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The Engine Room

:Here we are in the engine room. Here is where the sites that run this place are displayed. Actually, they don't really run this place, it's just that without them, the engines would fail, this ship would go ker-plunk and the whole site would go squat! Anyway, go to their sites, they've helped Agrias out a lot! Whoops, engines failing!
:I hate my job, why do I have to be the mechanic, why can't anybody tell Cid to do everything? I don't understand it!
:Uwahhhhh! GAU! Maybe we overthrow Setzer! Uwahhhh!
:I'm with it!
:Good idea Gau!
:Girl Power!
:Umaro agree!
:Come Interceptor, it's time we got that stupid Setzer.
:Then again . . .

The All Final Fantasy Web Page
Squall's Gunblade
Mog's Final Fantasy Site
Bao's Final Fantasy Site
The Land of Final Fantasy VII
