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Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Weapons

Steel Sword

Users- Your character

This weapon sucks $h!t! Too bad you have to fight a boss with it, actually the boss is the first enemy in the game! Try to replace as fast as you can.


Users- Kaeli, your character

This will be your strongest weapon until you get the Knight Sword. You get this weapon in Level Forest. After fighting the minatour Kaeli will be badly poisoned and give you her axe.


Users- Your character

These attack all characters with an explosion that is quite powerful, but you are limited and you may need to use them to bomb doors. You learn to use these and buy 50 in Bone Dungeon when you reach a door made of rocks and Tristam blasts it open. Cat Claw

Users- Phoebe, your character

How efficient, Phoebe using a Cat Claw! Though this is a bit weaker than the axe, the cat claw allows you to climb and inflicts paralyze and a couple of other anomalies. Pheobe gives this to you in the Wintry Cave when she uses it to hang on and save her life, she then gives it to you. NOTE: Just like all the other claws, you can only climb dotted areas.

Jumbo Bomb

Users- Your character

Phoebe teaches you this in Falls Basin after defeating the Snow Crab.

Knight Sword

Users- Your character

And you thought the Bow of Grace was a bit too powerful! The Knight Sword should do more damage than the Bow of Grace. It's in a treasure chest within the Ice Pyramid. It's hard to explain where so we'll just say that it's in an area with lots of bad guys and where you first meet the Ice Golem.

Battle Axe

Users- Your character

A heavy duty axe that can handle the worst of them! You can buy this in Fireburg in the house to the left of the Hotel.

Mega Grenade

Users- Your character

The ultimate of the bombs! Instead of laying these like usual bombs you can throw these! You get them from Arion's partner in the hut in the lwoest part of town. Open the door using a key that Tristam gives you after you talk to him after trying the door.

Charm Claw

Users- Your character

You find this inside the Mine near Fireburg. It is within a cave which you need a Mega Grenade to open.

Giant's Axe

Users- Kaeli, Your character

This is the only weapon in the game that you can use and that your partner can use in the same battle! You'll find this in the lowest part of Alive Forest. In the thick underbrush before the Giant Tree keep swiping downwards until you find a chest guarded by specters and mummies!

Dragon's Claw

Users- Your character

After Tristam talks about Kaeli, Go back to Aquaria and talk to Spencer. Tristam will ditch you aand give you the Dragon's Claw. An advantage to having this claw is that it can grapple onto hooks and incisor rocks.


Users- your character

This is the ultimate weapon in the game and just happens to be a sword! This sword is hidden in Pazuzu's Tower which is in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th floor (my memory is failing me!)

Partner Weapons

Kaeli - Axe, Giant's Axe

Tristam - Ninja Stars

Phoebe - Cat Claw, Bow of Grace

Reuben - Morning Star

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