:Hey, Locke, Agrias's Home Under the Stars has been deleted!
:WHAT?! You're kidding me, right?
:This is not happening, this is not happening!
:HA, HA, HA!!! You fell for it, it hasn't been deleted, it moved!
:DOH! I can't believe I fell for that!
:Ha, ha, ha! Locke fell!
:No I didn't, hey, wait Celes!
:Ha, ha, ha!
:DOH! You embarassed me in front of Celes, I'll get you for that!
:Ha, ha, ha! Locke fell!
:No I didn't, just wait Terra! NO I DIDN'T!
:Tee, hee!
:I swear, I'm getting you for this Sabin!
:Tsk, tsk, Locke fell!
:No I didn't! Relm . . . please!
:Ha, ha, ha!
:That's it karate boy, take this!
:Ha, ha, ha! Locke fell!
:Wait a sec, Edgar's not a girl . . . is he?
:Well, he is my sis - er brother, but he's a bit (Pst, pst, pst!)
:Oh~! Hey, Sabin, as I look at Agrias's new URL, it's still Angel Fire!
:Well, she hasn't really moved, just her index has!
Go to the new Agrias's Home Under the Stars (though nothing's probably changed!) https://www.angelfire.com/hi/agrias/rules.html So update your bookmarks!
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