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Character Profiles

TERRA BRANFORD: Age: 18 Height: 160 cm. Weight: 48 kg. Blood Type: Unknown Birthdate: October 18 Home: The Esper World
WOR LOCATION: In Mobliz, go into the basement of a house to find an alcove. Terra will be there and you will have to fight Phunbaba. You'll recieve the Fenrir Magicite, though Terra will be badly wounded and unable to fight. Come back later when Katarin is pregnant. Find the house where Duane is in and follow a little doberman into an alcove. Terra will figt with you again and battle Phunbaba to the end. She will now join you.
LOCKE COLE: Age: 25 Height 160 cm. Weight: 48 kg. Blood Type: O Birthdate: October 18 Home: Unknown (Estimation: Kohilgen)
WOR LOCATION: Go to Kohilgen into Rachel's House. Talk to the Partarich and learn of Locke's location. Find a mountain range that looks like a donut. Land in the donut hole with the Falcon, (deja vu for FF2 fans.) You'll be in the Phoenix Cave. Go through this tricky maze fighting the potential enemies until you find Locke. (How did Locke get through the place by himself at such a low Lv. and trigger all the switches when it took two groups filled with your people?)
EDGAR RONI FIGARO: Age: 27 Height: 183 cm. Weight: 77 kg. Blood Type: O Birthdate: August 16 Home: Figaro Castle
WOR LOCATION: Go around Nikeah and locate the cafe. Talk to all the thieves and go out. Make return visits until one orders all of them to go to the ship. Go around Nikeah and find a man named Gerad. Follow him onto the ship. Go through the South Figaro Cave to get into Figaro Castle which is stuck underground. Go through the castle to face the Engine Tentacles. Beat them and find Gerad is actually the gay perv Edgar.
SABIN RENE FIGARO: Age: 27 Height: 190 cm. Weight: 106 kg. Blood Type: O Birthdate: August 16 Home: Figaro Castle
WOR LOCATION: Go north of Albrook to find Tzen and find Sabin trying to hold up a house. Go inside the house and rescue the kid, (he's usually inside or on the piano, (if he's inside, press A at the piano.)
SHADOW: Age: Unknown Height: 178 cm. Weight: 66 kg. Blood Type: Unknown Birthdate: Unknown
WOR LOCATION: first of all, you must makes sure that you save Shadow on the Floating Continent. After you face Nerapa, you'll be able to choose Jump or Wait since the airship will be right below. Wait until there are five seconds left and Shadow will come. In WOR rescue him and Relm inside the Cave one the Veldt, formerly known as Crescent Mountain. He'll rest up in Thamasa. Bet the Striker in the colosseum, you'll fight Shadow and win Shadow on your team. He'll be very useful. Buy his throwing weapons in Jidoor.
CYAN GARRMONDE: Age: 50 Height: 178 cm. Weight: 72 kg. Blood Type: A Birthdate: Janurary 3 Home: Doma
WOR LOCATION: In Maranda talk to the woman in the house with silk flowers. Send her letter by carrier pigeon. Look at where the pigeon is going on the map. Land your airship there to find the town of Zozo. Talk to the merchant wandering around the Inn and buy Rust-Rid. Go to the rusted door in the Zozo Cafe to get to Mt. Zozo. Go through Mt. Zozo. At the end, you'll find Cyan.
GAU: Age: 13 Height: 163 cm. Weight: 50 kg. Blood Type: B Brithdate: April 5 Home: The Veldt
WOR LOCATION: Go on the Veldt with less than four people, (one preferably,) and beat the enemy group, if you have one person, Gau will show up, anymore up to four and he might show up.
CELES CHERE: Age: 18 Height: 172 cm. Weight: 58 kg. Blood Type Birthdate: March 10 Home: Vector
WOR LOCATION: I don't think I have to explain this.
SETZER GABINNI: Age: 27 Height: 175 cm. Weight: 48 kg. Blood Type: AB Birthdate: Feburary 8 Home: Unknown
WOR LOCATION: In the Kohilgen Cafe.
STRAGO MAGUS: Age: 70 Hieght: 151 cm. Weight: 43 kg. Brithdate: Janurary 13 Blood Type: O Home: Thamasa
WOR LOCATION: Go to the Fanatic's Tower with Relm and Strago will join.
RELM ARROWNY: Age: 10 Height: 153 cm. Weight: 4 kg. Blood Type: B Birthdate September 9 Home: Thamasa
WOR LOCATION: Go into the Cave in the Veldt. Follow Interceptor then find Relm. Rescue Relm, (and maybe Shadow,) from the two Behemoths and then find the Phoenix. Come back to learn Relm has been taken by an aristocrat. Go to Jidoor and into Owzer's Mansion. Go up to the pictures and press A. You will have to battle the enemy if the painting was done by Relm. One of them opens a door to the basement maze. Go through the maze. Finish off Chadarnook, get Starlet and she will come.
MOG: Age: 11 Height: 122 cm. Weight: 43 kg. Blood Type: Well, what would a Moogles' blood type be? Birthdate: May 1 Home: Narshe
WOR LOCATION: In Narshe, after Mog is killed by Lone Wolf and revived by Umaro, Go into the Narshe Mines and find Mog. Talk to him and he'll join.
UMARO: Age: 4 Height: 209 cm. Weight: 198 cm. Blood Type: Well, what would a sasquatchs' blood type be? Birthdate: September 9 Home: Narshe
WOR LOCATION: Go into the Narshe snowhills. Fight Tritoch, (remember, Ice attacks heal it, Aura Bolt does 0.) A gap will open up. Fall through and make your way to a skull. Go up to it and press A. take out the stone and Umaro will come. Make sure to have Mog on your party. Fight Umaro until you defeat him. Mog will knock soem sense into him and Umaro will join.
GOGO: Age: Unknown, Height: 166 cm. Weight: 60 kg. Blood Type: Unknown Home: Unknown
WOR LOCATION: Go onto the Triangle Shaped island, (not Solitary Island.) Fight the ZoneEater, but let him devour all your people. You'll get sucked in. Go around the ZoneEater until you find Gogo. To exit, find a shaft of light near the area where you started and it'll warp you up to solid ground, (Triangle Island.)

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