and 10 being incredible) rate Elidibs's physical power. (I will offer some leaway here.) Not that this has anything to do with Gafgarion's role. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ So

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