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Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Spells


Effect: recovers HP. Once mastered at a high level, recovers all HP.

Class: White

Location: Foresta - Go to the back and jump over the logs and into the back of the house. You'll find a chest with Cure in it.


Effect: An earthquake shakes all enemies.

Class: Black

Location: Bone Dungeon - In the skeleton hide before the one that leads up into Flamerous Rex's chamber, go straight up and open the chest.


Effect: A flame roars and damages one ore more opponents.

Class: Black

Location: Focus Tower - In the camber after the one which you must open with the Sand Coin, search around for a chest containing Fire.


Effect: Recovers all status problems for one.

Class: White

Location: Falls Basin - it's in the chest near the Snow Crab.


Effect: Deletes an enemy or allows you to escape from castles or dungeons on the menu.

Location: Battelfield - You win it in the battlefield just above the Libra Temple.


Effect: Makes enemy or enemies turn into a snowman and deals ice damage.

Class: Black

Location - Focus Tower: Keep advancing from the area where you find the old man and the Venus Shield, it's on the opposite side.


Effect: Bolt damage to one or all enemies.

Class: Wizard

Location: Battelfield - You win it in the battlefield just before the Mine near Fireburg.


Effect: White flashes deals a great amount of damage to all evil creatures.

Class: Wizard

Location: The Volcano - After beating the Werewolf in front of an opening on the first hill, go through and left to find White, this helps a lot against bosses until you get Flare.


Effect: Revives one or recovers all HP and recovers all status problems plus makes a great weapon against healthy enemies.

Class: White

Location: Lava Dome - Find it among the great maze.


Effect: Tornadoe spins one or more enemies.

Location: Focus Tower - After opening the first door with the Sun Coin, turn into the first door and continue down the passage and face the enemy group and then win Aero!


Effect: Earth elemental sends meteors crashing down and damaging all enemies.

Class: Wizard

Location: Giant Tree - It's on the 1st Floor, (psst, go through the forest of mushrooms with Mad Toads!)


Effect: Ultra fire damage combining Fire and White damages all.

Class: Wizard

Location: Pazuzu's Tower - It's on the 6th Floor!

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