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Rules and Regulations

There are a few things you may need to understand before entering (I can never trust you guys!)

As it seems to me, some people have been copying and pasting objects from my sites I don't want them to distribute on theirs and some that they need special permission from others to get, so I want to make it clear to you now since it is becoming somewhat of a problem . . .


There are a few exceptions like Webrings and Banners, Fan Club pictures, things I want you to copy, but unless prompted, please ask me first, okay?
:Okay, Agrias, nothing, we'll copy nothing . . .
:No, I really mean it! Here, have some
Just so you understand, if you don't folow these rules, you give me some of this
If you have an idea to make my site better, tell me!
I know you'll think I'm a little but my site is and it's so be kind!
If you can't abide by these rules you can't visit this site any more!
So, that means, no any
For the . . . I don't know how many times I've said this, but if yo ucan abide by these rules, everyone will be !
Copyright 1998-1998
to go to the real site!
