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The Lounge

Hello I'm Kotch. Scotch used to run this place, but then some crossdresser named Cloud came in and thrashed him. Say, if any of you are filthy crossdressers, better direct yoru attention to battle. There you'll find a nice little variety of RPG battles because I've got lots of Monster-in-a-Box crates here! Oh no, I think I hear Shinra coming. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ SHINRA THUG: I though we locked you up years ago! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ KOTCH: No way, an' you ain't taking me this time! Take this! BOLT! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ SHINRA THUG: Ack! Okay you burning @$$, it's time to die! Quake 2! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ KOTCH AND SHINRA THUG: AHHHHHHHHHH! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ AGRIAS: I guess they've both been knocked out. Feel free to enjoy any of Don Corneo's suppliments in this area. As for me, I'm on the run. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ DON CORNEO: But I chose you out of Aeris and Tifa! Come back Agrias! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ AGRIAS: Not a chance fatty! STASIS SWORD! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ DON CORNEO: Oh no, I can't move! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ AGRIAS: If you don't shut up I'll chop them off, how do you like them apples? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ DON CORNEO: Apples? GIMME! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ AGRIAS: Sigh :<

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