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Join MY Webring

Yes there are qaulifications for joining my webring. I'll Get right to the point.

  • 1:No Pornography or nudity(i.e. naked people)
  • 2:Must have at least 1 html page related to Squaresoft
  • 3:You Should Have a somewhat good personality towards visitors
  • Now follow these steps.

    1. Have a Webpage with FF On it

    2. Fill Out the Form Below Once that is done, come back to this page and go on below this short form.

    Submit site to the Final Fantasy + Beyond Webring
    Owner's Name:
    Site Title:
    Site URL:

    Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
    Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
    Description: Enter a short description of your site.

    3. Now put the following code somewhere on your page(Copy + Paste). Make sure you replace the _SITE_ID_HERE_ with your site id, the _YOUR_EMAIL_HERE_ with your E-Mail, and the _YOUR_NAME_HERE_ With your name. After you finish that read on below the webring

    looks like this...

    Cartoon 3 This Final Fantasy And + Webring site is owned by

    Want to join the Final Fantasy + Beyond Webring?
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    4. Now E-mail me your page URL, page Name, and site ID, and I'll add it to the ring. -Agrias
